The IMAF, INC Web page is up!!!!

How to face lifes uncertainties: armed and ready, but temperant.
That ones free. Ready for lesson two Icepick-san?

As for Chuck under the h2ofall, it could happen.:D
This is a technical critique: - nice layout, but definately an IE only design, but may look ok in NS 6+. I suggest either using browser detection code and sending users to a browser specific page, or losing the IE only stuff (which it doesn't appear to need based on the content) and go with plain HTML. - ok design so far, the animated grfx are annoying. More comments when theres more content. - ugly design, poor fonts. Sorry, its just so, um, 80's? - I'm one of the site maintainers. Tims been helping me with this board and other projects and between that, and moving his school, and other things, we've all fallen a bit behind on the maint. Rest assured, we're back on track and in the next few weeks, its gonna rock at warp 12 again. Lets just say that in the MA world, its really gonna be cool! :)
re: JD - Interesting......very interesting. :)

re: design, etc :
IE - Nice.
NS - not checked
Opera - Looks good, but the top drop down nav bar doesn't show up. Otherwise, very close to the IE version. Some layout issues, but that is due to browser stylesheet incompatabilities.

Basically, you can code for everyone, and lose some neat things, or aim at the 85% who have IE, and do your best to make it friendly and usable to those who don't. :)

Overall, it looks good.

I will not comment on the content at this time. I need some time to read it all. I will say it is good to be able to view the page now.
:hammer: :cheers:
I can't resist speaking my mind. The one thing that I have to disagree with is this "Art of Tapi-Tapi"! It is the art of Modern Arnis. Tapi-Tapi is a tool to train the art!!! If it is a new art then call it that and don't fight over the IMAF name!

:soapbox: :samurai: :argue: :armed: :uzi: :flame:
Hey Renegade,
:wah: :wah: :wah: You sound so:angry:!
I think of you as a brother so take this that way. I seem to remember you teaching anyo pito at the Mich. camp one year. The way you were teaching it was different from the way I was taught. I mentioned a movement in particular to you and you said that you added it in because it fit. I say this to point out that there are/will be differences of opinion in terms of semantics among other things. We should be able to get along just the same. I hope that what another group is doing,or saying, as long as it is the Profs. art does not prevent this. Except maybe for J.D.:p It's just that your post above sounded like the whole tapi tapi thing really bugs you. Given the hx., I understand if you have a bone of contention. I still think of you as a brother. I still want to work with you, mi vato. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all just pebbles and sand. In the end what will matter is how we treated each other. :asian:
Ans now.............:moon: :boing1:

If you go to JD's website, he now announces that the Grandmasters of Modern Arnis are JD and Dr. Randi Schea. He then appends the word "retired" next to Dr. Schea's name, implying that Dr. Schea has "retired" from the organization. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that Delaney named his own board and essentially "fired" the rest of the MOTTs. This so called "firing" led the MOTTs to set up their own web site (which I think is far better than JD's site).

For whatever it's worth.

Originally posted by WhoopAss
The fact of the matter is that Delaney named his own board and essentially "fired" the rest of the MOTTs. This so called "firing" led the MOTTs to set up their own web site

If I understand correctly, it's not just their own web site--it's a different organization, both named IMAF.

One side of the story appears to be Mr. Delaney "firing" Dr. Schea and the other MOTTs; another side seems to be them leaving because they were not in agreement with Mr. Delaney's ideas on the direction the IMAF should take. If there is a single truth here-- and there may not be--I'd be interested to know it.

One thing I think both sides do have correctly is that there should be a single person at the head of the organization. In the case of the IMAF, Inc., that appears to be Dr. Schea as chair but there seems to be much more egalitarianism--it's all but an oligarchy, as I understand it. In the case of the IMAF it appears to be Mr. Delaney solely at the helm. (I'm sure the issue of who owns the name IMAF will be resolved shortly.) In either event, I think a clear leader is needed, and I do think that the Professor made an unfortunate choice in choosing two people, even leaving aside issues of personal integrity.

