The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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So my son had his first football game of the season. I misses it I am at work. Apparently he was tossed from the game by the other teams coach for kicking another player. Now my wife said she was watching the play and he never kicked anyone. Even the kids parents who he is accuses of kicking said he didn't kick. Our coach didn't see it. Now my kids played 3 years so he's good compared to a lot of other kids. Apparently he rushed for 5 TDs and had 6 sacks and 4 tackles for a loss before the other coach tossed him. Now I don't have a problem with the coach saying look your kids killing us can you sit him for a while but to lie and yell at my kid making him feel like crap I'm kinda pissed. My sons not very aggressive in reality and hates conflict. Now he says he doesn't want to play anymore because the coaches told a lie. My went up to the other coach to ask what happened to correct my son if he was wrong and the coach then cussed at her and said get the F off my field.
Now im not a big conplaint guy. I'm more of a who cares its over. But in this case I'm not sure I should let this slide. My wife is pissed I'm pissed. Our coach said he didn't see it but doesn't see my kid acting this way and he's pissed that the coach would talk to our team parent like that.
I'm not sure how to proceed here. If I can get my some to play again. We play this team two more times so do i raise a fuss or just tell my son next game run for 8 TDs and 9 sacks and let it roll off his back.

A 7 year old? That's ridiculous. I don't know how much satisfaction you can get since the other coach will surely double-down on his claim but if he swore at your wife too then at least a letter to whoever oversees him. It won't do much until there are enough complaints but it's something.
By the way these are 5,6,7 year olds so there are no refs in the games the coaches do it. This is his last year in this group he's 7. He's played all three years so it's not that he's an amazing player he just has more experience then most of the other kids.

The other team coach got to toss your kid?

AND he survived cussing at your wife?

What organization is this league going through?
I know, y'alls are yanks, but I cannot imagine the league condones such behavior!

It would be a shame if your kid would quit over that!
Often they let crap like this go saying "Well the coach is a volunteer after all so what can we do." Teach kids accountability and owning up when someone is wrong!
The other team coach got to toss your kid?

AND he survived cussing at your wife?

What organization is this league going through?
I know, y'alls are yanks, but I cannot imagine the league condones such behavior!

It would be a shame if your kid would quit over that!

Its pop warner. Under 7 has no official refs the coaches act as the refs during the game. So when the other coach threw him out our coach didn't see it. It was far away from the play.

I'm shocked my wife didn't snap his neck but she's just not that type of game mom. All we never ask is he try his best. We don't get all wrapped up in the game esp since they are 5 6 and 7. Its all in fun. Well its supposed to be but now my kids upset that a coach would lie about him. And his coachbat first yelled at him too believing the other coach. So I don't know what is going to happen. He's kinda sensitive about other adults correcting him since he never gets in trouble. If he plays again he will be very timid because he's afraid he will get in trouble again. It was his fav sport now he says he hates it.
Taking a survey:
If you find a raccoon in your apartment, do you
A: Call animal control.
B: Open the door and chase it out with a broom.
C: Put peanut butter on your finger and then kill the animal when it bites you.
Its pop warner. Under 7 has no official refs the coaches act as the refs during the game. So when the other coach threw him out our coach didn't see it. It was far away from the play.

I'm shocked my wife didn't snap his neck but she's just not that type of game mom. All we never ask is he try his best. We don't get all wrapped up in the game esp since they are 5 6 and 7. Its all in fun. Well its supposed to be but now my kids upset that a coach would lie about him. And his coachbat first yelled at him too believing the other coach. So I don't know what is going to happen. He's kinda sensitive about other adults correcting him since he never gets in trouble. If he plays again he will be very timid because he's afraid he will get in trouble again. It was his fav sport now he says he hates it.

There are bad refs and bad calls and bad coaches, but they all have this in common - they can all be caught on camera. If you don't have one already, and if it's within the family budget to buy a video camera, I would suggest videotaping the games from now on (or perhaps another parent might be willing?). I would tell him to keep his chin up, and continue to enjoy the sport he loves. Finish what he started this season, and if he is still disappointed with the quality of coaching he is receiving, perhaps you guys can shop around for a different club next time?

Another benefit of taping the games is if you have to miss a game due to work, you can catch up with your son together on your day off with a big bowl of popcorn :)

:-popcorn: :-popcorn:
Taking a survey:
If you find a raccoon in your apartment, do you
A: Call animal control.
B: Open the door and chase it out with a broom.
C: Put peanut butter on your finger and then kill the animal when it bites you.

Bad night at the ER?? :)
Its pop warner. Under 7 has no official refs the coaches act as the refs during the game. So when the other coach threw him out our coach didn't see it. It was far away from the play.

I'm shocked my wife didn't snap his neck but she's just not that type of game mom. All we never ask is he try his best. We don't get all wrapped up in the game esp since they are 5 6 and 7. Its all in fun. Well its supposed to be but now my kids upset that a coach would lie about him. And his coachbat first yelled at him too believing the other coach. So I don't know what is going to happen. He's kinda sensitive about other adults correcting him since he never gets in trouble. If he plays again he will be very timid because he's afraid he will get in trouble again. It was his fav sport now he says he hates it.

I am in awe at your wife....But I guess she had years of schooling not to rise to the bait....

It is pretty bad when adults get this wrapped up in a kids game. Heck, even at a higher it as it may (I am sure some of the parents have video taped the game...heck everybody does it these days, might be on youtube for all you know) the ruling/tossing is one thing, but cussing at your wife is another, and I know up north, things are different, but down here it would not be acceptable at a youth event, especially not for fellows that young!

Tell the kid crazy Internet Aunty Granfire is rooting for him! ;)
Wish I was closer I would like so totally be at the next game! (Of course with the big camera bag!:D)

It uscks, but there is one important life lesson: Adults are not always right.

Many hugs to Jr! I hope his passion will recover!
Just read the posts on what happened to Ballen's son at his football game ... I don't want to stir the pot after it's gone cold but ... he said what to your wife! Where I am from (or at least how I was brought up) you don't use language like that unless in extremis and you most certainly do not use it to women!

Pass my admiration to your missus for not firing back, my friend and if you require someone to hold either of your coats whilst you teach him the right way to address a lady ...

I know, I know, silly old Englishman with his quaint ideas about manners :o.
Thanks all. I forgot that we had issues with this same coach last year. He was down right abusive to his kids on his team. Had this been a one time event we would chalk it up to an angry little man who never made it in life. I decided since this is a repeated events of his unacceptable behavior I'm going to file a complaint with the league officials. I was pissed last year at how he talked to his own players so this was the final straw.
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