The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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A 4 year old not coming in and saying daddy look at my Lego car. Would probably help better. Good thing he's cute.

They can learn, but that takes times too. Mine all knew not to wake me up unless there was significant amounts of blood involved. :)
Gave away a lot of martial arts books today--some I bought in the late 70s. I just can't justify holding on to most of them any more--the info. is better gotten from web pages and video clips nowadays. But it was heart-wrenching.
I can empathise with the feeling, Arni. But it's not one I have ever had for I still possess every book I have ever purchased or been given (other than three that were lent out never to return :().
The packers come to prepare to move us next week. I am a bibliophile but alas I felt it was the right decision to make. They sit upstairs on shelves unused for year after year. It was time. Sigh...
Gave away a lot of martial arts books today--some I bought in the late 70s. I just can't justify holding on to most of them any more--the info. is better gotten from web pages and video clips nowadays. But it was heart-wrenching.
OUCH!! I can honestly tell you - as I'm still building my collection - that I would gladly pay for anything on TKD!!! NOT to destroy your collection, but know that it would be well cared for! (looking particularly for the TAE KWON DO Textbook!!)
Ever have a doctor (specialist) tell you to leave and not come back?... I did... told me I was too healthy to be there...and I did not need to see him anymore :)
Two more days till vacation!

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Colorado is on fire again. After last year, I'm suprised we have anything flammable left...
Found a 3 year old walking down the street at 4 am. Funny thing is that's the second kid I've found this month. Never found one before in all my years of working and I've found Two in last 10 days. I'm on a roll
We've decided to go to Key Largo in November. But that's nearly five months away.

I should have been born rich, so I wouldn't have to wait so long between vacations. :)
Went to the keys last year its nice. Did some diving off key west. Saw the biggest nurse shark I've ever seen. Even the guide said he had never seen one that big before. Had to have been close to 14 feet
Going to the mountains for a week with several friends :)

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Went to the keys last year its nice. Did some diving off key west. Saw the biggest nurse shark I've ever seen. Even the guide said he had never seen one that big before. Had to have been close to 14 feet

That would be pretty close to world record size, then. Biggest ones I've seen have been Bull Sharks. We were feeding some off Playa del Carmen. Had about a dozen around us between 8-10 feet long.

Don't tell Xue, though. Sharks give him the heebie jeebies.
That would be pretty close to world record size, then. Biggest ones I've seen have been Bull Sharks. We were feeding some off Playa del Carmen. Had about a dozen around us between 8-10 feet long.

Don't tell Xue, though. Sharks give him the heebie jeebies.

Yeah the guide said he's been diving that area for 30 years and had never seen one that big.
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