You're the 99%? Isn't that precious?
No, it's not precious. It's just the truth. I'm have a net worth of less than the $25 million I need to build my submarine. It'll never happen, unless I win the lottery, which I only play when the prize is that high-I play the lottery for "submarine money." Seriously :lfao:
Bill Gates just went to
U.S. Submarines and bought one for that much a few years back. I don't resent it or begrudge it-I just offer it up as I offered up my own story-as a matter of perspective.
He's in that 1%. We're somewhere near the top of the 99%. The gulf between that and the 1% is vast-far more vast than the gulf between us and the lower 50% of that 99%. Understand? Just perspective.
The top 1% that has been so reviled lately,
pays OVER THIRTY EIGHT PERCENT of ALL Federal income taxes.
That isn't enough?
Well, no, Don-it's not. Bill Gates doesn't think so. Warren Buffet doesn't think so. The tax rates that they pay are the same one I pay at, and they're pretty much as low as they've ever been since WWII. Hell, during the Eisenhower administration-the Republican paradise of the 50's, a time of unprecedented economic growth, and
the greatest growth of the middle class, we'd have been paying more than 90% income tax. While I don't expect or desire a return to that, with a
U.S. national debt of $14 trillion dollars , some sort of increas makes sense. The Bush tax-cuts do not. Not under the current way taxes are structured, anyway. Something like Cain's "9,9,9" plan would be an even bigger
income tax cut, but really boils down to what will essentially be a 20-30% tax rate for everyone
but corporations, who will truly only pay 9%-and it's
they that should be taxed most severely, in my opinion, not the Bill Gateses and Warren Buffets of this world, and certainly not people in my income bracket, or the middle class-it's simply criminal that GE can take jobs overseas and pay no income tax for years, and make a profit-and Boehner and my other fellow Republicans will complain about taxing "job creators." Of course, they'll bring those jobs back once the middle class has been reduced to poverty, and education is only for the elite.
That's why Obama made former GE CEO, Jeff Immelt his "jobs czar." :lfao:
We're all so screwed-most of us don't even know it enough to even bother asking for a reach around. :lfao: