Lies, cheating and stealing?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, Just wanted to share this a fellow worker did not show up for work..ask his wife to lie for him..saying he was at work. There is alot more to this story..we had to call police for a missing person.

Anyway the point is this...He and his wife cannot ever be trusted for 100% if we have this problem again. Both of them are now branded as Liars.

If you lie,cheat or steal,(including shop lifting) and your friends know will never be one they can trust 100%. By your own friends.

Even just once is too much...How much of you know friends,employees who lie, cheat and steal? you still trust them 100%? Most likely not?

Always tell tell the truth, be trustworthly, and honest....this will always be the best thing to do!

For if you are caught lieing,cheating or stealing...this will be forever hang on you...and you will have to live with-it. Especially by your friends..who will most likely not trust you 100%. (you will be suprise how many people will know too!)

We loss alot respect for this person....things will never be the same again!

In a way if feel sorry for them..because between them..there will never be a 100% trust for each day they will understand this......Aloha

PS: It takes hard work to be good,honest,trustworthly....can only be earn!
My Friend used to steal stuff out of shops and he got caught by the police, which completely sucked because he had an ipod and the police thought it was stolen ( I dont know Why) and they took it off him, the thing was, the ipod was mine but...I got it back after about 2 weeks trying to find the receipt.
Although I cannot comment fully on this story, not having known the details (nor is it my business unless the original poster deems it so), I can say, that when someone has to lie to cover things up, he ends up piling on one lie after another to cover up those lies. Sooner or later, one of the pieces of the puzzle fall apart, and everything is exposed for what it is.

still learning said:
Always tell tell the truth, be trustworthly, and honest....this will always be the best thing to do!

Exactly. It actually takes less effort to tell the truth in the first place, than to have to waste all of that time thinking up one lie after another.

As for people who steal from a dojo, that is a very saddening thing to experience, indeed. People who you thought were your "friends" are now better regarded as suspects.
I don't think it is a very effective argument to say that it is not worth lying because it takes too much effort. Nor is it true that lies are always exposed. I think that it is more compelling to say that it is wrong. Simple.

Don't not lie becuase you might get caught.....this only encourages you to try harder. Likewise you should not avoid lying simply because it will one day be exposed...... this train of thought will be torn down, and then where are you?

Be virtuous and have integrity.
Thread moved to Bar & Grill

Rich Parsons
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