The future of the TKD section

Well said.

The problem that I see in that thread is some folks disagree with alternate interpretations for movements in forms. And that is fine. Let me say it again so that it is REALLY is FINE! They don't have to agree.


We have in that thread credentials being attacked, 'you don't know what you're talking about' or 'you clearly are inexperienced' or 'your not really TKD...go away you're not allowed to be here'. That isn't constructive. And what I'm finding out is that it is coming from members who haven't really put in any time or effort training or researching into alternative applications. And hey, that's okay. If someone isn't interested in alternative applications then they don't have to put in the time/effort. But they then, shouldn't turn around and negatively comment on those that have put in the time/effort/research/training/teaching.

Look. If you have problems with someone attacking you, REPORT THE POST. Be a grown damn man and START A THREAD IN THE GREAT DEBATE and invite the accuser there to prove or disprove the claim. You can't expect others to act like grown men if you're whining like a child. Follow the rules or lose this platform. And I don't care who you are, you are not destroying a board for.

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+1. I'm disappointed by some of the recent acrimony but to be honest even the "Facts and Lies" thread had some interesting discussion on it. It's hard to change your mind on something or to learn something entirely different from your prior experience without someone willing to play the role of teacher. And occasionally a teacher must be an antagonist to be effective.

Can't say I agree with your sentiments.


With all due respect Jeremy, don't cover for him. And yes, you are one of the biggest offenders. d1jinx didn't make a 'bad assumption'. He lied. He lied because he didn't like my viewpoint in a couple of threads. Last time I checked, people here were allowed to have their own viewpoint. Last time I checked it was allowed to express that opinion. He hasn't manned up and apologized. Make a public accusation then make a public apology.
Not covering for him. Simply stating what I felt he did. It is my know that thing you keep bitching about that everyone gets on you for.

KSD said:
One of the first guidelines of TKD is 'courtesy to all'. How are you doing on that Jeremy? Yeah...I could improve that as well..but it sure would be a lot easier if I didn't have the same 3-4 members pulling the same crap every time I turn around and post MY FRIGGIN OPINION! You don't agree...say, "I don't agree" and move on. You don't have to agree. But how about acting like a martial artist, y'know...all that respect and courtesy stuff. In other words, practice what you preach. I don't agree with you on many things but I'm all for some mutual respect. But mutual respect is a two-way road.
Ha.ha.ha...Ok. Whatever you say.
Look. If you have problems with someone attacking you, REPORT THE POST. Be a grown damn man and START A THREAD IN THE GREAT DEBATE and invite the accuser there to prove or disprove the claim. You can't expect others to act like grown men if you're whining like a child. Follow the rules or lose this platform. And I don't care who you are, you are not destroying a board for.

Shesulsa, seriously, I nearly spat Coke all over my monitor...
Duel at tomorrow dawn with wet noodle lashes?

Them's fighting words.

But seriously, if someone takes it upon themselves to be a "teacher" on a BBS they shouldn't be surprised that people give them a raspberry and the old two-fingered salute, shold they? It can really come off as the height of arrogance, especially when it's coupled with antagonism. Too often that's thinly veiled hubris, not enlightened disinterest. I've learned more here about a variety of topics from people like yourself who don't need to stoop to being beligerent to make their point. You can tell who is worth listening to and who isn't after a few posts.


Them's fighting words.

But seriously, if someone takes it upon themselves to be a "teacher" on a BBS they shouldn't be surprised that people give them a raspberry and the old two-fingered salute, shold they? It can really come off as the height of arrogance, especially when it's coupled with antagonism. Too often that's thinly veiled hubris, not enlightened disinterest. I've learned more here about a variety of topics from people like yourself who don't need to stoop to being beligerent to make their point. You can tell who is worth listening to and who isn't after a few posts.



Nobody claimed to be a teacher in that thread. Only stating their opinion. There's a difference.
Originally Posted by miguksaram
What Shesulsa is saying is general and covers everything and everybody in this section. Do not point fingers and say it is one man's fault because you are just as guilty for causing as much crap as the rest. Hell, I know I am guilty, if not one of the lead offenders. Perhaps dijinx made a bad assumption, but I do not believe he was trying to make anything up out of the blue. Did Mst. Dunn study under GM Won? Yes, did he receive rank from GM Won? Yes. Was it TKD rank? Yes. Could it have been possible for him to receive HKD rank GM Won? Yes. That would be an assumption however, you have since said was not true. So is not true and d1jinx made a mistake. So let it die already and move on.

With all due respect Jeremy, don't cover for him. And yes, you are one of the biggest offenders. d1jinx didn't make a 'bad assumption'. He lied. He lied because he didn't like my viewpoint in a couple of threads. Last time I checked, people here were allowed to have their own viewpoint. Last time I checked it was allowed to express that opinion. He hasn't manned up and apologized. Make a public accusation then make a public apology.

