The IMAF, INC Web page is up!!!!

why don't you send my your address that he keeps spaming you on and I'll see what I can do.
Originally posted by Renegade
why don't you send my your address that he keeps spaming you on and I'll see what I can do.

It is the address you have for me. I appreciate the offer of assistance, Mr. Hartman, but I was more commenting on his character than requesting help. I have asked to be removed from his list and from Mr. de Leon's list; Mr. de Leon complied (after a few requests) but Mr. Garza has not, and I feel justified in drawing a conclusion concerning a person who repeatedly sends me advertisements for his personal beliefs despite my requests that he stop. I did complain to his ISP but without success.
Many US states and several countries have anti-spam laws. Where is the individual located? Perhaps some digging and a registered letter on legal letterhead may convince them to stop.

Or.... We can take his addy and subscribe him to a variety of mailing lists that will annoy him. :D

Or just post his addy on RMA and the spambots will find it and fill his box for ya. :)

Personally, I find a 4x4 upside the head of a spamer to be more satisfying. (and yes, I do mean the truck, not the wood) :D

It just shows how screwed up things are in the Modern Arnis world! I think that it says a lot about the parties involved. 2 IMAFs just confuses things.

Jeff D. formed IMAF Inc. or I'M A Finc, (which ever you prefer) while Remy was still alive. This was in Professor's will for a group of Modern Arnis people to form after his death. Then Jeff put his own people in administrative positions and left the remaining MOTTs out of the picture. On top of which, he puts on his site (erroneously) that Randi Shea has resigned. This should speak volumes of JD's character!

We also have the Randi Shea group. The IMAF, group. On the surface, the only way you can tell the difference between the groups is the punctuation, if you know what you're looking for. They put on there sight that JD is not an active member of the group. Of course, neither group mentions that both use the same letters! In this case two wrongs don't make a right.

I don't feel that either group has a clue a on certain issue. The organizational name WILL NOT make their group succeed. Its success will be measured by their performance. If they are depending on the IMAF letters alone, I feel that they should go into another business. If they want the name so bad, then fight it out in court but in the meantime the MOTTs should use another name before JD does anymore damage to their reputation.

It would be nice to hear from one of the steering board members from Shea's group or one of JD's people. The only people we hear from are MAO & Whoop *** who are from the IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors, which seem to be more like state reps. But this doesn't surprise me. While I was an IMAF member I only heard from people when they would host seminars and camps. The only exception to this was MAO and myself. We did and still do call each other a couple times a month.

What's next? Maybe a third group will be formed, IMAF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Inc........

:soapbox: :wink: :confused:
My question is, when is the Dr. Shea group going to update their site? It was put up in October and nothing has been done with it. The majority of the site is still under construction.

Seasons Greetings,
Red Blade
I agree with renegade on the IMAF name. It can be confusing to those looking at Modern Arnis for the first time or those getting back to it after a layoff. The MOTTS would be better off with a clean break. Let JD keep the name, who cares. Actions speak the loudest and from what I've seen personally at JD and his new executive director's seminars there's not much to get excited about. They are starting to bring in outside organizations not associated with arnis to liven things up to the dismay of many at the seminars. I have also heard that the IMAF exec. director (Michael Bates, according to their web site) has tried to kick one of his former students, who has their own school under the IMAF out of the IMAF for training with others outside the IMAF organization. Is this what they have to do to hold onto their membership? If this is true how sad for JD and his group. The Professor would train with many different people and groups, so why is the IMAF putting the clamps on it's membership? So MOTTS, for your own good disassociate yourselves with JD and his paranoid top executive. You will be lumped together whether you like it or not by mere letters of the alphabet. The solution is to move on, the choice to do so is yours. :confused:
Originally posted by Red Blade
My question is, when is the Dr. Shea group going to update their site? It was put up in October and nothing has been done with it. The majority of the site is still under construction.

Indeed, that is somewhat frustrating--I look forward to seeing their many "under construction" pages filled in. Who is in charge of the IMAF, Inc. web site?

