The IMAF, INC Web page is up!!!!

Originally posted by arnisador
I note that the IMAF, Inc. web page is now much improved.

It is explained that:

This is not out of line with Punong Guro meaning "teacher of teachers"--presumably awarded for excellence in teaching the art--and Datu meaning chieftain or leader, awarded for service to and leadership of the art. Still, should we take this to mean that:
Master of Tapi-Tapi Randi Schea
Master of Tapi-Tapi Chuck Gauss
Master of Tapi-Tapi James Ladis
Master of Tapi-Tapi Gaby Roloff
Master of Tapi-Tapi Ken Smith
Master of Tapi-Tapi Brian Zawilinski
Master of Tapi-Tapi Jeff Delaney
are the most skilled of all living Modern Arnis practitioners?

I would have to give a resounding NO to this question. Simple reason: The Highest ranked active member of Modern Arnis ( Tim Hartman) was not included.

Don't get me wrong, I've banged sticks with most of these people. They were all certified to teach modern Arnis by Remy Presas. Some of them are very good, others I respect and some I wouldn't pay 10 cents to train with. Who's who ... I leave to the readers discretion. I always encourage people to see what's out there and draw your own conclusion.

My issue is the whole title "MOTT"

It didn't exsist before Remy fell ill. And I've NEVER heard of a Title that superceeds rank
(unless you count grandmaster and in my opinion there will always be one grandmaster in Modern Arnis: Remy Presas, RIP)

I do not question the right of any of the MOTTs to teach Modern Arnis. I don't begrudge them the right to add there own style to it (Remy encouraged that).

I do not recognize them as a governing body, with the exception of Randi Shea who was chairman of the IMAF BEFORE Professor Presas' illness. Remy openly acknowledged him as such in front of many witness.

I plan to train with IMAF members in the future. I will likely see at least one of the MOTTs at seminars. This issue,however, was the biggest factor in my decision to join the WMAA instead of the IMAF.
Dear Tapps,
I would agree with you that MOTTs are not the highest of the high. :soapbox: I have crossed sticks with several of them thru the years and have coached several of them in the past as well. Any fighter knows that on any given day, one might beat another...and get beaten in turn the next. To state that a particular aspect of skill or technique represents the zenith of the art, well I have difficulties with that one. :flame: Modern Arnis has a number of aspects or approaches, Tapi-Tapi being one of them. I have met with a number of Modern Arnis practitioners and they are all sincere in their teaching. This is good. Several claim to be best or true heirs. This is touchy. Remember the William Cheung/Emin Boztepe incident which happened in Germany in years past. That would be unfortunate for it to happen again in a Modern Arnis setting. :uhoh: Anyway, that's my two cents on it...three, maybe.
Dan Anderson
6th Degree Black Belt Senior Master Modern Arnis :D
PS See y'all in Buffalo in May :drinkbeer

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