The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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post #7281 - once again the lovely and light-hearted singing of the Peasall sisters, enjoy :)

Hmmmm. You may need more than one focus in your life you know.
Colorado has passed some new gun laws, and succeeded in making me a criminal...
New SCUBA toys from LeisurePro arrived today. :D

Good timing, since we leave for Hawaii on the 30th.
Well since I am sitting about 300 miles from the ocean and I still think I am too close...yes :D

and now

Well I am off to do some work, after that it take the kids to a birthday party and after that I hope to be in my basement beating the heck out of a heavy bag

Well since I am sitting about 300 miles from the ocean and I still think I am too close...yes :D

That was just a little 5-6' nurse shark. I bet you'd love the video of us with the 8-10' Bull sharks. Lots of them. Eating...

and now

Well I am off to do some work, after that it take the kids to a birthday party and after that I hope to be in my basement beating the heck out of a heavy bag


The poor bag!
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