Sukerkin said:All I can say is prove it! Where are your written records and deeds of ownership? Not got any have you? No flag neither! {sticks out tongue ... in a mature way of course :lol:}. Pics or it didn't happen.
How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and sparkle of the water, how can you buy them ? Chief Seattle, 1854.....maybe
I say "maybe," because Sealth did indeed make a speech when the U.S. government attempted to "buy" a bunch of land. He made his speech in Dwamish, and it was translated by someone present into Chinook, which was them then translated into English. Who knows what he really said? Some would call it a myth, and for some it's fact.
I call it history, though-it's a very....Indian viewpoint-if he didn't say these things, any number of others would have.
Take your written records, flags, and deeds of ownership, and wipe your **** with them, for all they really mean.[sticks out his tongue, in a mature way, of course...]...:lfao: