The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Only **knock on wood** been K.O.ed once, by a ridge hand by my SBN.. . learned a big lesson that day.. .
I went out from a choke for the first time tonight. Remember reaching to tap, and then waking up. Only out for a second.

Been to that place far to many times... Feels like a dream when you are looking up (or down) after snapping back and wondering how you ended up there :)
Surprise you never caught a roundhouse to the cocoanut seeing how you do TKD...

lost a few teeth from a back hook kick to the jaw, but always managed to block the roundhouse (I spar with my guard up, unlike some people in my art.. .)
Incidentally the loss of teeth came from blocking a back wheel, which turned into back hook, which landed in the back of my jaw, pushing my jaw forward, shattering 4 of my bottom front row teeth.. . **LESSON TO ALL YOU KIDS, WEAR A MOUTHGUARD!**
Incidentally the loss of teeth came from blocking a back wheel, which turned into back hook, which landed in the back of my jaw, pushing my jaw forward, shattering 4 of my bottom front row teeth.. . **LESSON TO ALL YOU KIDS, WEAR A MOUTHGUARD!**

OUCH! Would rather get KO'd!!!
Yeah, do your best not to block a back wheel at the back of the knee, it just turns into a back hook... haha!
K.O'd twice in training, never in competition. Both times I wasn't wearing a mouth guard. Yes I'm an idiot.
I've only been knocked out (so far...) during demonstrations for jiapsul or hyael do sul training. I've caught more than one of pretty much every type of kick to the head, but one strike ought not knock you out, unless you're caught totally flatfooted.
Knocked out once, with 4 stitches under my eye. Short front jab from my sensei. Solid bare knuckle hit, when I was a brown belt.
You know what sucks about doing 4.5 hours of Kenpo? Time constraints in the building we use don't allow us to do more.

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It occurs to me that with a trip to Indiana, jacked up work schedules and a trip to Ft Collins, we're missing a full two weeks at the dojang. No wonder I'm getting grumpy. I just need to kick someone. Maybe the guy at the front desk will pad up...
Nice weather in Ohio, but I wish I wasn't stuck inside.. . Wouldn't mind if I was in Florida instead of Ohio either.. .
Upstate NY is awesome today. Also looking at a great weekend. How did we get so lucky..................
Cold and rainy in Ft Collins. Lucky the graduation stuff was inside. Engineer graduated today, the math teacher tomorrow.
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