The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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My wife will hate this but I thought it was great

My youngest (who plays piano and wants to start Violin) has taken an interest in the didgeridoo so I gave her my old one. We sat in the bedroom this morning and played didgeridoo for about 30 minutes this morning and she is catching on really quickly.

It was great :)
Cool, have quite a few friends that the didge, is great campfire instrument

via Nexus 7 w/Tapatalk - please ignore predictive text spelling errors
Your wife is going to kick your butt. Can't say I blame her, either...

Oh I'm going to take a guy seriously who thinks swimming with sharks is fun :D

And yes she she didn't.... however she did take a picture of us sitting on the bed playing (the 2nd time) this evening..... she then looked at it.... and laughed.

Cool, have quite a few friends that the didge, is great campfire instrument

Well actually the didge, is great instrument... no campfire needed :D
Back to work after a good bank holiday weekend. Great all night party on the Sunday, felt fine yesterday, now at work feeling incredibly tired.

It's R.E.M. I'm set to chase!
For two nights without,
And a third will run my mind to race.
Until mania burns what fuel has left,
The days to drown into fatigue... of deep, deep, sleep.

good point Xue

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