The IMAF, INC Web page is up!!!!

if one of the MOTT 's was teaching a segment at a camp, J.D. would disapear whereas the other MOTT's would be around to help. J.D. was usually off with someone who is now part of his group. This woman had about 3-4 years in the art.

This woman is a third degree blackbelt in Modern Arnis. She is going to come get you. Her son is the youngest blackbelt in Moderen Arnis as well.

With all jokes aside, we should all attempt to attend as many camps as possible from IMAF. Inc, and Tim's group to learn and compare.

Admin Note : Jeff Delany was sent an invitation on 2 occations to either personally or by rep participate in the discussions here. To date, no reply has been received.

He was also asked for information to contribute to the GM Remy Presas memorial page hosted by us. No reply was received.

We have reps from the WMAA, MARPPIO and IMAF, Inc. I would love to have reps from other Arnis organizations here. If you know of any, please send them an invite. The more the merrier. :)

As always, the input of ALL martial organizations and members is welcome here, provided they can do so in a mature manner.



I think he is twelve. A well mannered young person, would be a very good martial artist if trained under the right person.
Hey spdmm,
You don't think she heard me do you? :eek:
As to her son, he is quite a nice young man. He is a pleasure to have around, you know, young, energetic, I remember being that way. :D
As to comparing IMAF,inc. and WMAA, the only thing that I can compare Tim to is....................................................well, never mind. :p

As to comparing IMAF,inc. and WMAA, the only thing that I can compare Tim to is....................................................well, never mind.

I also heard some not so heart-warming stories about Tim and why the WMAA was formed.

You and I may not agree with his personality but I think he is still a decent martial artist.

I hope the IMAF, Inc. Winter camp will have a good turn out.
Originally posted by spdmn
I also heard some not so heart-warming stories about Tim and why the WMAA was formed.

People do like to gossip, I suppose, but my experience with Mr. Hartman with respect to arnis has been uniformly positive. Mr. Hartman has always been first to help at camps where many others were unwilling (not all others of course but far too many). He was the Professor's favorite dmonstration partner and often the only person who knew the anyos--other black belts would come to him to learn them. He was a serious student of arnis.

You and I may not agree with his personality but I think he is still a decent martial artist.

Mr. Hartman's intensity may be off-putting to some but I know he has always been well thought of by students, both his own and those at camps and seminars. He has not always held his tongue as well as he might have during some of the recent difficulties I suppose.

I hope the IMAF, Inc. Winter camp will have a good turn out.

Indeed! I look forward to the IMAF, Inc. holding one suitably near me. Regrettably I live in the middle of nowhere, where few events come.
Tim started the WMAA for some specific reasons. Many of them I know about. The reasons are his to share. I do not think that what he chose to do was wrong, for him. It would certainly be nice if we were all on one team. The fact that there two different teams does not mean that we dislike each other. I consider Tim a friend, in spite of many things that have transpired. I feel like I understand Tim. The "not so heartwarming" stories could be true, but one would have to know Tims perspective to understand the why's. Tim is passionate about what he does. In that, the IMAF,inc. and the WMAA are the same. If people get to see both they would be able to see the similarities.
By the way, I think it was Arnisador who said they live in the middle of nowhere where events seldom go. I would be glad to help you out on that one.
Also, I'm glad that Gatorade is back safe from Inga-land. :D
Originally posted by Mao
By the way, I think it was Arnisador who said they live in the middle of nowhere where events seldom go. I would be glad to help you out on that one.

I believe that Mr. Gauss gave a seminar recently in Indianapolis at Mr. Higginbotham's dojo. Unfortunately I did not hear about it until after the event. A seminar in Indianapolis is my best bet. Chicago and St. Louis are a bit too far unfortunately.
The IMAF web site (before the creation of the IMAF, Inc.'s web site) had said that Dr. Schea and Mr. Delaney had been named co-successors and co-grandmasters. Did the Professor, in words or in his will, ever use the precise term "grandmaster" to describe Dr. Schea and/or Mr. Delaney, or was this an inaccuracy that was posted to the site?
This is a quote from - snapshot taken on March 1st, 2001.

The first order of business conducted by Professor Presas was the establishment of succession planning for IMAF. Professor declared that Jeff Delaney, Executive Director - IMAF, and Randi Schea, M.D., Chairman - IMAF, were to be named as Co-Successors for IMAF. Jeff Delaney, as Co-Successor is responsible for the execution and application of the strategic agendas, and to establish and maintain ambassador status to all U.S. and international IMAF instructors, camp directors, and affiliated schools. Jeff Delaney is to remain as Executive Director of the IMAF. Dr. Schea, as Co-Successor, is responsible for the strategic agendas of the IMAF and to ensure its corporate organizational success, internal operations, and its financial and fiscal posterity. Dr. Schea is to remain as Chairman for the IMAF. Professor Presas also named Jeff Delaney and Dr. Randi Schea as Co-Grandmasters, for the IMAF. This declaration was made to the IMAF members listed in section (1) above and declared effective immediately.

Rest of information available at the site.

I think this states that they were both co-successor and co-grandmaster. JD to do the front end, RS to run the back end.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I think this states that they were both co-successor and co-grandmaster. JD to do the front end, RS to run the back end.

Thanks Kaith, this is my recollection of what was on the web page as well, and it does not seem to imply that Mr. Delaney's status was in any way inferior to that of Dr. Schea.

I understand that the web page was under Mr. Delaney's control--I assume that the IMAF, Inc. position is that what Kaith has quoted was written by Mr. Delaney and was not entirely accurate? If not then it is at odds with the notion that Mr. Delaney was Dr. Schea's assistant. is neat...its a snapshot at websites over the last 5 years or so. very easy to look back and see what used to be there. :)
The above couple of posts illustrates the frustration that certain people were having with that particular website for some time. It became the J.D. Show. Myself and Renegade had many conversations about this. The fact, once again, that the other MOTT's are still together speaks volumes. I restate: J.D. was told TO do some things that he did not and was told NOT to do some things that he did, by the Prof.. In the end, it seems that it did not matter since he went off by himself anyway.
I hadn't noticed before that Terry Wareham is officially affiliated with the IMAF, Inc., as a member of its Board. I was wondering which way he'd go--I respect Mr. Wareham's integrity. On the other hand, Al Garza is on the Board as well, and he persists in sending me grossly irrelevant junk e-mail promoting his religious beliefs and personal charitable causes despite requests to stop. There's a negative.
Al Garza' camp flyer includes Raleigh's, Terry's and Ken's camp. It is on his website

Also see below

Summer Camp June 20-23, 2002
Lansing, MI Contact: Terry Wareham

Fall Camp October 18-20, 2002
Orlando Park, IL Contact: Ken Smith

Originally posted by Palusut
Al Garza' camp flyer includes Raleigh's, Terry's and Ken's camp.

Al Garza sends me garbage via e-mail all the time, often promoting his religious beliefs and charitable causes, not arnis. I find his behaviour most inappropriate.
Start collecting the spam he sends you, along with your requests for him to stop. Then send all of that to his ISP and maybe they'll get him to stop, one way or another.


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