I imagine when Wally Jay passes that his art will multifurcate four ways. I just don't believe that leaving the art to more than one person is advisable, unless one wants to see it split. Perhaps Prof. Jay believes that each of his inheritors will evolve the art in a different direction and that that is beneficial, but I believe that Prof. Presas wanted his art to stay intact, and that has certainly not happened.
Regarding the IMAF,inc., there is one person leading, Dr. Shea. There is a steering commitee and a board of directors. Most corporations are run this way. It will be run like a corporation.
The MOTT'S did not leave, jd left. As Whoopass put it, he in essence, fired them. He did so without ANY communication what so ever. Then he named people that he wanted, one of which he did not even ask first. The fact that are/will be diff. orgs. representing modern arnis is not as disconcerting as the fact that some are not a good representation of the art. IMAF,inc. would probably have ousted jd anyway. All of this is simply the evolution of things. It has happened before and will in the future. It's all just pebbles and sand. What will matter in the end is how we treated each other. On the website you will notice that credit is given jd for the title that the Prof. gave him. It is an honest thing to do. This is the type of person Dr. Shea is and the type of organization that IMAF,inc. will be. Whew, enough :soapbox: for now. I'm tired. :D
Well, the fact of the matter is that, from the beginning, JD was not a team player and that was particularly reflected in the administration of the web site. Despite instructions to the contrary, JD turned that web site into a JD web site rather than an IMAF web site. The major failing of JD was that he refused to list the seminar schedules of the MOTTs as he was instructed to do. From what I understand, there were attempts to resolve this website issue. The issue was never resolved. To make a long story short, things broke down between JD and the rest of the MOTTs. Then a month ago, JD announces the "firing" of the entire IMAF board, all of whom were appointed by Remy. Dr. Schea had been Chairman of the IMAF since 1994. What JD did was contrary to the wishes of the late Prof Presas. It was in response to this that the rest of the MOTTs, including Dr. Schea, decided to set up their own web site. I have to say that the group headed by Dr. Schea has far more depth and experience than the JD group. There are a couple of folks in the JD Board who have very minimal experience in Modern Arnis. None of the folks on the JD board have the experience or background that the rest of the MOTTs do.

Yes, you are right.....there appears to be more egalitarianism in the IMAF, Inc. group than in the JD group. Dr. Schea appears to be a very democratic type of person. Yet, at the same time, he's in charge. This is a tight group and they're working together very well. It's a cohesive group.

WOO !!
Hello, I am new to this forum. A lot of interesting comments here.

Seems like there is much more stuff posted on the page now, even have a couple of camp dates set.

I am sure a lot of Arnisadoris in this forum have met and train with Dr. Schea, he is way way ahead of JD in terms of understanding and being able to apply Modern Arnis.
Originally posted by spdmn
Seems like there is much more stuff posted on the page now, even have a couple of camp dates set.

I am sure a lot of Arnisadoris in this forum have met and train with Dr. Schea, he is way way ahead of JD in terms of understanding and being able to apply Modern Arnis.

I note that Mr. Delaney has a half-page ad in the January 2002 issue of Black Belt. It mentions two camps and his tapes, and that he is the successor of Prof. Presas.
<<<I note that Mr. Delaney has a half-page ad in the January 2002 issue of Black Belt. It mentions two camps and his tapes, and that he is the successor of Prof. Presas.>>>

I've not seen this particular issue of Black Belt magazine but if that's what it says, it's all bs. Let me say this.....he's got some huge cajones to call himself the lone successor to Prof Presas. The fact of the matter is that Dr. Schea was appointed by Remy to be the Chairman of the IMAF back in 1994. JD has taken upon himself to violate the wishes of Prof Presas. No doubt about it, JD has moved unilaterally to make himself Chairman and Successor to the Professor. The facts do not back his claim whatsoever. His so called credentials will be exposed one of these days. Put it this way, what JD is doing does not reflect the Professor's last revised will.

