The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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It's like a bunch of kittens rolling around on the floor in a big pile.
See? This is what I'm talking about. Something like Ali's rope-a-dope on Foreman. He hits and hits and hits 'til he gets tired. Then I tap him and end up on top. No effort. Just a tap.


OK if you say sooo.
This thread is addictive. I can't seem to escape. I'm being sucked back in every time I go elsewhere. It's like the MT Black Hole....
Black Hole + Kittens + Karate vs. Sumo = Black Hole Cat annihilates Karate AND Sumo! (Oh, and he steals your gravity.. . )

I go away for a day and the whole thing goes to the cats I mean dogs, no wait, ya cats..................
This thread is addictive. I can't seem to escape. I'm being sucked back in every time I go elsewhere. It's like the MT Black Hole....
You will dumb down like the rest of us. We were all positive contributors once....


There. That ought to just about do it for the cute cats.
In reference to post #490:

Which is why we, here at the LPT, cannot be left to our own devices.. . At least not unsupervised.
OK, now the thread has gone to the dogs...

Already gone to the dogs, either my computer is slow or it is me.
Off to the Dojang, must escape the cats and dogs.. . See you all tomorrow.
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