The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I totally pissed off a protester just now. There are a bunch of people protesting Geneticly mutated foods. Well the ringleader has a sign with two peanut M and Ms on it and something about mutated peanuts. Well I just happen to have a bag of M and M peanuts. So I walk up to him ask him what he's protesting and then start eating my M and Ms. He freaked out

And 'Spoon of the Week' goes to.....
Going shopping, I hate shopping.

But, it's for the granddauther, soooo that makes it all better.
Don't know what to do....
Home alone for the first time in weeks
Home alone for the entire day for the first time in about 9 or 10 years
And no honey do list....I'm confused...



Got it


I'm off to the basement...where my in house guan is :EG:

I don't want to sound like the permanent black cloud but I am looking at maybe spending the next thirty years like that :(. It's a dreadful thought.

So take your 'oasis of calm' day and revel in it my friend. For when they are rare, they are precious but when they are every day they are a torment.
I totally pissed off a protester just now. There are a bunch of people protesting Geneticly mutated foods. Well the ringleader has a sign with two peanut M and Ms on it and something about mutated peanuts. Well I just happen to have a bag of M and M peanuts. So I walk up to him ask him what he's protesting and then start eating my M and Ms. He freaked out

People have no idea how modified their foods are already. I'm sure Monsanto is at least as evil as any other big corp., but the food is not going to kill you.
...just got done at the gym...somehow I'll make it through having to wait until Tuesday for my next practice time...thinking of practicing my chucks when I get home.. :)
My last week of day work. I'll be moving on to the land of the midnight shift next week. Sometimes promotions are not a good thing. Its been years since I worked a midnight shift
Except for a trip to urgent care, and even then I actually found an interesting magazine to was not a bad day
Saw Star Trek, ready for dinner. Working on the limp.
An amazing shadow dance performance from the TV show, Britain's Got Talent :ultracool

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