The future of the TKD section

tell that to the points i just got, from YOU reporting the post i am sure. perfect example of what i just said. gotta go cry to the wonder i havnt posted here in months. And if there are problems here, it isnt me since AGAIN FOR THE SLOW, i havnt posted here in months before today.
Then I simply suggest this to everyone (including me);

  • Put the hard feeling on the shelf and let them collect dust.
  • Treat others like we'd like to get treated.
  • Treat this thread as a clean slate and start fresh with each other.

Let's try this again. Maybe we can give this thread a positive ending. :)
Quick question....Was KSD's post, and subsequently my post, about his HKD background yanked? Or did I take too many Jolly Rancher jelly beans at one time and had one hell of a hallucination about the whole thing even happening?
he broke the rules and posted it in the wrong section. they moved it to the correct section.

I am curious though, why 1 would say he let it go, then start a whole new post baiting dumb saps like myself. It reminds me of that "victim" role where one draws attention to ones self for pitty in order to gain self worth.

but alas, I am too dumb to ignore it. I have tried to find a good point to let it die. maybe its here.

Note to Mods and Bob,

sorry for any disruption. I dished it, so I'll take it as you see fit.

even still, thanks for the platform.
Quick question....Was KSD's post, and subsequently my post, about his HKD background yanked? Or did I take too many Jolly Rancher jelly beans at one time and had one hell of a hallucination about the whole thing even happening?

They have been moved to The Great Debate. You can find them here.
... because discussions and challenges regarding rank and background ... *BELONG THERE* ...
Right, I understand that. I was not challenging his rank. Just remarking that his teacher was my friend's student. big deal. Was just curious.
how about this.

everyone just step back, and cool off. infractions are being issued, take it like adults, and move the section forward in a positive direction.

Alternate option is that in an hour or so I turn the KMA area read-only for a while.

Sadly, it confounds me how those who continue to find themselves in conflict fail to recognize they are the source of the conflict. It's really not that hard, if you try. But you have to try.

I see so many of my friends who have posted on the last 5 pages and as your friend would only remind you, you are all good people capable of positive contributions. You are better than this.

The posers who post false information win. not us.

False or just not valiadated or just different from what one was taught?

In one of the FMA's (Balintawak) I teach, there is an org with a GM that makes claims. The claims are false. But those who follow up all swear they are true. They swear under penalty of sparring with sticks that it is true. It is what they were told. So it has to be true. It is what their GM wrote down so it has to be true.

How was this handled? People who cared, from multiple organizations and lineages from the founder, all asked questions and provided data. Yes there were some of posted it to get people angry. Yes there were some who posted to brag about the stories and the claims. The point was that with many of the old timers gone there was thought that he was the last and he coudl re-write history. My instructor had educated me otherwise. And guess what, I went out and researched what others said as well. When you get an 80 to 90 % overlap and the 10 to 20 % is different points of view that are not contrary to the main point of story being told then you get a feel that more and more of what is true. If multiple lines all have a verbal history that overlap, but one does not then what is wrong with the one?

Yes the bad guy is still out there teaching. But his followers are less and less vocal on sites as the community kept tabs. Even though I ran into a loud mouth in person at a camp last year, and was at a table at a bar one evening right behind me. I started telling the stories he was telling, and who told me. I told them loud enough that he got the point.

So how come I can do this? Two major points is why. I am good enough in what I do to back it up. I also have a reputation of being nice and humble. I know if you have to say it you are not. But it is what I have been told. So being myself, and being consistent and making logical points and having a good rep in the community goes a long way whe you get upset. Others will wonder why.

And just so you know my instructors of Record at GM Remy Presas for Modern Arnis and GM Ted Buot for Balintawak. Manong Ted, was the only one to teach at the Founder's club besides the founder. Many of those teaching today are third generation while I am second. All of this could be used in arguments for and against. Yet, I make comments to list data, and to provide a point of view for discussion to educate people.

So the first thing I always do is the research to make sure I am not the one with false info, by checking multiple sources even if it is verbal.
If I am not the one with the incorrect data, I then ask specific questions with details.

So have you done this? Have you checked your sources and documented them and other sources not directly yet indirectly associated with you and your org?
Of so then present them when you ask your question as part of your data for the question. Have a discussion. Do not have a religious discussion. Make it one of data and or philosphy not of faith.

That is my recommendation.
At least 1 person still doesn't get it.

I'd like to say they will be missed, but I never lie.

The argument going on right now is a prime reason why this section's at risk of being dumped I think.

If this is an example of TKD's finest, it's no wonder most other arts consider you lot a ****ing joke who buy rank and think kicking dry pine is important.

"TKD, the Community College of the Martial Arts World".

This thread reads like a high school drama queens Facebook wall.

God, what a bunch of pathetic children. If I had the ban hammer I'd boot at least 3 people, maybe 5. Clean house, let them whine elsewhere and return the site to some level of civil discussions.

That takes stones. Wonder if there are any stones here.

Sir, I have a problem with your words !!!

I believe you may have insulted Community Colleges ;)

** Runs and hides before the comparison to elementary schools and the systems I study begins **

I went through -this- thread.

I issued a bucket's worth of infractions. Let me put the speculation to rest, at least half of you got them.
All most all were warnings.

Now, take the wrist slaps like adults, and go make the rest of the TKD section a more positive place, and take the personal issues off site.

"But Bob, you slapped me for trolling and I wasn't..."

I got better things to do that roll anyone a custom infraction. I found something close to how I saw it, issued it and moved on to the next nose with a boogie in it. I've got a cranky server to deal with, several clients to satisfy, and a number of headaches with the new house to deal with.

So I am asking that no one make this molehill into the Alps.

Just take the wrist slaps, and go do good things in other threads.

I am being as fair as I can be, to you, to the other members, and to my over worked staff right now.

Please don't make me regret it.

how about this.

everyone just step back, and cool off. infractions are being issued, take it like adults, and move the section forward in a positive direction.

Alternate option is that in an hour or so I turn the KMA area read-only for a while.

My apologies to you and the staff. I posted from earlier posts before getting to the end. Not an excuse just an explanation.

Edit to remove my attempt to lighten the mood in light of the moderator's note. But suffice to say, it was really funny and insightful... or was that inciteful? Well, one or the other. :)
Edit to remove my attempt to lighten the mood in light of the moderator's note. But suffice to say, it was really funny and insightful... or was that inciteful? Well, one or the other. :)

I caught it. I think you're right. But I keep hoping.

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