The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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All the heat in the KMA/TKD threads has me stressed out (or more accurately, concerned for its future), but I come in here, and everything is chubby fuzzy bunnies!
I just had to I&D an abscess in my cats ear. He was more cooperative than some adults I've worked on...
Nice to see the "Taekwondo" section is ripe with arguments about completely unrelated martial arts and who makes up what.

Also, stop reporting dumb things, people. Grow a thicker skin, seriously. Do you want the kind of pablum that occupies most TKD boards?
cant say i have reported any threads within the last few years, (i think i did a long time ago though),

but if this were to be my last post, it is only fitting to post it here. in the last person thread!

lots of useful info and good people here. shame.
Never reported anything

However, I'm going to see how this goes, but the quality of this forum is gone anyway. I'm sorry to see it, I learned a lot here, but a message board that can't handle conflict and discussion is useless.
I respectfully disagree Ethan, I don't think the quality is GONE, otherwise none of us would still be checking the KMA threads at all. You're still here, and so are many who contribute. I'll be here to the end, hope to see most of you here with me.

Oh yeah, and we're only about 250 posts away from hitting 2000!
All the heat in the KMA/TKD threads has me stressed out (or more accurately, concerned for its future), but I come in here, and everything is chubby fuzzy bunnies!
Won't get too wound up about it; we've been through this before. And just like before, it will work itself out. Some people make a conscious effort to promote conflict...eventually, they go away. What matters is that positive contributors such as yourself and others wait it out. Please. :)
The quality is very much there. It's just being buried under the drek. The "liar liar pants on fire" screams and such. The worst trouble makers will go away, eventually, and real discussion will continue.

But it's sure going to be a pain for the mods in the interim...
I respectfully disagree Ethan, I don't think the quality is GONE, otherwise none of us would still be checking the KMA threads at all. You're still here, and so are many who contribute. I'll be here to the end, hope to see most of you here with me.

Oh yeah, and we're only about 250 posts away from hitting 2000!

I was speaking prematurely, if the discussions we've had as of late are unacceptable, there isn't much interesting to talk about. There's only so many technique questions and promotion threads to chime in on.

Hopefully, it works out ok.
I'm trying to decide my new path in martial arts...I love Taekwondo and Judo, but I'm thinking if university life proves too taxing to train often, I may try collegiate wrestling. I may try wrestling anyway.
It's not the Topics that are the problem. It's the childish name calling and personal attacks.

Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk.
Cool. Can you come power clean the engine bay in my truck? The garage could use some power cleaning too...

Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk.
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