In any case, what's important here is how the parties are conducting themselves in the post Remy era. I would like to think that JD's attempt to publicize himself so much bespeaks a certain lack of confidence that he will get what he wants. Dr. Schea and the MOTTs, on the other hand, seem to be less interested in playing politics and buying advertisements etc. I think that the Vision statement on the web site says alot.

WOO !!!!
It doesnt matter who is the new GrandMaster after Remy as long as this person has good personality, good enough techniques to represent Modern Arnis. Its just a title. Claiming oneself to be the lone successor doesnt mean anything unless you can back it up with the ability to spread the art and work with other people.

By the way, I like WhoopAss's footer, "I like to see you do that too", reminds me of Remy and so sad we dont get to hear it anymore.
Originally posted by WhoopAss
JD has taken upon himself to violate the wishes of Prof Presas. No doubt about it, JD has moved unilaterally to make himself Chairman and Successor to the Professor. The facts do not back his claim whatsoever. His so called credentials will be exposed one of these days. Put it this way, what JD is doing does not reflect the Professor's last revised will.

If I understand correctly, Mr. Delaney and Dr. Schea were, according to the will, supposed to work together under the aegis of the IMAF to further the art. Neither are doing that--neither are reflecting the last version of the will, as I understand it--and whether it's one person's fault or if there is blame that could be laid on both sides is hard to say from here. I find Mr. Delaney's frequent implications that he is the sole successor a bit off-putting, but then the current version of has:

Master Delaney was appointed Co-Successor in for the International Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF) in October 2000, to assist Dr. Randi Schea, Successor, and also to assist with the Masters of Tapi Tapi

(Italics added.) This seems to denigrate Mr. Delaney as a Co-Successor as opposed to Dr. Schea as a (Full) Successor, whereas my understanding was that both were equally co-susccessors. I also notice that he was appointed, according to this, to assist Dr. Schea and to assist the MOTTs, which again I find to be a downplaying of his intended role. This is not the high road either, though I certainly grant that Mr. Delaney is looking more crassly commercial than Dr. Schea's group. But I say again--Dr. Schea's site also sems to claim that he is the sole successor and that Mr. Delaney is only a "co-successor" with the implication that this is somehow a lesser status than Dr. Schea's as successor, and so both IMAFs are guilty of some of this.

I say again: I blame Prof. Presas. I liked him and respected him and get no pleasure from saying this, but he should have clearly appointed a single person. The price will be paid in people drifting into other arts due to the state of disarray in which they find Modern Arnis.

I would like to think that JD's attempt to publicize himself so much bespeaks a certain lack of confidence that he will get what he wants. Dr. Schea and the MOTTs, on the other hand, seem to be less interested in playing politics and buying advertisements etc.

They do seem to be quieter at this point at least, and Mr. Delaney does appear to be concerned about ascertaining his position publicly and often. Time will tell. Neither organization has a particularly high-ranking person at the head.

I will be interested to learn more about MARPPIO. It's not clear to me how similar their curriculum is to the Modern Arnis curriculum as it has recently been taught here in the United States. The art of MARPPIO may be a very different art.
Originally posted by spdmn
It doesnt matter who is the new GrandMaster after Remy as long as this person has good personality, good enough techniques to represent Modern Arnis.

I do not believe that such a person has stepped forward yet within the United States. Mr. Hartman might be able to fill such a role. I cannot comment knowledgeably on Remy P. Presas and his organization--I will be watching.

Its just a title. Claiming oneself to be the lone successor doesnt mean anything unless you can back it up with the ability to spread the art and work with other people.

I agree. It is just a title, but it's also the headship of the system. Modern Arnis grew on the strength of the Professor's personality and positivity as much as the techniques. It will fall apart in the current chaos. Many of the techniques will live on in one person's teaching or another but the Professor's art is at risk. To my mind the art is more than the sum of its techniques--surely Prof. Presas believed this--so I see that as a loss.