This goes to the issue of there being no one at the top of the IMAF, Inc. who does Modern Arnis full time, unless I am mistaken in that belief. I know that Dr. Schea does not do it full time (nor does he currently practice medicine full time I think). I believe that Mr. Delaney does do the martial arts full time--is that correct?
1) last I heard J.d.. was an electrical contractor.
2) Dr. Shea has a "real" job, however he logs many hours in
working at what Remy asked him to.
3) which leads me to; Remy asked Dr. Shea to continue IMAF,
however the actions of J.D. made this quite difficult, hence,
IMAF,inc., in keeping with what Remy asked Dr. Shea to do.
4) I also have a "real" job but log full time hours in keeping a
School open. I am the modern arnis portion of this school and
I teach it as the entire system that it is. I also happen to be
one of the aikido instructors.
5) I could address the MOTT and Datu issue but I don't know if
it's worth the can of worms. Remy told me many things,
MOTT's have told me what Remy told them, Renegade has
told me what his understanding is. In the end I still don't
think it's worth the can of worms. It would more than likely
lead to obvious differences of opinion and from there
possible hard feelings. People are where Remy put them. These were not self appointed titles.
6) As for the term "active", I'm sure that there would be
arguement from others, particularly another datu who will
remain nameless. The issue would most likely be definition of
active. I don't think that out of sight always means inactive.
I still love you Renegade. :D :moon:
I will do that Renegade. Give Janice and your vicious beasts a hug. Just be sure to hug the right end of the rotweiller's. They may not like it otherwise and share their bodily functions with you. :D
Originally posted by Mao
1) last I heard J.d.. was an electrical contractor.

Thanks, I had thought that that had changed with his new status. Perhaps it will if the IMAF is successful.

3) which leads me to; Remy asked Dr. Shea to continue IMAF,
however the actions of J.D. made this quite difficult, hence,
IMAF,inc., in keeping with what Remy asked Dr. Shea to do.

I understand. However I would think that it would be desireable to have a full-time person somewhere near the top in either IMAF. I realize this may not be possible.

4) I also have a "real" job but log full time hours in keeping a
School open. I am the modern arnis portion of this school and
I teach it as the entire system that it is. I also happen to be
one of the aikido instructors.

I understand. Most people who teach the martial arts will not be able to make a living from doing so, and dedication like this is what keeps the arts alive and healthy. I was suggesting that there should be a full-time Grandmaster of Modern Arnis somewhere, or at least that that would be desireable. Maintenance of the web sites, which started this, is only one reason for that.

People are where Remy put them. These were not self appointed titles.

Agreed, in both respects.

I still love you Renegade.

Let me think about this one.
Mao is talking about love of a family member, not romantic. If he was meaning it romantically I can't blame him, because I'm one sexy guy!!!!! Before we have another discussion. I like Girls! Guys are too hairy for my taste.

Originally posted by Renegade
I'm one sexy guy!!!!!

Hmmmm...I had thought we had met before but it appears that I must have been mistaken--it must have been someone else. :D

Merry Xmas Timmy! The wife and kids send their regards.
If you inssist on calling me Timmy on this forum, I won't let you break that bone that I owe you!!!

:samurai: :argue: :uzi: :ninja:
Originally posted by Renegade
If you inssist on calling me Timmy on this forum, I won't let you break that bone that I owe you!!!

Admit it--for me, I've been very civil and dignified! But thanks for reminding me of the Christmas Day I spent in pain and the December 26th I spent in the ER thanks to you.

The funny thing is, you demonstrated the technique with the stick first and it was fine, then you demonstrated the open-hand variation and...well, I think every person in that room heard the pop!!! when it happened.

See you in May, Mr. Hartman...
Looking forward to your visit. For the record, Tim is fine. My Grandfather would call me Timmy. You make me think of him every time you say that. Your not old enough to be thought of that way, or are you??

Originally posted by Renegade
Looking forward to your visit. For the record, Tim is fine. My Grandfather would call me Timmy. You make me think of him every time you say that. Your not old enough to be thought of that way, or are you??

Heh. Writing is a formal medium and I have adopted a formal tone. Rest assured that in person I will still address you as Timmy in a false Filipino accent.

I'll be there in May. It'll give me a chance to visit family in the area as well.
I note that the IMAF, Inc. web page is now much improved.

It is explained that:
the title of Masters of Tapi-Tapi, representing the highest level of achievement in Modern Arnis proficiency.

This is not out of line with Punong Guro meaning "teacher of teachers"--presumably awarded for excellence in teaching the art--and Datu meaning chieftain or leader, awarded for service to and leadership of the art. Still, should we take this to mean that:
Master of Tapi-Tapi Randi Schea
Master of Tapi-Tapi Chuck Gauss
Master of Tapi-Tapi James Ladis
Master of Tapi-Tapi Gaby Roloff
Master of Tapi-Tapi Ken Smith
Master of Tapi-Tapi Brian Zawilinski
Master of Tapi-Tapi Jeff Delaney
are the most skilled of all living Modern Arnis practitioners?
Originally posted by Mao
Temper, temper Regenade. Don't be so ready to go off! My, how stereotypically New Yorker of you. Now remember, I'm from there too so I can say that. :boing2: :uzi:


I just jumped on this thread and I feel a compelling need to defend Renegade.

He's not a " New Yorker" he's a Buffalonian.

Better beer, better accents and snow up the wazzooo.

Also be forwarned that "his sister called him timmy once .... once":rofl:

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