The Sjambok

That's all some people understand. It's a much better solution than killing them. A sjambok can paralyze someone.
A skilled sjambok artist can easily disarm a gun or knife welding assailant before he has a chance to use his weapon. One hard handsrike will do this very quickly rendering the hand useless for a few seconds. Enough time for the sjambok artist to deliver more strikes dropping the assailant to the ground incapacitating him.
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A skilled sjambok artist can easily disarm a gun or knife welding assailant before he has a chance to use his weapon. One hard handsrike will do this very quickly rendering the hand useless for a few seconds. Enough time for the sjambok artist to deliver more strikes dropping the assailant to the ground incapacitating him.

Good luck with that one as you are presupposing that the assailant is coming at you face on with weapon in hand just like the films.
A skilled sjambok artist can easily disarm a gun or knife welding assailant before he has a chance to use his weapon. One hard handsrike will do this very quickly rendering the hand useless for a few seconds. Enough time for the sjambok artist to deliver more strikes dropping the assailant to the ground incapacitating him.
Can you be a bit more detailed on where you're coming from on this subject? What is your experience with the sjambok; who trained you and who have you trained with? What is your experience and training with the knife? What is your experience and training with handguns?

Some of the things that you're writing elevate the sjambok far past what my experience tells me are its capabilities, particularly in relation to what my experience tells me of the capabilities of the other weapons you've specified. I can't tell if you're an excited new student with limited experience regarding the weapons being referenced or if you just have a hard-on for the sjambok and, in your zeal, have put on blinders related to the limitations of the weapon.

Peace favor your sword,
The sjambok is MUCH, MUCH faster also non-lethal. Battery is a much lighter charge than murder. Sjamboks only drawback is impossible to carry concealed. It will set an aggressor on fire though. I've read reports of men with permanent sjambok scars that they got through they're clothes. Which were ripped to shreds after a few strikes.
I get an uneasy sense of glorification of the damage of the weapon in some of your posts, no?
I respond with this question: Has anyone here been stuck with a full force lash from a 42" sjambok? The pain is with no exaggeration PARALYZING. It's possible to shear off fingers & break bones if struck with enough force. Ask James Loriega, he's an instructor inn the Trece Cortes eskrima system. The weapon can be reversed & the handle used as a club. Ask a SA police officer how effective the sjambok is. It all comes down to the skill of the weilder. A master can easily kill with it. A complete beginner can leave bleeding gashes. Once you've felt it's searing pain you will have no further questions I assure you. Until then debating is pointless.
Sjambok is alot like the nunchakus. Unless you train w/ it it isn't a totally practical idea for self-defense. If you train w/ it & learn how to effectively use it the it is most certainly an excellent weapon.

Here's a response I got from Jim K. who is a professional self-defense instructor to police & military personnel:

YES! Sjambok is VERY effective. Lynn Thompson tells stories of using the
Sjam in fighting - holy cow the damn thing is devastating. I too could
tell stories of light taps that end fights. The IDIOT you speak of is
thusly so, let'em rant and rail... their own ignorance betrays their
cause. Sjambok is so, so effective it should be banned, it does
THAT MUCH damage - yikes!!

It is the best of saber, the stick, the whip and the cane all in one
package. It's unique aspects produce surprises in the results (wounds)it
makes, the Sjambok does a type of damage rarely seen in "normal" weapons
use. It has a rather unique hydrostatic shock effect that must be seen
to be appreciated.

If you need to or want to hear more of this just call me and lets talk
for 15 min... otherwise I be writing you a small book! Speaking of
books, have you or the other fellow read Loriega's book on Sjambok
usage? (I wrote the forward ) -- SCOURGE OF THE DARK CONTINENT

OK, hope this helps some!
May 31, 2007

tellnerSenior Master
Sukerkin, there are whips and there are whips. A shotted quirt can be deadly, and it's useful in close quarters. The sjambok, both traditional and the SA Police version, is a terrible weapon that can cut to the bone and remove fingers.

I get an uneasy sense of glorification of the damage of the weapon in some of your posts, no?

I think it may be worse than that, after these latest offerings. Frankly such enjoyment of other people's suffering is disgusting.
Ever hear of Friday the 13th or Halloween or Jaws or Nightmare on Elm St.? You must love those!

Lighten Up!

No I don't watch horror films, I find them boring. They are also fiction, you are posting up pictures of real people suffering and seemingly getting a thrill out of them. There's also the thing that many people see this site at work so a 'not safe for work' label should have been stuck on.
You seem to not understand the significance of the South African police using this weapon on black people, are you unaware of the years of suffering under apartheid?
Your reading waaaaaay too much into this. South Africa is far worse off now than it was during Apartheid.

The Glory of South Africa Fading Away After Apartheid

The state or not of South Africa now has nothing to do with this, the history has however and the use of the sjambok is part of that history. You seem to not understand the implications of using weapons other than 'wow this is really cool'. With owning weapons comes responsibility.
I'm not responsible for someone else's use of an excellent weapon. The fact it WAS used during Apartheid only demonstrates the sjambok's effectiveness.