Where has true honesty gone?

Shizen Shigoku said:
I'm sure Heretic won't like my 'instrumentalism' but I believe it's a matter of utility: tell the truth or lie - which will bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people.

I disagree with the Machievellian "ends justify the means" philosophy you are advocating, yes. However, it isn't the same type of "instrumentalism" that sgtmac_46 was relying on before, which was essentially one of natural selection and functional fit. Your instrumentalism is one of moral utilitarianism, in which doing "good" to the most number of people is the goal. His instrumentalism is one of moral nihilism, in which traits that are the most adaptive or survivable is the goal (and actual moral concerns are ignored).

A large part of the problem with your suggestion, though, is how one defines bringing "the greatest good" to others. Some would argue knowing the truth is "the greatest good". Others would postulate what makes people's lives easier or more pleasant is "the greatest good".

Laterz. :asian:
michaeledward said:
Again ... Poppycock.

This time, I'll suggest a Michael Jackson song for reference: 'The Man in the Mirror'.
Practice what you preach.
you're good at tearing things down,but offer nothing positive in return.
Just because I disagree with "your world" does not make it POPPYCOCK all the time.

Most everyone else has t least something positive or interesting to say.
But you moan and quote total rubbish.
At least mine,and thiers, is genuine and from the heart and soul and thought out a bit more than just having a book to read.
The book you recommened should actually be titled "How to Blow Smoke and Con People".
And Micheal Jackson music just sucks.

But to quote another person.....

Bammx2 said:
Practice what you preach.
you're good at tearing things down,but offer nothing positive in return.
Just because I disagree with "your world" does not make it POPPYCOCK all the time.

Most everyone else has t least something positive or interesting to say.
But you moan and quote total rubbish.
At least mine,and thiers, is genuine and from the heart and soul and thought out a bit more than just having a book to read.
The book you recommened should actually be titled "How to Blow Smoke and Con People".
And Micheal Jackson music just sucks.

But to quote another person.....

If you want true honesty, just 'be honest'.

It really is that simple. (Is that positive enough for you?)
MACaver said:
Likewise there's nothing wrong with NOT having chemistry with a woman to be friends with her. I've dozens of "lady-friends" but we're just friends, no chemistry, no attraction, no intimacy (physical or otherwise...yes, there is more than one type of intimacy :rolleyes: ), nothing except that we enjoy each other's company enough to either chat for a bit or whatever. It's that rare thing of platonic relations that still a lot of guys don't understand. But it took me a while too.
Actually, it's not that kind of chemistry. Platonic relationships are my forte actually (I'll bet that says something about the other kinds, eh? :rolleyes:), and the thing is that, like MACaver says, I don't feel a need or want to get emotionally intimate with them, meaning them about talking how I feel. Now this is a problem, because that means I have almost nothing to talk to them about (I dislike small talk), and this results in them talking about themselves all the time, and you can see where this is going.

As for Ceicei's comment, the only problem is that that gets old too.

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