hi rich,
maybe i shouldnt say that you have to quit a job to become a martial arts teacher. but it is important that training the martial arts takes most of your time when your not at work, just like a college clases would be if you wanted a new degree. like i have two students who travel almost 2 hours one way to train, they come almost every weekend, and when they train, its for about 4 hours each weekend. i use to have 2 student swho lives one hour away, and one own his own company (with 3 kids) the other one is a cop, and they only come down one weekend a month, but its for 6 hours of training a day. and then they see each other a couple times a week.
for a working man, he has to make a serious committment to study his art as much as possible, not just if "my schedule allows it", like a dance class or something. but if he wants to be a teacher, not just a black belter at large, he has to make his martial art a full time job. that is why many good martial arts with a good heart will end up with another "USA karate for kids" school because he did not make his mind up to do serious martial arts and struggle to make it happen. a good friend of mine who is a good kenpo man, was afraid to spend the time to build his school slowly and to be broke for a little while, now he has a school full of small children, and most people get a black belt so fast they still dont know the art good. i dont know, its hard to explain it.
anyway, i think the best place to find sparring partners is going to the karate tournaments. any kind of tournament will give you experience and skill, and then you can meet other philippine martial artists. you will met all kinds of people, some who have no job and they teach in a church or high school, some have a gas station job and a small school, some who just "get together" with a small group (this is how i found a most of my friends in california, we used to get together every wedsday and friday for sparring). and then of course when you meet with people who do philippine martial arts you can ask them, hey do you spar with stick fighting? lets hook up! and then you met their friends, and their classmets, and before you know it you have a lot of people to train with.
whenever i travel i will look in the phone book to find the teachers in my area, in the last 5years its been hard to find people who will spar especially in california, but at least we might show each other some of our favorite techniques. but to meet with other people and cross sticks, its the best thing you can do to "see the world", not just hop from seminar to seminar.
one of my good friends, whose name is guy kinanahan, told me the best place to find people and spar with them is in cacoy canete's seminars because he makes everyone spar, and only people who like to fight will go to his seminars. i hate seminars, but i will go to the next ones i find.
there is a website, and i will find it for you, its called full contact hawaii, they have a sparring partner list. maybe you can find that.
and if you get around a lot, a good way is to stick with tradition. a respectful young teacher, like me >), will introduce yourself to the older teachers in a area when you arrive there. that is to show your respect, and its best to bring a gift or a letter to introduce yourself (before you get there). that will make the person like you, and then you can ask the old man if he has students you can play with (challenge). at least this way there is no bad feelings when you ask someone to spar.
oh, yeah and one more thing. if you are at the expert level, you should never ask a student to spar. you ask the instructor to spar if he is young, or ask him if he has expert level or advance level people you can spar with. if a student visit you, never ask him into the classroom to spar, unless its okay with his instructor and you know it. thats just to show respect to the instructor that you are not going to "ambush" his student. and never invite an old man who can be your father, to spar. that is very disrespectful. and if he invites you, then dont try to beat him. (unless he is really kicking your ***!)