Things Republicans Believe

WOW! more straw men than a scarecrow factory! I didn't know left-side pundits had so sharpened their straw-man construction skilz, for sooo many years Rush had the corner on that market. He is the Bruce Lee of re-defining your opponents thoughts so that you can easily tear them down. He did more talking about "what liberals believe" than any 5 liberals LOL
Always good to see the right wing republican/nazis get their panties in a knot. There humor may not be funny but their dry attempts at it are amusing.
bustr said:
Always good to see the right wing republican/nazis get their panties in a knot. There humor may not be funny but their dry attempts at it are amusing.
Nazis? lol. Someone's got their panties in a knot, but it isn't the Republicans. As far as political debate goes, Republicans actually have humor. Democrats idea of humor is usually to call someone a Nazi and then congratulate themselves for their cleverness. It's kind of sad and pathetic. That's why Conservative talk show hosts are so successful, and Liberals have to fund their shows with money out of their own pockets, because they take themselves to seriously.

Just relax, man, it's just politics. Is it really necessary to drop the "Nazi" bomb? Both those lists are true. Republicans do tend to support big business at the expense of the common man, and Democrats would rather hug a terrorist than stop one. That's what makes it all so funny. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Godwin is a creep. His "law" is only a step away from denying the holocaust. It sounds like his family slid down the ratline.
umm... no...

The law says that as threads get longer comparrisons to Nazi's and Hitler become more likely.

And they did, and still do. Several get made on this forum.

When they do the person making them is no longer debating, they are flaming. Cause short of someone commiting massive genocide the comparisson is silly. For example calling right wing conservatives Nazi's, which seems rather common.

That is not useful debate, that is just tossing insults.

A similar rule is this one:

I'd also say that as of late this forum has provided supporting evidence for Godwin's Law. All the political discussions turn to right vs left, then the Nazi's and Communists and tree hugging hippies come out to play.
Andrew Green said:
umm... no...

The law says that as threads get longer comparrisons to Nazi's and Hitler become more likely.

And they did, and still do. Several get made on this forum.

When they do the person making them is no longer debating, they are flaming. Cause short of someone commiting massive genocide the comparisson is silly. For example calling right wing conservatives Nazi's, which seems rather common.

That is not useful debate, that is just tossing insults.

A similar rule is this one:

I'd also say that as of late this forum has provided supporting evidence for Godwin's Law. All the political discussions turn to right vs left, then the Nazi's and Communists and tree hugging hippies come out to play.
And it's funny how almost universally applicable Godwin's law seems to be.