The Rouge B-52, a foiled attack on Iran, and a missing Missile

Dont worry, the world will end due to peak oil, peak water, global warming, super volcanoes, a meteor strike and Bushes next big planned attack on your neighborhood to justify invading Iran...and whatever else...before the CIA can decode the transmissions.
Dont worry, the world will end due to peak oil, peak water, global warming, super volcanoes, a meteor strike and Bushes next big planned attack on your neighborhood to justify invading Iran...and whatever else...before the CIA can decode the transmissions.

Good point. I'll wrap the dog in tinfoil that should create enough of a faraday cage to block the transmissions long enough for me to escape.

Seriously, all hyperbole aside, um, does anyone think that our country needs to be a lot more careful with our nuclear weapons and material? If these examples are anywhere near as benign as they MSM reports, that should be more then enough to raise a few red flags...
Seriously, all hyperbole aside, um, does anyone think that our country needs to be a lot more careful with our nuclear weapons and material?

Yes. Indeed. Absolutely. Without question. And I don't just say that because my house is halfway between ND and LA.
Seriously, all hyperbole aside, um, does anyone think that our country needs to be a lot more careful with our nuclear weapons and material? If these examples are anywhere near as benign as they MSM reports, that should be more then enough to raise a few red flags...

I can't say too much about weapons, but materials are pretty ridiculously secure-specifically those classified as "special nuclear material." SNM is generally under several layers of safeguards during transport, the last one being a special surprise I can't talk about. Schedules for transports are flexible, and not at all widely disseminated, trucks are benign in appearance, drivers are armed, trucks are satellite tracked, etc., etc., etc.

Other dangerous materials are another story, though-that includes high level waste.......
Since when did they start painting the B-52 red :D? I have heard so many theories concerning this incident - one of such being that the government is preparing a false flag nuclear attack on its own soil to justify suspending the constitution, turning the country into a police state, and starting another illegal war. I don't know what they are doing up there, none of us really knows what they are up to or what they plan on doing. However, engaging in fear mongering and spreading such theories without any substantial proof is not helping at all. Trust me - there are a lot of stupid people in the military (not all, mind you) who make bad mistakes every now and then and this incident was probably one of them. At the same time, I am not so naive as to think that the government is 100% good and always has my best interests at heart :wink2:. Like I tell any other conspiracy theorist - we'll just have to wait and see to be sure. Even if something is going on, what exactly are you going to do about it?
I have heard so many theories concerning this incident - one of such being that the government is preparing a false flag nuclear attack on its own soil to justify suspending the constitution, turning the country into a police state, and starting another illegal war.

It's technologically insupportable to conduct a "false flag nuclear attack" on U.S. soil with a U.S. manufactured weapon.
I can't say too much about weapons, but materials are pretty ridiculously secure-specifically those classified as "special nuclear material." SNM is generally under several layers of safeguards during transport, the last one being a special surprise I can't talk about. Schedules for transports are flexible, and not at all widely disseminated, trucks are benign in appearance, drivers are armed, trucks are satellite tracked, etc., etc., etc.

Other dangerous materials are another story, though-that includes high level waste.......

This is what raises red flags with me. If SNMs are put under such strict safeguards, why wouldn't actual WEAPONS have similar safeguards. Like I've said, there are ALOT of people who are involved in governmental affairs that not only can't beleive this happened, but that an "snafu" like this CAN'T happen. I don't think the official explanation holds water. I'd like to hear, what Paul Harvey would say is, "the rest of the story."
It's technologically insupportable to conduct a "false flag nuclear attack" on U.S. soil with a U.S. manufactured weapon.

I don't think that they would go that far, personally. However, you have many fear mongers out there who would have you believe otherwise. As far as what they can and can't do, nothing is impossible in this day and age, and they have lots of technological devices and options that are not known to the general public. Now, don't take that as an endorsement of crackpot theories - take it more as me saying that our government is more creative and hardcore than most people would think :wink2:.
It's technologically insupportable to conduct a "false flag nuclear attack" on U.S. soil with a U.S. manufactured weapon.

Why is that? Do they have technology that would prevent them from being used or accidentally blowing up in the US?

God, I hope so... :eye-popping:
This is what raises red flags with me. If SNMs are put under such strict safeguards, why wouldn't actual WEAPONS have similar safeguards. Like I've said, there are ALOT of people who are involved in governmental affairs that not only can't beleive this happened, but that an "snafu" like this CAN'T happen. I don't think the official explanation holds water. I'd like to hear, what Paul Harvey would say is, "the rest of the story."

It's quite simple, really. Actual weapons are meant to be used, and controlled by the military. While they have safeguards in place, especially around transport and deployment, they are more available than SNM, which, while it is meant to be used, is used differently. When it is transported, it is simply from one extremely secure facility to another, and usually planned months in advance-though the schedule is kept extemely secret. A "snafu" like this one, with the weapons, probably has happened more often than we've heard about...... for "the rest of the story," fuggedaboutit. You wouldn't believe it, either, most likely. :lol:
This is what raises red flags with me. If SNMs are put under such strict safeguards, why wouldn't actual WEAPONS have similar safeguards.

Perhaps those weapons are not active or fully operational while they are being transported (which, when you think about it, makes a lot of sense because what if something happens to the transport truck and the weapon accidentally goes off or something)? If this is true, then perhaps they wouldn't need to employ such stringent safeguards for a "sleeping" weapon.
no, but every reactor leaves traces in the material it produces.

a "special weapon" bomb made of material produced in america is traceable to american reactor.

you cant false flag a nuke strike
Why is that? Do they have technology that would prevent them from being used or accidentally blowing up in the US?

God, I hope so... :eye-popping:

No, it's technologically infeasible for some very simple reasons.

In the event of a nuclear detonation in the U.S., part of all the emergency response would be the dispatch of volunteers from NEST. In this case, it would not be as a search or recovery team, but as forensic experts. Material from ground zero would be used to characterize the weapon, specifically its core mechanism material. This would be done via characterization of the transuranic end products. By this process, it would be easy to determine that the weapon was of U.S. origin, right down to date and place of manufacture.

Of course, this does not rule out using a weapon that was made with nuclear material of foreign origin, but that case doesn't apply.....

no, but every reactor leaves traces in the material it produces.

a "special weapon" bomb made of material produced in america is traceable to american reactor.

you cant false flag a nuke strike

Or, what he said. Except for the last sentence.
I am playing devil's advocate here so go along :D, but who says that it would have to be a "strike" per se? There are many nuclear devices capable of leveling an entire city that don't require a launch of some kind (think tactical mini-nukes here). A home made nuclear missile attack is out of the question (it would look pretty suspicious if we launched one of our own missiles at our own land), however, a nuclear false flag attack using another type of nuclear device wouldn't be impossible (although like I said earlier, I seriously doubt such a thing would happen and that it is just the stuff of fear monger fantasy).
I am playing devil's advocate here so go along :D, but who says that it would have to be a "strike" per se? There are many nuclear devices capable of leveling an entire city that don't require a launch of some kind (think tactical mini-nukes here). A home made nuclear missile attack is out of the question (it would look pretty suspicious if we launched one of our own missiles at our own land), however, a nuclear false flag attack using another type of nuclear device wouldn't be impossible (although like I said earlier, I seriously doubt such a thing would happen and that it is just the stuff of fear monger fantasy).

All that notwithstanding, the material could still be characterized as of U.S. manufacture.
Yep, and they could still spin it around and cover it up in a way that nobody would suspect, or if they did, they would get the same treatment as that dude from the UN who was about to reveal the truth about Iraq's WMD but conveniently ended up dead in a feild before he could talk. Btw, your green light thingy is not on to indicate that you are online. I believe that the government is creating false flag posts with your account :xtrmshock:lol:.
But seriously, the government was not preparing to strike Iran, launch a false flag attack, have sex with the missiles, or engage in any other conspiracy theory. It just happened to be a case of military negligence, and the people who were responsible were not only publically revealed, but they were reprimanded for their negligence. Now where is that red B-52?
Having spent over 17 years in nuclear weapons handling, command and control of nuclear capable forces, holding the postion of wing weapons officer of a strategic bomb wing, and with over 2000 flight hours in the B52 during the height of the Cold War I can honestly say that I know something about this subject.

Simply put, there are just too many safeguards in place for this to have happened.

Can the conspiracy nuts just get back to concentrating on Area 51?

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute

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