One of the first guidelines of TKD is 'courtesy to all'. How are you doing on that Jeremy? Yeah...I could improve that as well..but it sure would be a lot easier if I didn't have the same 3-4 members pulling the same crap every time I turn around and post MY FRIGGIN OPINION! You don't agree...say, "I don't agree" and move on. You don't have to agree. But how about acting like a martial artist, y'know...all that respect and courtesy stuff. In other words, practice what you preach. I don't agree with you on many things but I'm all for some mutual respect. But mutual respect is a two-way road.

first let me say...

with all due respect. I did not lie. to continue calling me a lier and accuse me of being out to get you is wrong. Jeremy is not defending me, he is stating the obvious.

I Found it hypocritical that you would post a link to a seminar, poking fun at it, when it is the same indiviual who you have a connection to, per YOUR web page and YOUR own post. So for me to say, Did Mst. Dunn study under GM Won? Yes, did he receive rank from GM Won? Yes. Was it TKD rank? Yes. Could it have been possible for him to receive HKD rank GM Won? Yes. and per your reply, it was wrong. so be it. easy assumption to make given the facts.

IS it the same GM Won on the flyer as listed on YOUR WEBSITE? then of course you can see it is easy for one to assume so. my mistake. Thank you for clarifying that. But its still hypocritical to poke fun at someone when at the same time you quote thier name as your roots.

Also sir, with all due respect, no one is out to OUST you, or prove anything. Nor HAVE I made any acusations. QUIT playing the victim trying to have everyone buy your sob story of how everyone is out to harras you. I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. I used your own posts and websites and came to my own conclusions, much like you tell people to do about TKD history. remember? guess I got it wrong and you cleared it up so LET IT GO.

But a public apology? for my oppinion? based off your posts and websites? NEVER.

with all due respect, you owe me an apology for claiming to everyone how I am a lier. How many times have you posted my name calling me a lier? I was incorrect? maybe, A lier NOT. you continue to Slander my name and make it as if I am out to get you. Again good sir, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU.

but of course you cannot play the victim if you just point out I was incorrect, thats not as entertaining I suppose.

oh and of course, with all due respect.... sir.
Look. If you have problems with someone attacking you, REPORT THE POST. Be a grown damn man and START A THREAD IN THE GREAT DEBATE and invite the accuser there to prove or disprove the claim. You can't expect others to act like grown men if you're whining like a child. Follow the rules or lose this platform. And I don't care who you are, you are not destroying a board for.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


If someone is going to make a public statement attacking credentials in THIS section, then taking it to the GD section is frankly stupid. First off, he hasn't even responded here in this thread. What makes you think he's going to own up down there where no one hardly goes anyway? It ain't bitching and whinning.

If you make a statement attacking another's credentials here in the TKD section then you should be willing and able to back up that statement here in the TKD section. Or do you think it's okay to just make some crap up and post it?
Bob that all sounds real good...but...

If this is going to be a great section to come to, then people need to realize that not everyone is going to subscribe to the same exact thing on every single point. That people are going to post from their experience, inexperience, point-of-view or what they've been taught. People need to realize that this is what contributes to the section. If you don't agree, then simply say, "I don't agree"...and move on. Going back and forth, page after page because people don't like what you've said or aren't reading fully what you said has gotten old. If something isn't about asking for a clarification. And if you still don't what!!! No one is forced to agree with another here. But maybe...just maybe a certain view will make you think about things differently. That's growth!

However, and I'm not going to let this go right now, if someone is going to post something about another member or their instructor or whatever...they need to back it up. One of the biggest problems in this section is that people don't agree with someone else's opinion and then go on the nit-picky warpath with snide remarks. And worse, they make up crap to 'get them'. I'll say it again, if you post something about another member....back it up. If you can't back it up then don't post it. If you posted something 'intentionally falsified' i.e. you lied through your teeth about someone to make them look bad...then guess've just trolled.

I'm all for in-depth, informative discussions. But when it gets to the point that someone is going to claim my instructor got his rank at a weekend'd better be ready to pony up the proof. You want to cut out some cancer...start with people that have 'intentionally falsified' i.e. lied about another members credentials or the credentials of their instructors because they don't agree with them on some topic. Then see if the section returns to friendly.

poor you, always the victim.

with all due respect, I dont agree.
I could not agree more! instead of costant Yo mama or whos your dady or arguing about minute issues of history or small technichle issues I would like to hear more about how we can use TKD to serve the community and in our US culture change and assist the public education system which is truly a mess.

I would like to hear more efforts and docmentation on self healing of both physical and mental issues both congenital and resulting from abuse and specific training method used to increas cognative learner which is a major part of my current thesis efforts to pursue more non profit and non commercial TKD peace corp but to the US our own back yard.

