The Evil of Being Wealthy

Wrong there are statistics on everything! the main research comes from Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” but there have been others.

absolutely wrong. there are many many many many many (did I say "many"?) ways to be charitable that cannot be collected, counted, nor accounted for statistically.

You (and nobody else) have any idea who is being charitable, and to whom.
The Jewish idea of the best kind of charity is to give aid etc anonymously so the recipent doens't know where it came from so cannot be made to feel bad about having to take charity. It seems though that perhaps your government is working the other way around, you know who's taken the money but not where it's gone!
"having a kind thought" doesnt count.....

liberals give less to charity, it is a proven fact

absolutely wrong. there are many many many many many (did I say "many"?) ways to be charitable that cannot be collected, counted, nor accounted for statistically.

You (and nobody else) have any idea who is being charitable, and to whom.
if they passed a LAW it must have been a problem. its like warning labels on products, they dint put them there for no reason....
if they passed a LAW it must have been a problem. its like warning labels on products, they dint put them there for no reason....
personally, I think most States have too many laws on the books. I'd like to see some of the dumber ones get repealed. Double this for California.
Reminds me of the biblical parable of the talents. One guy takes the money and works hard at investing it and is praised for what he did with the money and then there is the guy who does nothing with it except bury it in the ground and is taken to task for mismanaging the money, but then people will misquote the bible and say that money is the root of all evil.
Exactly so!

I think there are those in the upper strata of our wealth systems that take Matthew 25:29 a little too literally and as usual out of its context.

Likewise, the Bible is in general wholly disapproving of usury as a means of gathering wealth. And in my eyes our financial systems are utterly founded on a myriad usury variants and that in itself is at the root and core of this whole entire problem in our financial world.
Here in CA a law was passed to keep people from spending welfare benefits at casinos and strip clubs.

I did mean where your government is spending it rather than the people!

The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
Exactly so!

I think there are those in the upper strata of our wealth systems that take Matthew 25:29 a little too literally and as usual out of its context.

Likewise, the Bible is in general wholly disapproving of usury as a means of gathering wealth. And in my eyes our financial systems are utterly founded on a myriad usury variants and that in itself is at the root and core of this whole entire problem in our financial world.

If you cannot lend money at interest, there is no money to be made lending it. Without that, no lending takes place at all. No bonds; they are just reverse loans. No stock market. End result; no Western Civilization.
If you cannot lend money at interest, there is no money to be made lending it. Without that, no lending takes place at all. No bonds; they are just reverse loans. No stock market. End result; no Western Civilization.

You say that like it's a bad thing lol!
Pretty much, yeah. I hate the idea of wiping my butt with leaves.

That's what newspapers are for! 'Western' civilisation isn't the only one that any good you know. I rather think though you mean American civilisation not European, Eastern or Antipodean. I'd go for life in New Zealand or Oz, depends who wins the rugby at the weekend.
It's not the only good one, Tez, but it's mine. While I can appreciate the value of other cultures, there is also value in my own. Besides, I'm kind of fond of it.
It's not the only good one, Tez, but it's mine. While I can appreciate the value of other cultures, there is also value in my own. Besides, I'm kind of fond of it.

The trick is remembering that others feel the same about their cultures and countries. Not aimed at you Steve, I promise!
If you cannot lend money at interest, there is no money to be made lending it. Without that, no lending takes place at all. No bonds; they are just reverse loans. No stock market. End result; no Western Civilization.
Yes, I agree exactly, though I would not say usury itself is the problem, I would say the extent to which -as you have rightly ennumerated- our financial system is based almost wholly on forms of usury is the issue. I think usury itself is a given in our kinds of speculative trading systems I just think that it is a tool which has been horrendously abused and has led us into this singular financial mess that neither we nor any of our forefathers have been in before.
Here in CA a law was passed to keep people from spending welfare benefits at casinos and strip clubs.

That was dumb, how is the state going to get their money if poor people thinking to get rich don't gamble how they going to get off welfare? If you don't let the poor people in the strip clubs and casinos all what you would have is an exclusive... club... ....people!..... Oh I get it now. :D
If the love of money is the root of all evil, how do we explain all the evil acts that are performed for free?

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