The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Footloose, great movie. Out the door, catch you guy's later.
Good morning LPT and what a complete rainy day it will be in Dallas today....
Good moring terry and is a strange day here in the Adirondacks..... it is March and it is going to be 80 degrees today....that's just WRONG
Xue you should enjoy the great weather, because we have rain again today and that is not right for Texas. The only good thing is we need it. Time to take the family to eat breakfast yea buddy....
Xue you should enjoy the great weather, because we have rain again today and that is not right for Texas. The only good thing is we need it. Time to take the family to eat breakfast yea buddy....

Enjoy for me they have the audacity to actually expect me to do WORK when I'm at work so I guess I better go do some

Oh and tomorrow will be 60 degrees :idunno:
Watching the remake of Footloose with Sue. Good thing she's so hot or I'd be making rude comments about the movie. :)
I didn't know they made a remake of Footloose. More to the point WHY would they do a remake of Footloose. :barf:
...and how come i step out to do some basic vehicle maintenance, and this thing gets 3 pages longer? This thread should have a red light attached to it for all the ****** inside.
Enjoy for me they have the audacity to actually expect me to do WORK when I'm at work so I guess I better go do some

Oh and tomorrow will be 60 degrees :idunno:

They expect you to work while you are at work, what sense does that make. Go fishing and enjoy the day.
...and how come i step out to do some basic vehicle maintenance, and this thing gets 3 pages longer? This thread should have a red light attached to it for all the ****** inside.

Because of post whores like me.
Going to be a good day. It's sunny and 66 here in Colorado. We've got TKD class this evening. And my mother in law, an awesome lady who will be 80 in a matter of weeks, just came out of the cath lab. She'd had a CT that was concerning, so they did the cath. All clean. :)
Ok now I am gone for a bit enjoy the rest of your day..
See? This is what I'm talking about. Something like Ali's rope-a-dope on Foreman. He hits and hits and hits 'til he gets tired. Then I tap him and end up on top. No effort. Just a tap.


Going to be a good day. It's sunny and 66 here in Colorado. We've got TKD class this evening. And my mother in law, an awesome lady who will be 80 in a matter of weeks, just came out of the cath lab. She'd had a CT that was concerning, so they did the cath. All clean. :)
Glad she's good! "Awesome" mother-in-laws are rare. I myself am blessed with one. We have to keep them around as long as possible!
Just stopping by in between rounds with patients.. . Looks like Terry's trying hard, Gemini's on top momentarily, but now I've got the advantage (albeit brief I'm sure!)
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