The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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:(. Poor fellow :virtual hugs {for you and your dog}:. If he/she has to go then let it be quick and stressless.
Thanks, friends. She was just put to sleep, my wife says. Sad day--my son's dog who was with her since he was 9 years old.
Been reading your wife's post on Facebook. Sorry for your loss, Arni.
You're not that sort of doctor.

In any case, my cholesterol levels can handle it.
Today was a good day at TKD!!! :) (Like there could be a bad one right?!) I got to call warm-ups for the kids class, then had a good open rank practice and helped out at all 3 testing times!!! :)
TV Time. Going to finish the latest season of True Blood.

And eat chocolate ice cream. Arnisador cannot have any because he's worried about cholesterol.
The BLTA Croissant from Red Robin isn't quite what she used to be. But then again, neither am I.
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