The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Just got an email seems some African oil tycoon i dont know died and left me his millions. I'm going to be rich so I'll be too busy jet setting around the world so I won't have much time to post anymore here so consider this my good bye. I'm off to quit my job now see ya
Just got an email seems some African oil tycoon i dont know died and left me his millions. I'm going to be rich so I'll be too busy jet setting around the world so I won't have much time to post anymore here so consider this my good bye. I'm off to quit my job now see ya

:chuckles: I am happy for your good fortune my friend :D. I trust there are no banking and administrative charges that you have to cover to release the funds? :angel:
Okay ... the inability of my in-laws after my 18 years with their son to retain the fact that my son cannot have pasta, bread, cheese or soy sauce cannot be an offense to them. If it is offensive to anyone it would be to me. Instead, I choose to furnish John with a gluten-free, dairy-free meal without rebuttal to their offers for meals they have prepared with gluten-rich foods, without reminding them. So ... if they're going to be butt-hurt that John couldn't eat their pasta ... maybe they need hemmorrhoid cream.

I sigh along with you, my friend. It is a mystery how some people elect not to retain information that they deem irrelevant to them even if it is relevant to someone close to them.
@DD: sad shift, friend. Sorry.

@gran: I say make HIM do the dishes and learn the hard way.

@Suk: I would feel terrible if I knew I prepared something that caused a three-days-long reaction in someone. That's how long it took the soy sauce they used in a BBQ recipe to work its way out of his system. And if he hadn't been in his current living situation he'd be in jail. But I guess they can't retain that. *shrug*
@gran: I say make HIM do the dishes and learn the hard way.

The way I have been brought up, if you don't cook then you wash :D. My wife was an awesomely good cook {hence the big waistline I have now :o} so she prepared the meals and I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes.
The way I have been brought up, if you don't cook then you wash :D. My wife was an awesomely good cook {hence the big waistline I have now :o} so she prepared the meals and I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes.

well, he does the cooking, so I do the wash, but I really don't get the hazard bonus when he thrown the knives in the sink.

(and he gets upset really easy when I do things he does not he should really not do things I hate.)

I asked him if he hated me so much that he wanted to kill me. :D
I know, cheap shot...but that's how it feels when the same request goes unanswered time and time again.
Preparing a steak as we speak, Arni ... with small potatoes, fried mushrooms and lashings of gravy :mmm: :D.

:chuckles: I am happy for your good fortune my friend :D. I trust there are no banking and administrative charges that you have to cover to release the funds? :angel:

All I need to do is supply them with my back account info to send me the money and pay a small fee of 1700 bucks in the form of a blank check. What could go wrong?
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