The Evil of Being Wealthy

I might have believed in such a utopian ideal when I was eighteen, Maka ... thirty years on then, I'm sorry, you want to play in the house you pay the rent or you're out on your ear.

Now that's an idea I could get behind, deportation and seizure of assets for non-payment of taxes. More than a little rough on private citizens but fabulous for getting corporations to toe the line they otherwise ignore.

Yeah, it's pie in the sky and it's not going to happen for a long time. People have a lot of growing to do...starting with myself. It takes integrity to live without having people in costumes waving guns in everyone's faces. THAT my friend, the whole world is short on as of this moment.

That said, I would be happy with as small of a government as possible and some basic property rights. I don't know how else we are going to throw the thieves and murderers off of the levers of power. I do know that we can't go asking government to solve the problems that it caused. We don't have that much control of the system. That's 90% of what we talk about here in the study.

When I was young and fresh and liberal, I had faith that the government could be turned around and reformed into something beneficial to humanity. Now, I think I see the nature of it.
I'd still like for someone to explain why any conservative would support a new federal tax, or 9-9-9 in general. Anyone?
I'm ok with it, I'm not thrilled by it. It's the whole 'if were gonna tax folks, then everyone should be involved.'. Personally, I'm against taxing income but going to a flat national sales tax as I've detailed before.
I'm ok with it, I'm not thrilled by it. It's the whole 'if were gonna tax folks, then everyone should be involved.'. Personally, I'm against taxing income but going to a flat national sales tax as I've detailed before.

There are models out there that simplify the tax code, make it more 'equal' and fair, lower the burden over all, reduce/eliminate loopholes and such while still creating more revenue...

Man I really need to find that.

(and try to figure out why it's not already implemented...)
I would support repealing the income tax, going back to Constitutional Taxes, and abolishing the Federal Reserve. I'd love to be earning and spending real gold and silver coin and trading in notes that are backed up by something that is 100% exchangeable.

Repeal the income tax. I believe that's the first thing I said. If we're going to be taxed at all on the Federal level, I would prefer those that were originally mentioned in the Constitution. Those methods of robbery are less onerous.

Lastly, a general reform of the monetary system cannot be understated. That alone would limit the growth of the guns and butter state. Also, imagine what our economy would look like if the currency you saved consistently gained in value? Think about how frugal, responsible, and self sufficient people would become because every time you save one of those coins, you know it's going to be able to get you much much more in the future.

Contrast this with fiat money and taxing the unborn. The guns and butter state need a constantly inflating money supply in order to keep growing. This "inflation tax" transfers our wealth to the government and the evil parasites that run it. This is why the End the Fed aspect of the Occupy Wall Street movement is so powerful. This single move would generate more liberty then just about anything we could do politically. All of the other government rollback would naturally follow the death of fiat currency.
9-9-9 makes the most sense

all give equally, corp rates are lowered to a compititive rate, the sales tax is hard but doable.

and 9%, FOR ALL, is fair as fair can get
I might not be riding a precisely matched horse with Maka on all that he feels on this subject but we are on the same page when it comes to overhauling the financial system to something that bears a realistic relationship to the actual value of goods and services in the economy and does not require sequential devaluations of the currency and unsecured inflations of the money supply just to keep things turning.
I might not be riding a precisely matched horse with Maka on all that he feels on this subject but we are on the same page when it comes to overhauling the financial system to something that bears a realistic relationship to the actual value of goods and services in the economy and does not require sequential devaluations of the currency and unsecured inflations of the money supply just to keep things turning.

I think this is something most people would agree upon if the knew about it. It's root striking, actually, to the subject of this thread.

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Doesn't an end to fiat currency also mean an end to Keynsianism? If the government can no longer inflate the currency in order to fund itself, won't this massively contract the size and scope of government?

Thoughtfully yours...

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In part that could be so, aye. However, with a properly balanced economy where money is not some ephemerally gambled pseudo-product, then catastrophic fluctuations should be rare. Plus, a prudent government should have a reserve for contingencies.

As I ever try to get across when these topics arise, there is a world of difference between 'wealth' and 'money'. One is a measure of the actual goods and services in an economy, the other should just be a medium of exchange. When it becomes a product to be played with in fictional currency games then you start to have problems. Tie that into fractional reserve banking and 'investments' that are simply short term, profit siphoning, ventures and you're on a road that leads only to pain. There may be a few parties along the way, before the bar tab becomes due, but the hangovers are far worse than the periods of pleasure.
What are the chances that the money powers actually allow reform?

I say this because Bank of America just shipped a 75 trillion weapon of financial destruction to the US. If the Euro goes down, the American people get held hostage by this bad debt.

The evils of being wealthy indeed...

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