Moderation Level

I agree; there are people out there who get a sense of power or control by causing threads to close.

Who gets a sense of power doing that? I know I don't. My sense of power comes when I get to help someone who wants help, so that they can go where they want to and are supposed to go.
IMO, those who are passionate about their art will have strong opinions that will occasionally clash with others. I have not taken strong offense to anything I have witnessed/experienced in the KMA threads. Those I consider to be real trolls leave as quickly as they come, because we are a close knit group with regulations that foster productive discussion.

As long as everyone is courteous and respectful, we have great discussions on here, and I'd hate for it to be compromised for some brief moments of indiscretion. Whether I agree or disagree with every single post by anyone on here, I think that as a whole everyone contributes to these threads in a positive way.

In our dojang, we stress that no one person is above Taekwondo, which I believe is applicable to all martial arts and life in general. As long as we can keep our egos in check, I think there is a lot to be gained by the discussions on this website.. .

But then again, I haven't had any personal attacks or conflicts with any members on here.. .
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that option 1 is better, but as an adult I can skip over option 2 if people choose to use it ;-)

Unfortunately sir, not everyone shares your sentiment. :)

I'd rather than than quiet threads and everyone falling over themselves to be polite and responses being less than open.

It's your call at the end of the day, I'm just saying it's a risk that it would go too far the other way if mods have a heavy hand - and personally I'd hate to see this forum (the TKD section of it) die off..

I've been on this forum for quite a while. To be honest, you'd really be surprised at how much leeway some are given. Either way, we're between a rock and a hard place. In other words...too heavy, you risk losing people, too light, and you risk losing people, and we're accused of not doing enough moderation. And frankly, I agree with you...while I'm not a TKD person, there are alot of good people in this section and I wouldn't want to see it die off either.
As for the locked thread about Disabled people and black belts, can a moderator reopen it as soon as the judicial review is over? I think it was a good, interesting thread and it's a shame that discussion has been shut off.

Yes, that can probably be arranged.
I agree; there are people out there who get a sense of power or control by causing threads to close. They're often folks who are careful enough to toe the line -- almost exactly. They'll run their toes right up to the line, smudge it, but argue they never crossed it. And they didn't -- in any one post. But, as a whole? Hell, yeah.

What can be really frustrating is when the problem children also have something valuable to contribute. If they'd just drop the grade school crap...

I guess, in those cases, I'd have to ask myself if it's worth the headaches.
I've been on this forum for quite a while. To be honest, you'd really be surprised at how much leeway some are given. Either way, we're between a rock and a hard place. In other words...too heavy, you risk losing people, too light, and you risk losing people, and we're accused of not doing enough moderation. And frankly, I agree with you...while I'm not a TKD person, there are alot of good people in this section and I wouldn't want to see it die off either.

May I suggest looking at their track record. Look at repeated patterns. Are they making an effort to get along with those they disagree with? Are they making an effort to look at 'their' side of an issue. Are they able to separate the member FROM the issue?


Do they come into a thread, do a drive-by jab and then zip out? If questioned about a little slice of sarcasm, do they respond with a legitimate justification? Do they respond at all? Even if asked directly my a mod or admin? Are they a shill for another member? Do they take threads off topic with regularity? Not a bit of normal thread drift, but stupid stuff like arguing whether falling down is flying for two pages.

People can be direct. People can challenge your views in a professional, respectful manner. People can question what you've stated, again in a professional, repectful manner. That isn't a problem. It is drive-bys, intentional sarcasm, intentional thread drift, arguing stupid crap page after page. That is a problem.
Ii thinks the Mods here do a very good job! I have never seen a post that I would report. I don't believe in censorship. I have for that matter never reported a post. I have had my posts reported and reviewed. The mods again treated me fairly. I really don't understand all the rule reading by the people who post on this board. Some of it seems like junior high tattling. I don't like you so I am going to try to get you kicked off the board. I like the prickly curmudgeon posts of twin fist. I enjoy the lawyerly and sometimes pompous posts of Punnui. I even enjoyed the odd English perspective of Tez3. I miss the humor of mango man. I enjoy the misspellings of Terry. This is a strange fun group. I promise to go on an on about my kids until it drives you al crazy. For my last parting shot of this hour my Youth BB thread is still the most entertaining and controversial thread ever on this Tkd BBS. I was probably reported 10 times for that one.
I can't forget Ralph the Aussie who trains at a studio with 4000 x KKW BB who have discovered the true meaning of TKD and it's punching.

Cant forget Mr Cole...o yeah him and Punnui are the some person.. Just kidding the Itf are commies...did I just say that... kidding again.

Can we all not take this so seriously and take a laugh break

BTW Bob Hubbard has 6000 screenl names and is everyone you hate...

