The lie everyone tells

I Never ask unless I want the real answer and give a good God Damn. If the answer is Fine, well then Great!, tell me about your recent triumphs. If the answer is " I was thinking of swerving in front of an oncoming Semi this morning" then I want to hear that too. I will Make time to talk and get you whatever help you need. I asked in the first place because I care about you and how you are. :kiss:

I don't lie to the people who ask that question and wait for a real answer. A great deal of the time and for most people who ask that question I can just make a garbled sound and they say " great, great " and move on with their conversation. They talk "at" you, not "to" you.
All I do is repeat their statments back to them and make "Ahhhhh", and "Mmmmmmhhh" sounds, and use nothing phrases like "I understand what you are saying" and they go away very happy. I am glad they are happy and I am uncompromised.:shrug:

I forgot one of my favorite response to this and i just used it today to remind me

Person 1: How are you
Xue: Well I'm standing upright and not taking a dirt nap so I can't be that bad
Person 1: looks and me and walks away.

I do love messin with people sometimes :EG:
I forgot one of my favorite response to this and i just used it today to remind me

Person 1: How are you
Xue: Well I'm standing upright and not taking a dirt nap so I can't be that bad
Person 1: looks and me and walks away.

I do love messin with people sometimes :EG:
I like, "Well, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm really, really good." :)

When I was younger, I liked to say, "Ever since I was approved for the witness relocation program, I'm doing... OH MAN! I wasn't supposed to say that!"
I like, "Well, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm really, really good." :)

Two days ago a woman I work with started respondnig to that questino this way "I'm doing GREAT" and it is really messing people up

When I was younger, I liked to say, "Ever since I was approved for the witness relocation program, I'm doing... OH MAN! I wasn't supposed to say that!"


I Like it... and now.... I'm going to steal it... and use it :asian:
I Never ask unless I want the real answer and give a good God Damn. If the answer is Fine, well then Great!, tell me about your recent triumphs. If the answer is " I was thinking of swerving in front of an oncoming Semi this morning" then I want to hear that too. I will Make time to talk and get you whatever help you need. I asked in the first place because I care about you and how you are. :kiss:

I don't lie to the people who ask that question and wait for a real answer. A great deal of the time and for most people who ask that question I can just make a garbled sound and they say " great, great " and move on with their conversation. They talk "at" you, not "to" you.
All I do is repeat their statments back to them and make "Ahhhhh", and "Mmmmmmhhh" sounds, and use nothing phrases like "I understand what you are saying" and they go away very happy. I am glad they are happy and I am uncompromised.:shrug:

If you give a diatribe of personal issues when people ask how you are, you are training them to stop asking how you are.
If you don`t want to know how someone really is then Don`t ask! If I am not up to par I generally don`t answer, I just smile politely. I don`t go on with a diatribe. It bothers me when someone asks and doesn`t wait for an answer or doesn`t bother to listen to the answer. I abhor lip service.

Xue: Well I'm standing upright and not taking a dirt nap so I can't be that bad.

My similar response is I woke up on this side of dirt so I am doing OK.
or my other is
If I was doing any better their would have to be two of me and the world could not stand that!!
I don't know anyone really who says 'how are you' in greeting. Round our way it's 'naw then' or 'ey up' or the universal 'hiya' so we don't need to lie. If some one asks you how you are it's a serious question requiring a serious answer.
I don't know anyone really who says 'how are you' in greeting. Round our way it's 'naw then' or 'ey up' or the universal 'hiya' so we don't need to lie. If some one asks you how you are it's a serious question requiring a serious answer.
There used to be an English expression of saying, "What, What?" after a comment. It was just an expression. No answer expected....
There used to be an English expression of saying, "What, What?" after a comment. It was just an expression. No answer expected....

Who told you that? I suspect that's a Hollywood invention used in old Sherlock Holmes films and the like. No one has really said that.
Depends where you said it lol, if it was in the north they would thump you for being poncey, in the south they'd ignore you.
Well, in these books I read we are generally talking pre-twentieth century; so, there wouldn't be anyone left alive to get it. I'm sure there are plenty of people to beat me up. I won't be ignored, however, them southers sound like sissies.
Well, in these books I read we are generally talking pre-twentieth century; so, there wouldn't be anyone left alive to get it. I'm sure there are plenty of people to beat me up. I won't be ignored, however, them southers sound like sissies.

A born northerner lol! The books you'll find such language in are usually things like Jeeves and Wooster, Sherlock Holmes and the like. It is supposed to portray an upper class blithering idiot type, a stereotype loved by authors. The regional accents here and the languages (we have 5 native languages here, 6 if you include French in the Channel Isles) all have their own very different speech patterns so you can never say that all English is the same here. In fact most people don't actually understand what anyone not from their area says!