The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Absurd, "pray away the gay". If everyone would just be concerned with where they are at in their own life, that would be an awesome thing.

Another one that gets me is "lets pray for all the sinners" that they may repent. I say let the church's stick to preaching and let God do the saving............
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Catching back to back shows of Hard Knocks on the NFL Network. Featured team is the 2002 Dallas Cowboys.

Enjoying the show a lot more than I thought I would -- especially since I'm not a Cowboys fan.
Went to a seminar a little over a week ago and immediately after it was over I found myself thinking….not bad but not good either….don’t think I would train with him again

24 hours later I realized how incredibly good it actually was and I am thinking of going to train with the guy come fall.

Never had that happen before.
Last class at the dojo before summer.. shared a coupla beers with the other inshtructors jusht now. *hic* Not too many tho.
Went to a seminar a little over a week ago and immediately after it was over I found myself thinking….not bad but not good either….don’t think I would train with him again

24 hours later I realized how incredibly good it actually was and I am thinking of going to train with the guy come fall.

Never had that happen before.

I think some negative feelings from MA seminars aren't from the content itself but instead from fatigue, mild dehydration, overheating. Nice to reflect once you have a chance to recharge :)
You're crazy, Brian :D. The further away, in an upwards direction, from the freezing point of water it gets the less I like it :lol:.
I think some negative feelings from MA seminars aren't from the content itself but instead from fatigue, mild dehydration, overheating. Nice to reflect once you have a chance to recharge :)

I think it was the information overload.... not that it was to many forms (I had learned them before, it had just been a while) it was the amount of detail and insight into them that I think fried my feeble old mind..... after thinking about it though it was damn impressive and good to know. Reasons for this posture and the transition for health and reasons for this posture and the transition for martial intent and applications.

All in all, in retrospect, it was mighty cool
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