I am guilty to take the bait at times when the glove is thrown down I am considering changing my signatur to Madagasgar ( if you have any POO throw it now) I think the TKD community is fractured and lost with out a rudder and I miss people like Ray Terry who was litterally stalked and run off all public forums by the all consuming ego of he who must not be named?
Well said.


We have in that thread credentials being attacked, 'you don't know what you're talking about' or 'you clearly are inexperienced' or 'your not really TKD...go away you're not allowed to be here'. That isn't constructive. And what I'm finding out is that it is coming from members who haven't really put in any time or effort training or researching into alternative applications. And hey, that's okay. If someone isn't interested in alternative applications then they don't have to put in the time/effort. But they then, shouldn't turn around and negatively comment on those that have put in the time/effort/research/training/teaching.

again the victim. give it up already. move on, and oh,

with all due respect, I disagree.
But seriously, if someone takes it upon themselves to be a "teacher" on a BBS they shouldn't be surprised that people give them a raspberry and the old two-fingered salute, shold they? It can really come off as the height of arrogance, especially when it's coupled with antagonism. Too often that's thinly veiled hubris, not enlightened disinterest. I've learned more here about a variety of topics from people like yourself who don't need to stoop to being beligerent to make their point. You can tell who is worth listening to and who isn't after a few posts.

Hmm, let me reword. Some of my best teachers, in and out of martial arts, have been jerks. Sometimes their method of delivery gets in the way of the lesson (an intentional one or otherwise) they are teaching, but at times the abrasiveness is effective too. In college, I had a few courses where the professor used the Socratic method to help us open our minds to other perspectives, and definitely this could be intense and adversarial at times.

I don't know that anyone here at MT is trying to 'teach' when they post, but I can say I have read information here that I was able to research further and then later use to my own benefit in my real life. And sometimes the information came from a post that was written in a fashion that was less than friendly. I'd like to see the KMA section of MT be a more peaceful area, but I don't think all the conflict is a bad thing either. But then I am not a moderator. :)

In the end, we all need to take a chill pill. Occasional absences from the boards are good when we lose perspective and become incensed at other people over the internet. Might be a good time for some of us to take a voluntary vacation before the mods make it mandatory?
If you make a statement attacking another's credentials here in the TKD section then you should be willing and able to back up that statement here in the TKD section. Or do you think it's okay to just make some crap up and post it?
Not it ok to judge someone's method of promotion in an art, without at least stating your own credentials in the art so that others will know why you came to your conclusion? It is question that will boggle the mind for ages.

If someone is going to make a public statement attacking credentials in THIS section, then taking it to the GD section is frankly stupid. First off, he hasn't even responded here in this thread. What makes you think he's going to own up down there where no one hardly goes anyway? It ain't bitching and whinning.

If you make a statement attacking another's credentials here in the TKD section then you should be willing and able to back up that statement here in the TKD section. Or do you think it's okay to just make some crap up and post it?

again, another post claiming to be the victim. I do pitty you sir. with all due respect, I still disagree.
I Found it hypocritical that you would post a link to a seminar, poking fun at it, when it is the same indiviual who you have a connection to, per YOUR web page and YOUR own post. So for me to say, Did Mst. Dunn study under GM Won? Yes, did he receive rank from GM Won? Yes. Was it TKD rank? Yes. Could it have been possible for him to receive HKD rank GM Won? Yes. and per your reply, it was wrong. so be it. easy assumption to make given the facts.

d1jinx said:
you know the ironic thing, the OP (no names) pokes fun at GM Won for promoting such a seminar, yet per his words in the past, his taekwondo and hapkido "teacher", mike dunn, is allegedly a student of that teacher, GM Won, and supposedly got his hapkido rank from GM Won, through a program such as that.

Your trying to cover your tracks. No one ever, on this board or any other board or on our website claimed, alleged or stated that GM Dunn received HKD rank from GM Won after or through a weekend seminar. Ever. Only you are the one to state/assume/suggest this information. I asked you to back it up. You cannot back it up. Those are the facts of this matter.

dijinx said:
guess I got it wrong and you cleared it up so LET IT GO.

Fine. Have a nice day.
Your trying to cover your tracks. No one ever, on this board or any other board or on our website claimed, alleged or stated that GM Dunn received HKD rank from GM Won after or through a weekend seminar. Ever. Only you are the one to state/assume/suggest this information. I asked you to back it up. You cannot back it up. Those are the facts of this matter.

Fine. Have a nice day.

so "supposedly" was wrong? oh. ok. thought i read that somewhere. must have been another authors interpretation or something. Also my conclusion based on my "research' i performed while doing a quick search here on MT and on yYour website. I guess i would have gotten an "F" on that paper, although the content would have been correct, the conclusion may have been off. Thank you for correcting that for me.

But I am not covering my tracks, nor shall I apologize.

are you going to apologize for calling me a lier now? are you going to apologize for assuming I am out to "get " you?


with all due respect, you too have a nice day.