Live True
Brown Belt
It scares them because faith is just belief without evidence. I can have all the faith in the world that Superman exists and treat DC comics as holy text yet it won't make it true. Religion is shaken to the core so easily because like any other fairy tale it does not stand up to logic and scrutiny. They are afraid kids might like Pullman's fiction more than the bible's fiction.
I just think their fear is misplace, because they are the one's responsible for the core of their children's beliefs and they need to step up to the plate and be role models AND guardians. Don't ask others to be do thier job!
But on your implication that religion doesn't stand up to logic and scrutiny. and is therefore worthless...well...Some will find this ironic, as I am a Pagan defending Christianity. However, my husband is Christian, I believe strongly that each person must find thier own personal roots of belief and life, and we are both people of deep faith.
I don't think everything in this world has a logical, rational least not one we understand at this time. I mean, sheesh! that would be so boring and deadening to the soul.

Now, let me first say that I am a HUGE fan of hard science, the scientific method, and scientific theory. But let's look at a few current theories and scientific concepts. We can' t touch a black hole, and even now the theories of how they work and exist are still evolving and changing. Does this mean they can't exist? Don't think so. Dark still just a theory, but one that is gaining validity in how the universe is constructed.
Or let's go back a bit further, to when the earth was the center of the universe. That was proven fact of the day...we know now it wasn't well proven, but hey...they thought they had rationally determined that the world was flat and the earth the center of all....
Simply put, I think faith is several things, of varying degrees to varying folks: 1)where we put those personal truths that have not yet been proven by science 2)where our closely held personal beliefs find a foundation 3) where we find hope and comfort 4) and where we tie ourselves to something larger than the individual
You don't have to agree with me on this. But I simply ask that you not paint someone as stupid or illogical, because they choose to have faith in something that cannot be seen or touched. As the bard put it in Hamlet:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.