The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Thank you for the hugs, my friend - I need them greatly at present.

I would be honoured indeed to have my vague mutterings inspire something creative :bows:. In my day-dreams I have always thought highly of the warrior-poet or scholar; I suppose that is possibly one reason why the idealised Samurai traditions have such a strong draw for me :). It first showed up in my pre-teens after reading the Three Musketeers - Athos resonated with me even then :lol:.

When it comes to a name, what linguistic tradition are you thinking of?
Thank you for the hugs, my friend - I need them greatly at present.

I would be honoured indeed to have my vague mutterings inspire something creative :bows:. In my day-dreams I have always thought highly of the warrior-poet or scholar; I suppose that is possibly one reason why the idealised Samurai traditions have such a strong draw for me :). It first showed up in my pre-teens after reading the Three Musketeers - Athos resonated with me even then :lol:.

When it comes to a name, what linguistic tradition are you thinking of?


well, my universe takes heavy Inspiration from celtic sources, some Welsh - the map would be somewhat like Europe should I bother to draw it. In my second installment of the story I send my guys to what could be seen as Brittany, to end up in a place resembling Ireland or Scotland (stealing Gaelic names at will :))

In the third part they are headed east, into the desert, but I think I will send my hero north into the mountains, with Himalayan/chinese flavor (Mists of Pandaria has one awesome soundtrack!)

I think I can find many places to fit the warrior poet in :asian:
:grins: Well, mangling the Welsh I barely remember, something like Athro Rhyfelwr would be a loose translation of Warrior Teacher ... but, given the poetic nature of the language it might actually translate as something else like Trainer of Soldiers :lol:.
and who is to say that my warrior teacher did not wander in the search of truth to find himself in the mountains far from home ^_^

I like the name!
:chuckles: I am English through and through - over 1000 years my family has been in the same town :lol:. I am far flung as I managed to make it nearly 15 miles away :).

My knowledge of Welsh comes from a long ago time when I had a Welsh girlfriend and learned to speak it (for it is a marvellous, poetic, tongue). Sadly, much was lost in my motorcycle accident; the part of my brain that dealt with it got squished it seems :(. I recall quite a few nouns and remember that object comes before descriptor and plurals take odd forms (e.g coed = trees but coeden is a tree) and that's about it :(.

tell me the music isn't pretty!


(some days I just hang out there....)
A black mood engulfs me tonight with even greater strength than of late.

Note even this, which usually fires my blood, can lift my shoulders:

I hate to say it, but you may need to switch to One Direction or Miley Cyrus for awhile--something uplifting? Or wait, maybe I meant to say soul-deadening...
No, the horses name was Point Given....

(but in all fairness, she had a couple of songs that were pretty niece was into Hannah good Aunt I supplied some CDs...)
Wine tour was in a limousine, TYVM. Ah ... it was great to have another wine snob with similar taste on it with me. You know ... I don't care about names in wine ... I can taste when the wine is more the product of the grapes and when it is the product of a artisan. I much prefer to allow natural acids and tannins to carry flavor through the fermentation process than to have the final product artificially adjusted. This is the downfall of commercial wineries, though. The product must be sold so measures must be taken.

Got fitshaced.

It was great.
Watched Les Miserables tonight. Classic story, one of the best ever.

Shame they couldn't pick performers who could sing.
With the notable exception of Samantha Barks, who played Eponine. A stunning lady with a voice to match.
wine tour was in a limousine, tyvm. Ah ... It was great to have another wine snob with similar taste on it with me. You know ... I don't care about names in wine ... I can taste when the wine is more the product of the grapes and when it is the product of a artisan. I much prefer to allow natural acids and tannins to carry flavor through the fermentation process than to have the final product artificially adjusted. This is the downfall of commercial wineries, though. The product must be sold so measures must be taken.

Got fitshaced.

It was great.

I hate to say it, but you may need to switch to One Direction or Miley Cyrus for awhile--something uplifting? Or wait, maybe I meant to say soul-deadening...

:serrrrrr .... lappppppp!!!: :lol: Ooops! Sorry :o. Reflexive action at the mention of One Direction :D.
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