It scares them because faith is just belief without evidence. I can have all the faith in the world that Superman exists and treat DC comics as holy text yet it won't make it true. Religion is shaken to the core so easily because like any other fairy tale it does not stand up to logic and scrutiny. They are afraid kids might like Pullman's fiction more than the bible's fiction.
I tried praying to Superman but it didn't work too well. I've switched to WonderWoman. Still no answer but she's easier on the eyes. :rofl:
They can't, actually, since most religions, if not all, simply won't stand up to the most cursory scrutiny. They aren't held together by truth, but by vehement faith and peer pressure.
Religions and political parties share much of the same things, the answering of the unknown and the need to belong being 2. When you're in the "clique" who cares if you're right?
Just watching the commercials makes me want to be a hard core atheist. Just like how Battlefield Earth instantly made me into a Scientologist.
It was a busy year for me.....first I became a Sith, then a Wizard, then a Vampire. Curse these movies and their constant attack on faith.
It never fails to amuse me that those who don't believe in a god are as keen to prove they are right as those who do believe!
It's actually more so the Christians, Muslims and "I aint with thems". Most of the rest of us just wish they'd all shut the **** up and get on with more important things.
Why is it so important to be 'right'? what happened to live and let live? Why must it have to be proved that the Bible is right or wrong? Does it matter? If you don't believe in the Bible why does it worry you that people do and vice versa? I don't see the need to argue over faith, you can have faith in what you want to have faith in or have none at all but please don't attack people just because they don't believe the same as you.
Because we as a people are naturally insecure. We all want to be "right". The right party, the right job, the right art, the right career, the right faith. We're whiny little specs who want to be something that may not be, God. Because we have the mistaken belief that God is always right.
The topic is the film 'The Golden Compass' not the existance of a God as such, it really shouldn't turn into a thread attacking people which is where I fear it may lead.
Very true. Though in some cases I suspect there will be cross over as the attacks on the film come from a verbose subgroup of a particular faith...a subgroup who fears anything outside their narrow norm. I expect most folks will either see the film or not based on if it interests them.
whether you decide to believe in God or not isn't really the issue... it would appear that the biggest slap in the face of the church would be in the timing of the release... why did the studio decide to put out the movie that which has undeniable anti-religious undertones - one that's written by an avowed atheist - unless they desired all this attention drawn to the movie?
When should they have released it? Christmas isn't the only religious holiday this month. 2 other major faiths also have holidays in December, as well as dozens of minor ones.
While I mostly agree with you ... there are many things in the movie that aren't quite as clear as in the book (as I understand it, having never read Narnia) ... I think the whole resurrection of the Lion is one seriously strong religious overtone.
He was dead. He came back to life. Made some sort of comment about self-sacrifice. I don't know, to me, that's a pretty big overtone.
See: Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Neo, Blade, Obi Wan Kenobi, Elektra, Spock, Superman, dozens of DC and Marvel superheros, etc.
The whole resurrection things a non issue, unless the argument is only Christianity can use it as a plot device.
If you're looking for it....not all stories of resurrection are based on the bible. I'm watching Pirates of the Carribbean and Jack Sparrow is brought back to life after sacrificing himself.......ok, maybe a bad example, but you get the point. If the author hadn't stated that the books were based on christianity, not nearly as many people would have drawn that conclusion - in my very humble opinion. Although, I remember the conversation I had after seeing that movie and I said "Aside from the Lion coming back to life, I don't see what the movie had to do with religion."
As for The Golden Compass, I intend to see it this week, so we'll see. Although I intend to go into it pretty objectively....
My opinion is, screw em. If I feel like seeing the movie, I will, if I don't I won't. I refuse to let some narrow minded religious cowards decide for me. They whined over Harry Potter, they whined over The Davinci Code, now they have got their closed minded brains knotted up over this film. Hell, I've heard they were pissed over The Passion even. (Not enough blood?)
Any film is going to have issues, especially when you go looking for them. So what if it was written by an atheist? In the mjority of these cases, the person doing the kvetching has a-never read or seen it and b-is going off what someone else who has never read/seen it said. Carlin was right. They are afraid of knowledge, that their kids might see a conflicting idea and start thinking for themselves. Heaven Forbid! Anything that might make little Tommy read more is of "Satan".
I won't be seeing the film, because it doesn't interest me. Seemed stupid when I saw the commercials. But if you aren't seeing it because someone told someone who told someone who told you that "Jesus will cry" or some such crap...well, then you're an idiot.
Google it, wiki it, stop in at the library and read the back cover, and make up your own mind. If you don't want your kids seeing it or reading it, well then, be a parent and put your foot down.