The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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We're going to watch either The Hobbit or Les Miserables tonight. TKD tomorrow morning.

Sadly, we're going to celebrate the start of spring with another 6-8" of snow, according to the weather bastard.
Can't we go out to our appointments for the weekend and stay at home at the same time? I'd love to spend the weekend sleeping like a cat, but it's not like I'm going to the same places where I go in weekdays!
Not easy being the last person, very short lived. Be back in a few minutes. :)
Have I mentioned that I am sick and tired of the stinking SNOW? It's freaking SPRING already! Let's have some SUN SHINE!
It was with a little sadness that I saw what the Forestry Commission had done to my old teenage 'stamping ground':

View attachment $IMG_0271.jpg

I felt a bit like Treebeard confronting what Saruman had done to the edge of Fangorn Forest, for I had known these trees when they were very young.
Lovely place. Shame about the trees. And the erosion from not having trees. :(
They will be planting again, I am sure; the Commission manages woodlands throughout Britain and has regular cycles of planting and 'cropping'. It is a shame as the wooded slopes were especially lovely in the autumn when all the leaves were oriflame, gold and russet. I was a bit surprised as the locality is listed as an area of outstanding natural beauty but I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that I shall see a new generation grow and flourish.
I felt a bit like Treebeard confronting what Saruman had done to the edge of Fangorn Forest, for I had known these trees when they were very young.

Similar story for the fields and forests that used to be behind the house I grew up. Subdivisions now. It sucks.
Lovely -2 degrees C out of the wind this evening. Fresh :). A real shame the snow isn't sticking here - for some reason the area has it's own micro-climate and it's too warm :(.
On a wine-tasting tour with girlfriends. Is it bad that I'm tipsy at the first winery?
Not right now ... but it may turn out bad tomorrow :D.
A black mood engulfs me tonight with even greater strength than of late.

Note even this, which usually fires my blood, can lift my shoulders:

another group I had not heard of....I have gone from the Old World for far too long....


I realized that
a) I should not mix cheap wine with generic cola and brandy....that is not a good combo to wake up to. (I also have to restock the wine cellar...before booze in Bama on Sunday, not even in restaurants...)
b) I forgot to take my handful of vitamins this morning....
c) I really need to do a few things before I submerge myself in my stories (no, not soap operas...gosh, they curl my toenails upward)
but then again, the stories are pulling me in

(Mark, mate, would you object if I created a character in my fantasy young adult story, based on your wisdom? He could be the awesome sword master....or the sage on the mountain top - but I need a name, I already have a Mark...)
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