The Last Person.....

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Doing OK..Father Greek left for Atlanta to renew his Police Defensive Tactics Certificate and I'm working all weekend...

I hope he has a great trip, I am trying to arrange things so I can be at that seminar.
We must all participate in the other threads or else we can truely never be a post whore.
Okay so I am back on a laptop until my computer is fixed.

Right now I am just waiting until my Saturday morning private lessons show up.
Okay so I am back on a laptop until my computer is fixed.

Right now I am just waiting until my Saturday morning private lessons show up.

Good moring Brian and how are you Sir? Me just detting ready to leave for the school classes at 9 am.
Yes I am doing good Terry and yourself? I am also getting ready to teach and train and looking forward to it. Then the rest of the day will be spent playing.
Doing like always great, I too must teach those wanting it and then it is family day with the boys, maybe go-carting and then the movies.
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