Already some of Modern Arnis has disappeared into Arnis de Leon, for example. Other practitioners who do it as a secondary art will find another secondary art (Filipino or no). This dissension and the lack of a strong and widely-accepted person at the top will mean that the Professor's art will disappear. I find that sad, given the percentage of his life that he dedicated to it. The MARPPIO organization will carry on his legacy in one way, other instructors will caryy it on in other ways, but I fear that the art itself, as developed and taught here in the U.S., will be gone before long.
<<<<If I understand correctly, Mr. Delaney and Dr. Schea were, according to the will, supposed to work together under the aegis of the IMAF to further the art. Neither are doing that--neither are reflecting the last version of the will, as I understand it--and whether it's one person's fault or if there is blame that could be laid on both sides is hard to say from here.>>>>>

I don't know where you're coming from. As I see it, the problem is with JD, particularly with the administration of his website. Datu Hartman can attest to this particular problem. Shortly after his promotion to 6th degree black belt by Professor Presas at the 2000 Michigan Camp, the web site announced Tim's promotion to 6th degree and to the title of Datu. As soon as the Professor got sick, any reference to Tim's promotion was removed from the website. The accounts of the 2000 Michigan camp was still on the site but any reference to Tim was removed by JD. If JD would do that to a 6th degree black belt and one who was honored with the title of Datu, what do you think JD is going to do to the rest of the leadership that Remy named ? Of course, he went out of his way to promote himself and not the others on that web site. None of the MOTTs seminars were announced on the web site.

This goes even further. For those who had booked Remy for seminars through the year 2001 were removed from the web site, even though Remy still called the shots as to who would do the seminars. Only those seminars taught by JD were listed on that website.......even while Remy was still alive.

Then there's the matter of the new videotapes. Despite the fact that Remy used several people in those tapes and the fact that he did not single out any one person for greater exposure than any other, guess who JD put on the cover of every single one of the tapes ? Him and Remy. None of the other MOTTS are included.

From what I understand, the MOTTs tried to work with JD and resolve some of these issues, particularly with regard to the website and announcing seminars by MOTTS to no avail.

Then in early October, JD essentially named himself as the Chairman of the IMAF, a position that Dr. Schea was appointed to in 1994 by Remy. I believe that Dr. Schea's position as the Chairman was affirmed by Remy's last will. In any case, JD went on to name his own board naming several people and excluding the MOTTs. It was this move that led the MOTTs to form their own group and set up their own website.

There's a lot that I'm not saying here. Suffice it to say that I believe that the MOTTS have all the facts on their side. I happen to believe that the MOTTS are a very tight group and they are going to do very well.

One last point. I don't believe that the Professor's art is "going to disappear." It will go on in various forms, whether it be with Tim's group, the MOTTs or MARPPIO. I believe that the Professor's art will be quite alive for years to come.

MARPPIO has come onto the scene fairly quickly and they seem to have gotten quite organized fast. It would seem that they were expecting this current situation and were waiting for the right time to emerge. The quick organization of this group suggests that they have been preparing for the kaos created by the Professor's passing for some time now.

JD has a new toy and plays with it differently all the time as evident by the constant changes in info on HIS web site.
Any body interested in a JD or Lisa tape?

The MOTTS are trying to carry on in what they believe were the Professor's wishes for the IMAF. Withh JD in charge of the web site and using the Professor's name( possession 9/10 of the law) the Motts were left no choice but to do what they are doing. There are too many quality people in that group and as long as there are no power issues they should stay a solid group.

Datu Hartman has been running his own group for years now(Can-Am chapter of the IMAF) and with the blessings and guidence of the Professor. He is the Professor's top student and his knowledge, skills nad rank make him more than a rightfull successor to the Professor's art. His new organization, the WMAA is strong and growing with quality people in the background. There is no question as to who is in charge, which is a must for success. Datu's willingness to help people and share information with other groups will take the WMAA a long way. He speaks his mind but at least you know where he's comming from.

Now the above is what we've got. So check them out, talk to the leaders of these groups and see what they have to offer to YOU and to YOUR SCHOOL and not by just enlisting you on paper to put $$ in their pockets. See what they got and you'll know who's got what you need. :soapbox: