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I'm the version who reps. at 350 lbs. on the bench, and 600 lbs. on the squats, so I might be a little "heftier."

Assuming you are serious, that is quite impressive. However, "overall strength" does not hold up well when it comes to weapons fighting! You may, however, have an edge fighting empty-hands with more incompetent / inexperienced fighters.

This topic is getting way out of hand! I am not siding with moromoro or thekuntawman but I do believe their perspective on some of the training, preservation and promotion of the FMA in the States is on the money. Like everyone else, Filipinos are proud and there is just so much B.S. out there, that it's become outright disrespectful.

I am Filipino-American, let's not make this a Filipino vs. American issue. Let's be open to the criticism (however harsh it can be at times). We don't have to agree but should welcome it.

Yours in the Arts,

Originally posted by John J
. . .
I am Filipino-American, let's not make this a Filipino vs. American issue. Let's be open to the criticism (however harsh it can be at times). We don't have to agree but should welcome it.

Yours in the Arts,



I agree with this. Criticism should be allowed.

Insults should not be.

If Terry was in an American Bar and said half of what he has said
the women would have 'B****' slapped him. Many of the guys would also have taken him out. You do not need to be a trained martial artist to be a good fighter.

So, since criticism is to be open it should be open both ways.

In my opinion, even though I have tried to communicate, and help inform or guide another FMA practitioner, I believe the following.

He that does protest to much has the most to worry.

He that screams the loudest is only screaming to cover his own fear and weakness.

He that speaks without knowledge and only from their own preconceived perceptions deserve the fate the get. Terry, has suggested he might promote others in the land of OZ and also here in the USA and maybe elsewhere. People will not pay money to see anyone associated with his name. He might get people to show up and see if he is really all that he thinks he is.

It is easier to catch a bee with a flower then it is with a rock thrown at it.

Yet, I know I am an American who studies an art not of his heritage. I guess I will just move on since I will never be able to learn any art, sufficiently unless it is truely an American Art. Oh Wait, all that get created are influenced from elsewhere and are attacked for not being pure or original. Maybe I should go buy a gun and each the world how I feel at the end of my barrel? I think not, just not my personality.

I apologize for upsetting peeple, and in my own way I think I have ot insulted but actually given some positive criticism and or feedback.

Have a nice day
Originally posted by PAUL
You two are like the John Kreese and and Mike Barnes from Karate Kid Part III....

Kuntawman : can be John Kreese. Your almost there, now all you have to do is throw in "Here at Cobra Kai Dojo, we have NOOOO MERCY!"

MoroMoro are your ready for your movie debut....?


Just like Mike Barnes from part III. Now all you have to do is yell at people when there down on the mat....."You suck, Daniel! Your Karate Sucks! Your Teacher Sucks! Your Nothin'! Your......"

Now we just need to find someone to play Terry Silver (the pony tailed guy) and our remake of this classic film we be complete.

Hey...Ya-know what would be fun? If you are ever in the states, moromoro, then we can have ourselves a little tournament. I'll be Daniel LaRusso, except I'm the version who reps. at 350 lbs. on the bench, and 600 lbs. on the squats, so I might be a little "heftier." I just need to get permission from Miyagi-Renegade to fight, and we'll be all set.

We'll "play," you'll cry, and then afterwards we can remake another classic film "L.A. Confidential," and I'll be Patchett, and you and Kuntawman can be my whores.

We'll see how bad "american fighters" are then.

Can't wait for you drop by....


Paul (Danial-San) Janulis:lol:

Can I play Terry Silver???? I got a pony tail!!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! I want to be a bad guy too!!!!!!
If Terry was in an American Bar and said half of what he has said

I must have missed all the insults. I have not seen anything directed towards any one member nor did I see any derogatory remarks towards Americans. The posts were aimed at pointing out the poor gimmicks used by the FMA community in the U.S. This community includes Filipinos as well.

IMO...the Moderators of this forum should also be just as quick to mitigate the sarcastic tone plaguing this thread. It is just not productive or beneficial to anyone.
Originally posted by John J
IMO...the Moderators of this forum should also be just as quick to mitigate the sarcastic tone plaguing this thread. It is just not productive or beneficial to anyone.

I concur.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by John J
Assuming you are serious, that is quite impressive. However, "overall strength" does not hold up well when it comes to weapons fighting! You may, however, have an edge fighting empty-hands with more incompetent / inexperienced fighters.

This topic is getting way out of hand! I am not siding with moromoro or thekuntawman but I do believe their perspective on some of the training, preservation and promotion of the FMA in the States is on the money. Like everyone else, Filipinos are proud and there is just so much B.S. out there, that it's become outright disrespectful.

I am Filipino-American, let's not make this a Filipino vs. American issue. Let's be open to the criticism (however harsh it can be at times). We don't have to agree but should welcome it.

Yours in the Arts,


Thanks for the complement; and yes, my little strength "feats" are true.

Also, I definatily agree with you in that strength matters very little when weapons are involved, and strength or size never insures a victory.

I'm just trying to make light of a situation, but the real deal is that I think that moromoro is full of BS. His hasty generalizations about americans and women are ridicules, and downright offensive and racist. His assumption that Filipino Martial Arts in the US and in america are "all turning into Mcdojos" is about as stupid as me saying "all people in Ireland are alcaholics", or "all Germans have Nazi tendencies" or "all asians are good at math" or "all muslims support suicide bombers." DID I MAKE MY POINT MOROMORO! I could think of countless other assumptions that are equally as idiotic, but that's the point! Assumptions like what he makes ARE idiotic, and he needs to quite. I have a hard time believing that he really is that stupid. Since I don't believe that he is, I just wish he would think before he types. It's one thing to critique a method, or to be opinionated. I can respect opinions. He could critique, for instance, instructors who are more interested in money then quality students, for example. But to make assumptions in the manner that he does has got to stop.

I'll also take the bet that he is a lot braver behind the keyboard then in person, and I very much wish that I could be the one to prove it. Since I can't due to location and distance limitations, I'll instead have to endure reading his inexperienced Bulljunk until he gets suspended or banned again.

Kuntawman is another F-in' one. Sometimes what he says has value. Other times he goes on these rants about how FMA is somehow all about tournament fighting. It's about combat, for crying out loud. I can enjoy a healthy competition, but he takes the idea way too damn far. He also likes to produce these overly lengthy posts critiquing all other instructors in the "U.S.," to say that if they don't do tournament fighting, that their skill is somehow invalid. Any reasonable person, martial artist or non-martial artist knows that this isn't necissarily true. And to say that FMA is all about how many people you can beat up is also completely ridicules. Sure, MA all boils down to combat, but it's about improving your abilities as a "warrior" and carrying this into your everyday life, not just about beating people up.

These are just opinions that Kuntawman has that I disagree with, but what took the cake was on the Modern Arnis Forum when the implication was made that a white person would never be a grandmaster to the level of a Filipino. This, I'm afraid, is racist as well. I respect and embrace Filipino culture, but I don't believe that I am limited in my abilities because of the color of my skin. Sorry. Again, I don't want to turn it into an "american vs. Filipino" thing; it isn't about that. I just wish that these two would cut their S**T; it doesn't impress ot help anyone.

So, John, I was only kidding around and making light the situation. I'm sure they will barrade me with posts on how wrong I am now that my true feelings on the matter have been explained. Whatever. I don't care. My time is money, and I can't be spending it on stupid arguements with people who insist on acting stupid. I like criticism that is constructive and useful; that is how we all learn. I believe that you (John) have made some very useful posts here. If we want to talk about how FMA are exploited in the states constructively, I would welcome that conversation. I, however, do not think that moromoro or Kuntawman have been constructive at all regarding this issue or regarding this thread up until this point.

So...when this conversation becomes constructive, I'll be glad to contribute in a bit more of a useful manner. I think that for now, however, I am done with this thread for a while.

Originally posted by KenpoDragon
Can I play Terry Silver???? I got a pony tail!!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! I want to be a bad guy too!!!!!!

Maybe this is inappropriate after my last post, but....AHHHH YEEEAAAAA! We have ourselves a Terry Silver canidate! my desire to live out Karate Kid part III is almost complete!:rofl:
Originally posted by John J
I must have missed all the insults. I have not seen anything directed towards any one member nor did I see any derogatory remarks towards Americans. The posts were aimed at pointing out the poor gimmicks used by the FMA community in the U.S. This community includes Filipinos as well.

IMO...the Moderators of this forum should also be just as quick to mitigate the sarcastic tone plaguing this thread. It is just not productive or beneficial to anyone.


I apologize if you took what I said wrong.

Just browse around or do a search in the FMA and Modern Arnis Forums. I could be wrong, I have been before, yet ???

As to the sarcastic comments, HMMM, it is ok for someone to be critical, yet not for others to give the same type of feedback? Not trying to start anything here, just seriously asking for your tolerance.

I am not siding with moromoro or thekuntawman but I do believe their perspective on some of the training, preservation and promotion of the FMA in the States is on the money. Like everyone else, Filipinos are proud and there is just so much B.S. out there, that it's become outright disrespectful.

it is becomming downright disrespectfull!
quote: I'm the version who reps. at 350 lbs. on the bench, and 600 lbs. on the squats, so I might be a little "heftier."

man this proves how little you know about eskrima, beign stronger and bigger doesnt mean much in "binunalay".

like john said, you may have the advantage against a smaller UNSKILLED fighter in a empty hands match, i hope your comming in to that empty hands fight with more than your empty hands knowledge on the FMA or you will be creamed........

man 350 on the bench aint ****......

thank you

He that speaks without knowledge and only from their own preconceived perceptions deserve the fate the get. Terry, has suggested he might promote others in the land of OZ and also here in the USA and maybe elsewhere. People will not pay money to see anyone associated with his name. He might get people to show up and see if he is really all that he thinks he is.
hi rich
where the **** did you get this from. all that i have been saying is that i do not like the way most people are handling the FMA in the western world in general.....
Also there are some great GM's out there with plenty of history and fights to back it up.... man i have a open door policy on challenges here and in cebu...... navaro system............
so theres no problem about fighting.....

also your right rich you dont have to be trained in the martial arts to be a good fighter... just go to some of the nightclubs in zamboanga city, and also here in sydney, melbourne brisbane the entire east coast of australia, some of the very best fighters are the ones not formally taught in the Martial arts.......

thanks rich

I apologize if you took what I said wrong.

No need to apologize. However, I don't think I misunderstood what you said at all. Your tone clearly conveys your personal thoughts.

Just browse around or do a search in the FMA and Modern Arnis Forums. I could be wrong, I have been before, yet ???

I'm pretty sure I've seen most if not all of moromoro's posts. I do agree that there could have been a better choice of words on some discussions but he does raise some valid points that many fear (because of politics or something else) to do.

As to the sarcastic comments, HMMM, it is ok for someone to be critical, yet not for others to give the same type of feedback? Not trying to start anything here, just seriously asking for your tolerance.

It is pretty clear that his criticism is of personal belief NOT sarcasm. I do believe feedback is very important but not when it's nonsense. There has to be a better way to make light of this discussion instead of auditioning for the roles in the next "karate kid" movie :)
There is a difference in saying the following:

"I think your are wrong" or "I disagree with that"


"Are you ****ing stupid?" or "You are full of ****"

The former are the prefered...the later, depending on the remainder of the post being examined, will get you into trouble here. The key is 'respect'.

I personally take great offence to being labled a "Bastard". My parents were married since before I was conceived and remained that way for several years after my birth. I doubt highly that Terrys got proof otherwise.

We are within out rights to permanently boot his behind off this board due to his 1st and 2nd posts upon his return. We didn't.

Terry, heres a few friendly hints:
1 - Learn some respect on line.
2 - Drop the sexist and racist crap.
3 - Drop the elitist attitude.
4 - Learn some Netiquette. (This goes for a few folks)
Heres a few tips:
- Typing mail messages all in upper case (Typically considered SHOUTING!)

- Resist the temptation to "flame" others on the list. Remember that these discussions are "public" and meant for constructive exchanges. Treat the others on the list as you would want them to treat you.

- Resist the temptation to "flame" others on the list. Remember that these discussions are "public" and meant for constructive exchanges. Treat the others on the list as you would want them to treat you.

Your art aint no better than anyone elses art. Online, we cant prove names, gender, locations, ranks or skills. The likelyhood of someone in Hawaii virtually kicking the *** of someone in Berlin is about the same as the return to power of Alexander the Great.

Terry, and many others got suspended for breaking this forums rules. My suggestion to others is, don't be the next person suspended....

We will boot people for being disrespectful, disruptive, or who otherwise violate our rules. You are welcome to your own opinions on things, however, when expressing them, I recomend some care be taken. Especially if they are of the bigoted, racist, sexist or other like variety.

Good day.
Originally posted by John J

IMO...the Moderators of this forum should also be just as quick to mitigate the sarcastic tone plaguing this thread. It is just not productive or beneficial to anyone.

Sarcastic tone! Where!
moromoro: man 350 on the bench aint ****......

Hey...thats reps. Also...that's pounds, son, not cans of fosters, or whatever they use as a unit of measure in Australia. And I know that when you said ****, you ment for us to fill in the blanks with "....anything I could ever do, damn Paul, U da man!:D

John J: I do believe feedback is very important but not when it's nonsense. There has to be a better way to make light of this discussion instead of auditioning for the roles in the next "karate kid" movie about "The Quest" with Jean Claude Van Damn. There aren't ANY stereotypes in that movie what-so-ever. :rolleyes: :rofl:

John J: I'm pretty sure I've seen most if not all of moromoro's posts. I do agree that there could have been a better choice of words on some discussions but he does raise some valid points that many fear (because of politics or something else) to do.

This is the real reason I posted again, not just to throw around crap. I'm suprised that you honestly believe that moromoro has made some valid points. I don't read MT as religiously as I used too, but all I have seen from him so far when he trys to make an arguement is overgeneralized and insulting statements, not valid points. I remember a few posts that could have resulted in a valid point, but then he overshadows these potentially valid statements with so much other trash talk that it becomes difficult for the reader to gather any validity in what he says. With the manner in which he posts, readers in the MT community can't decifer if his statements are an attempt to valid points, or just an exploitation of an opportunity to take a cheap shot at someone, or to overgeneralize, or to start some arguement.

So when he makes his little statements of "controversey," I don't think that he is being unique, or on some sort of cutting edge. No one is reading him and thinking, "Wow, this guy just tells it like it is, and he isn't afraid of the politics or controversy; he must be real friggin' special!" People who read him just think that he's a dick.

That, in a nutshell I think, is the problem myself and others have with him. What do you think John J? Am I correct or not? If I am mistaken here, please direct me to a thread where he has made a valid point that wasn't overshadowed by an insult, an overgeneralization, or a slam, or an overall arrogent attitude, or something of the kind. I will be happy to look at the thread, admit fault, and give credit where credit is due.

So, John J, tell me what you think. I do value your opinion.

Originally posted by PAUL

So when he makes his little statements of "controversey," I don't think that he is being unique, or on some sort of cutting edge. No one is reading him and thinking, "Wow, this guy just tells it like it is, and he isn't afraid of the politics or controversy; he must be real friggin' special!" People who read him just think that he's a dick.


I concur! :o

I was just thinking that......cept put an a inbetween the be and the real and change Special to another S word :D

In all seriousness though I was just about to ask for a part in the Martial Talk Production of Karate Kid 7 :(
Originally posted by John J
No need to apologize. However, I don't think I misunderstood what you said at all. Your tone clearly conveys your personal thoughts.

And the Tone and Attitude of Terry does not convey his thoughts toward me. Many people have called me and e-mailed me to stop trying to communicate with him. In our first discusson I was nothing to him, not only being from the WEST and being non-filipino, until he found out who I train with on a weekly basis.

Originally posted by John J
I'm pretty sure I've seen most if not all of moromoro's posts. I do agree that there could have been a better choice of words on some discussions but he does raise some valid points that many fear (because of politics or something else) to do.

He does raise some valid posts, yet I do also. Why does he have to be Rude? Why does he have to insult? Why does he have to have the, "I am better because I am Filipino", attitude? I agree that people in the PI do have knowledge to offer. I agree that promoting and advertising the names and systems of these GM's is good. Yet, I think I have been insulted once too many times. If I said all Filipino's are short and their for not able to fight, Because I am 6'3" or 191 cms. This is pure crazy talk. They fact that women cannot fight because they have estrogen. This is insulting to half the population in the world. It might be his opinion, and he is entitled to it. He could have easily said in my travels I have never meet a women that could knock me out in a fight. Yes his word choice does leave one to wonder. Yet, sometimes he uses the English Language just a little well, to say it is all due to the language barrier.

As to Politics, you can have them. Ask you question, and then move on. IF you have a problem and want to get in someone's face take it e-mail or contact them or go see them, not everyone has to go to the PI for a challenge fight.

Just my opinion, I know it wrong, because people tell me it is. Yet I try to express it in a civilized adult manner.

Originally posted by John J
It is pretty clear that his criticism is of personal belief NOT sarcasm. I do believe feedback is very important but not when it's nonsense. There has to be a better way to make light of this discussion instead of auditioning for the roles in the next "karate kid" movie :)

Ok the Movie reference, aside, it would be alright for me to call you stupid or ignorant or to tell you training is worthless, because of xyz reason?? I do nto think so. I could say, I might have a better way to train for you, I know it is better for me.

John J Have a nice day, and thank you for the discussion
Originally posted by moromoro
hi rich
where the **** did you get this from. all that i have been saying is that i do not like the way most people are handling the FMA in the western world in general.....
Also there are some great GM's out there with plenty of history and fights to back it up.... man i have a open door policy on challenges here and in cebu...... navaro system............
so theres no problem about fighting.....

also your right rich you dont have to be trained in the martial arts to be a good fighter... just go to some of the nightclubs in zamboanga city, and also here in sydney, melbourne brisbane the entire east coast of australia, some of the very best fighters are the ones not formally taught in the Martial arts.......

thanks rich



This post is your best post in a long time if not for all time. You did not insult, you did not attack, you asked me a question. A fair Question.

To answer you, I got this from our conversations and your posts, and your attitude in general across all the data points I have. This is my opinion, like I Said. I do not think people will be interested in supporting you or any of your events. They might show up for your first one to see who has made all the talk. I understand you are ready to accept a challenge, and I respect that. I used to accept all comers. I used to get weapons pulled on me when I was unarmed. I used to be out numbered sometimes by 6+ to 1. I got tired of putting people into the hospital. I got tired of the police reports. I got tired of always looking over my shoulder, and taking the long way home to make sure no one followed me. I got tired of being cut and shot at. It all made no sense to me. The money for lawyer, the time in police stations and in court, and away from a job, the stress, it was all not worth it, to me.

Terry, I do not wish you ill. I do wish you would recognize the cultural differences and respect them. I would not go to the PI and expect everyone to act like other Americans.

Ask your questions, just try to think about how you say it is all.

just some MT data

moromoro signed on to MT in March of 03. So it's been at best 11 weeks now and he has made 739 posts in that short period of time AND was susspended for part of that time. It looks like all he really does is sit in front of the computer and type insults. Get a life.
hi your the 1st degree MA practitioner, how about training somemore to get your level up???

just a suggestion
also i have reported your reply because iam sick of the insults by you and others, i yas suspended for insulting a member and i used lighter tone than you i hope the moderators suspend you....

also most of my reply have been with:) smiles in the locker room section about 500 times.......

iam sick of people like you blatanly insulting members of this forum with out something better to say...........


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