
I say we let the guys who ran the bills up pay for it themselves. Lets see Obama, Pelosi, Reed, etc open their wallets up.
Ok-let's use that $800 billion to pay off some of that debt we've incurred for our grandchildren......

I'm down with that. Except for the fact that most of that debt is caused by stuff the government has no Constitutional right doing in the first place.

But we still have to pay it off.
I say we let the guys who ran the bills up pay for it themselves. Lets see Obama, Pelosi, Reed, etc open their wallets up.

I think you forgot a few names on that list. Let's see, Bush for the wars, tax cuts, Medicare prescription plan, and the bank bailouts, all of which were unfunded. The Republicans who controlled congress for most of the time since Clinton was in office, you know, when we actually had a balanced budget. Yeah, the same Republicans that did things like set aside the paygo rules in congress. For those that don't know, that is a rule that said any legislation brought up in congress would not be voted upon unless it also included the means to pay for said legislation. Which, by the way, have been reinstated since Obama took office.

I get tired of conservatives pointing thier fingers at the Democrats in office, while ignoring the track record of the Republicans who held/hold office. If fiscal responsibility is truly your concern, then it seems there are many Republicans who should be getting a full dose of your disdain and ire. However, for many conservative type people, that really isn't the issue. The issue is there is a Democrat got voted into the office of presidency and Democrats are in charge of the senate. If things like fiscal responsibility were important, Republican leaders' feet would be held to the fire to quit wasting government time (and money) with thier just-say-no non-governing style of governing and actually start submitting some legilation to control the spending they are so dead set against.
I mean, we've got a huge deficit-you do know we're going to have to raise income taxes at some point in our lifetimes, right? :lfao:

Not at all, my good man. The Laffer Curve tells us that as tax rates fall, governmental income increases. Clearly then, all we need to do is drop our tax rates to zero. On that blessed day, governmental income will asymptotically approach infinity! Think of all the government will be able to accomplish!

Simple math based on simple models. ;)
Actually, conservatives are pointing their fingers at the big spenders in both parties. Please see any number of reports and articles from the conservative Cato Institute that are very critical of Bush policies, and particularly the spending in increasing federal powers.

Sadly, the Bush administration has consistently sacrificed sound policy to the god of political expediency. From farm subsidies to Medicare expansion, purchasing reelection votes has consistently trumped principle. In fact, what we have now is a president who spends like Carter and panders like Clinton. Our only hope is that the exploding deficit will finally cause the administration to get serious about controlling spending.

Of course, the Bush administration never did.

Please do not confuse the terms Republican and conservative as they are not often actually synonymous as the Republicans have moved to acceptance of a more liberal serving of big government which requires big spending. Neo-conservatives are called neo-conservatives because they are not actually conservatives.

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