The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Woke up in the middle of the night spouting mortgage refi calculations and jargon. Oi!
Pueblo is over an hour drive from Col. Springs, isn't it? It'd melt in the car!

I live in Pueblo West. I work in Colorado Springs. Stop making excuses and bring me some double chocolate icecream! I bet everybody else in the ER would like some too, so maybe you better bring a big tub. Or a barrel...
Not much going on in the ER tonight. Sure would have been nice to share some double chocolate ice cream (with or without hot fudge) with people...
After watching the weather this morning I began to think... at what point did the weatherman think that it was helping to say it was 13 degrees this morning, currently it is 23 degreesÂ…but on this date last year it was almost 80
Snow coming tomorrow! Which, for me, is "Yay!" on the one hand but "Boo!" on the other as I was planning on planting some flowers at my wife's grave tomorrow :(.
I was in a car accident yesterday. This car came out of nowhere and caused me to T-bone them at 45MPH

I'm fine, the 3 in the other car went to the hospital to get checked out.
The cops and recuers on the scene told me I was going to be very sore tomorrow.
Well it's tomorrow and , basically I just feel like I had a good training session yesterday.
If MA have served no other purpose, I guess they'be gotten me used to getting my **** kicked.
My newest (and final) project. I've wanted one of these bad boys for 35 years and this one is MINE!!!

There is no such thing as a final project. You are deluding yourself.
maybe..maybe not. I was so burned out after my last one, that I always said I won't do it again unless it's a '73 Grand Am. So looky what shows up right under my nose. pfft. Had to have it.
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