The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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It's a rare day off. Decided to pass on the "Wolverine" movie, I'll wait until it goes out on dvd. It's been raining very hard in my area of Delaware, but I need to walk my dogs. I need to complete a security officer test that I really think is mostly stupid, but my company wants me to pass it for some reason. Glad I'm not pushing carts on my other job today due to the weather. Got to stop procrastinating, chow, live long and prosper and let the force be with you.

enjoy the day and the exam.
I finished the advanced certification security officer exam and mailed it in. I'm taking a break and than will study the Bible through Liberty University. Yes, I'm something of a Jesus freak, completely and totally born again, radically saved and the like. Mostly I'm just a
Christian who is doing what he can to understand his faith and help others understand it and live it out by loving God and others, the two greatest commands according to Jesus. Actually, I'm a soft sell type, not a Bible thumper, more an educator but more a student, as after over twenty years of study I'm humbled by the amount I have still to learn. Today is the national day of prayer, I encourage you to pray for someone. Shalom.
Every person walks the path they forge, keep walking your and staytrue to yourself.
Evenin' all. Hope everyone's day was as good as mine. Ran up 16 stories of stairs....twice! Damn elevators breaking down.
I have a fairly relaxed day!

Tonight we are taking in a minor league baseball game!
Hust got back from the qualifier and tired , I am probaly going to take a nap.
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