ok ill bite, what makes this one of your favorite kata.
Its one of my favorite katas. I like how it incorporates the basic punches and kicks and strikes that are the primary techniques used in the art.
Its not my only favorite kata, its one of my favorite katas. There are other katas I really like too, such as Bassai Dai.
i know you have probably been asked and answered this before but ,,do you train in martial arts and what style?
I've been training in various styles for more than 25 years. My main style is Shi-to Ryu Karate.
i am not trying to knock you here but unless your 10 years old and a power ranger fan, ... i mean first off the thread is based on a karate kid clip then power rangers?? your not helping your credibility or reputation.
Jason Frank is first and foremost a real martial artist. His role in Power Rangers is something he did in addition to that but more or less its something he just did on the side. Primarily he trains in and teaches martial arts. This clip isn't supposed to be so much a clip about Power Rangers rather its a clip about Jason Frank. Do you think Jason Frank's role in Power Rangers hurts his credibility and reputation? Most likely not as he is a successful and popular instructor.
And people on this forum have posted about karate kid as well so that shouldn't hurt my reputation either. Not that my reputation here really matters as the people on this forum don't know me from Adam, and vice versa.