At the end of the day, we're going to do what we think is best for the long term survival of the site and the section. We've been forced to ban "VIP"'s in the past, one within a few days of his registering because we didn't rush to kiss his feet fast enough. I don't care what rank you are, what your title is, who you know, or who you are. If I had the 'nerve' to suspend my own instructor, co-founder of the site and a major client of mine....what makes anyone else 'exempt'?
I want the KMA part of MT to be the best place for passionate in-depth discussions of all things KMA related. "Best" to me means a few things.
1- Our tag line is "friendly". That means keep the mud slinging to a rare minimum. Other sites welcome that, we don't. I want lurkers to read our topics and think 'hey, I want to join, these guys are cool". Not "wow, what a bunch of whiny children." So 'best' here is 'friendly and inviting and welcoming'.
2- MT is almost 11 years old. I could cut costs incredibly if I'd just nuke 10 years and 6 GB of discussions. But I won't. I want this to be the longest running, most in depth, most discussion heavy forum there is. So 'best' here is 'lots n lots n lots of discussions!'
3- Members run from newbie to expert. We want to have some balance that appeals to all levels of learning. So 'best' here is a diverse range of member experiences.
4- Our function is discussion. So best here is lots of discussion.
I realize that there are different organizations, different curriculum, hell just different opinions. That's what makes things great. We want that. Share it, express it, hell, argue a bit if you like.
But we're not going to tolerate the BS anymore. We can't. It's too much work. So, we're looking at complaints carefully and issuing point infractions liberally. The offenders will either cut out the BS or ultimately ban themselves. They also might decide that being told to act like a mature adult is impossible and leave, possibly stomping their feet a lot on the way out before heading elsewhere to call me and my staff poopie heads and booger eaters. That's their call of course, but it's not that hard to survive on this site. They just choose to be childish rather than respect my house and my house rules and the great resource that all of you have developed here over the past decade. If they can't respect that...I don't want them here.
I want MT to be the best. I want the best members, the best staff, the best content, the best everything. I've believed that for almost 11 years now. You folks tell me if my belief's been in error. Not here. On the other topics out there. I'll know if the reports calm down, if the bickering eases, if post counts go up, if new topics and new members show up. It's all in the end, up to all of you. I'm just the guy who makes sure the peanuts in the lounge are fresh.
I want the KMA part of MT to be the best place for passionate in-depth discussions of all things KMA related. "Best" to me means a few things.
1- Our tag line is "friendly". That means keep the mud slinging to a rare minimum. Other sites welcome that, we don't. I want lurkers to read our topics and think 'hey, I want to join, these guys are cool". Not "wow, what a bunch of whiny children." So 'best' here is 'friendly and inviting and welcoming'.
2- MT is almost 11 years old. I could cut costs incredibly if I'd just nuke 10 years and 6 GB of discussions. But I won't. I want this to be the longest running, most in depth, most discussion heavy forum there is. So 'best' here is 'lots n lots n lots of discussions!'
3- Members run from newbie to expert. We want to have some balance that appeals to all levels of learning. So 'best' here is a diverse range of member experiences.
4- Our function is discussion. So best here is lots of discussion.
I realize that there are different organizations, different curriculum, hell just different opinions. That's what makes things great. We want that. Share it, express it, hell, argue a bit if you like.
But we're not going to tolerate the BS anymore. We can't. It's too much work. So, we're looking at complaints carefully and issuing point infractions liberally. The offenders will either cut out the BS or ultimately ban themselves. They also might decide that being told to act like a mature adult is impossible and leave, possibly stomping their feet a lot on the way out before heading elsewhere to call me and my staff poopie heads and booger eaters. That's their call of course, but it's not that hard to survive on this site. They just choose to be childish rather than respect my house and my house rules and the great resource that all of you have developed here over the past decade. If they can't respect that...I don't want them here.
I want MT to be the best. I want the best members, the best staff, the best content, the best everything. I've believed that for almost 11 years now. You folks tell me if my belief's been in error. Not here. On the other topics out there. I'll know if the reports calm down, if the bickering eases, if post counts go up, if new topics and new members show up. It's all in the end, up to all of you. I'm just the guy who makes sure the peanuts in the lounge are fresh.