The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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it is nice to see alot of the gang back in the LPT today. Maybe it will survive and begin to grow once again.
Well the pork ribs was absolutely wonderful and yes I am on alert for the swine that had those ribs. I want his brothers and sisters, they where tender and great.
Just got off work pushing carts. Its a good workout, pushing carts for eight hours a day, the constant walking and frequent pushing. I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, but its considerable, I'll need to buy new pants pretty soon. I'm far stronger, I can do a whole lot more push ups now. The pay is very low, but hey, between what my wife and I make we live comfortably. Its good in a way to do physical work, not nearly as stressful as my last jobs, working with the intellectually disabled and before that the elderly. Something to be said for having any job right now, and I have two, the other as a security officer, boring, but it pays better. I'm also a student, learning the Bible through Liberty University, its a home correspondence course, learn at your own pace. That's all for now, working on my physical body and spiritual aspect as well, need to walk the dogs.
Joab I am glad the job is keeping you fit, may the pay be great as well.
What's up everybody? Days are flying by since I've returned to work. Guess it's good, but I hear it does that anyway the older you get!
Not much sir how are you and yes the older you get the faster the days.
Man they where brought in by one of the BBQ chains so if anything happens I am sueing for everything they have.
It's a rare day off. Decided to pass on the "Wolverine" movie, I'll wait until it goes out on dvd. It's been raining very hard in my area of Delaware, but I need to walk my dogs. I need to complete a security officer test that I really think is mostly stupid, but my company wants me to pass it for some reason. Glad I'm not pushing carts on my other job today due to the weather. Got to stop procrastinating, chow, live long and prosper and let the force be with you.
Good morning to all those that visit the LPT. I will be doing ITBS testing today so I will be gone for the most part, enjoy your day...
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