For that matter I am Bob...
Ii thinks the Mods here do a very good job! I have never seen a post that I would report. I don't believe in censorship. I have for that matter never reported a post. I have had my posts reported and reviewed. The mods again treated me fairly. I really don't understand all the rule reading by the people who post on this board. Some of it seems like junior high tattling. I don't like you so I am going to try to get you kicked off the board. I like the prickly curmudgeon posts of twin fist. I enjoy the lawyerly and sometimes pompous posts of Punnui. I even enjoyed the odd English perspective of Tez3. I miss the humor of mango man. I enjoy the misspellings of Terry. This is a strange fun group. I promise to go on an on about my kids until it drives you al crazy. For my last parting shot of this hour my Youth BB thread is still the most entertaining and controversial thread ever on this Tkd BBS. I was probably reported 10 times for that one.

You've seen Granfire's signature haven't you? The other thing is that despite both countries having a common(ish) language we are actually quite foreign to each other. If Americans forget that we are British and imagine we are a foreign country they'd understand us rather better. We don't pretend to understand Americans in the same way that parents don't understand their teenagers lol! :)
You've seen Granfire's signature haven't you? The other thing is that despite both countries having a common(ish) language we are actually quite foreign to each other. If Americans forget that we are British and imagine we are a foreign country they'd understand us rather better. We don't pretend to understand Americans in the same way that parents don't understand their teenagers lol! :)

Actually, that same communication issue exists within the U.S. from state to state-I really have a hard time with some Texans, for instance, or people from Florida or Puerto Rico......
.......which is appropriate, since most of us think of Britain as a sort of 51st or 52nd (after Canada) state,anyway....:lfao:
Actually, that same communication issue exists within the U.S. from state to state-I really have a hard time with some Texans, for instance, or people from Florida or Puerto Rico......
.......which is appropriate, since most of us think of Britain as a sort of 51st or 52nd (after Canada) state,anyway....:lfao:

The thing is, we think we 'know' each other, that we understand each other when we don't, our cultures are actually very different, we don't actually share many experiences either to make common ground between us even though we've fought enemies together etc we had different experiences doing it. In a seriousness thinking of us as another state compounds the misunderstandings, we may be 'cousins' but we are the foreign cousins. I know Americans don't understand why we don't want guns, they think because we all speak english we should be like them but our history, experiences and views are very different from yours, the same with many things from the death penalty, abortion, politics and yes martial arts. We aren't so taken with the whole 'lineage' thing, Exile ( do come back please!) once explained it that because Americans don't have a couple of thousand years of history they are very keen to have lineages in something so in martial arts it's very important to them whereas we just think it's nice to know who your instructor's instructor was. In's all in perspectives, our perspectives are very different from yours and that leads to misunderstandings....bit like on some threads here.
The best I ever came up with that dichotomy, Tez, is that the English think 100 miles is a long way and the American's think 100 years is a long time :D.

I miss Exile too. I spoke to him a couple of times on the phone and he's as nice in 'person' as he is in text.
that because Americans don't have a couple of thousand years of history they are very keen to have lineages in something so in martial arts it's very important to them whereas we just think it's nice to know who your instructor's instructor was. In's all in perspectives, our perspectives are very different from yours and that leads to misunderstandings....bit like on some threads here.

Most Americans don't have a couple of thousand years of history......:lfao:

The best I ever came up with that dichotomy, Tez, is that the English think 100 miles is a long way and the American's think 100 years is a long time :D.

With each year over the age of thirty, I'm thinking 100 years isn't a long time at all....:lfao:

Oh and you owe me a tenner, Elder, as I bet it would take less than half an hour for you to make a comment along those lines :p.

All I can say is prove it! Where are your written records and deeds of ownership? Not got any have you? No flag neither! {sticks out tongue ... in a mature way of course :lol:}. Pics or it didn't happen :D.
I can't forget Ralph the Aussie who trains at a studio with 4000 x KKW BB who have discovered the true meaning of TKD and it's punching.

Cant forget Mr Cole...o yeah him and Punnui are the some person.. Just kidding the Itf are commies...did I just say that... kidding again.

Can we all not take this so seriously and take a laugh break

BTW Bob Hubbard has 6000 screenl names and is everyone you hate...

For that matter I am Bob...
Thanks gorilla, Id thought you'd forgotten about me :), Im glad all 4000 of us dont train at the one studio, that'd make for an interesting class. Fortunately we are spread out all over Australia.
I can't forget Ralph the Aussie who trains at a studio with 4000 x KKW BB who have discovered the true meaning of TKD and it's punching.

Cant forget Mr Cole...o yeah him and Punnui are the some person.. Just kidding the Itf are commies...did I just say that... kidding again.

Can we all not take this so seriously and take a laugh break

BTW Bob Hubbard has 6000 screenl names and is everyone you hate...

For that matter I am Bob...

Yup. A proud father. Intelligent. Knowledgeable about the arts, but for personal reasons isn't training themselves.

I knew you were Bob all along. It wasn't a bad cover until you actually tried to take on another name. Who the heck is named Tal anyway? Might want to blend in a bit better next time.:lol: ;)

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