Originally posted by Doc
Actually all of Flashing Wings movements are major, as I understand and use them. This is actually true for most techniques. when information is available.
Mr. Planas taught in his seminar that pretty much any "left-handed/weak side strike" is minor and some strong-side strikes are also minor if they didn't have any power to them. But that these were basically put in to set you up in a good position to "end the fight" with a good right-hand something. I know this looks like it relies on force more so than skill, but I'm sort of investigating this topic for my Black Belt Thesis and Form.
Our disagreement is a semantical one. I don’t call that “over-skill” which is a cute phrase created to excuse a great deal of ineffective “busy work.”
I'm not sure I know what you call "over-skill"
Well that’s a good analogy, but if you can’t draw it doesn’t matter which crayon you use, it’s still bad..”
I was rather proud of that one. But I used Crayons because I think of Kenpo more as coloring. You have some weapons that fit some targets and you put them where they go. Just like you color in a coloring book and use the proper colors where they go. That is what I meant. I expect that if I understand you correctly so far, you will next tell me that I don't know how to color. That's OK. I'm trying to learn. I know it is possible that you are just working from a "different page" than I am and I'm not trying to discount that at all. I'm just trying to relate my experience and figure out what you mean.
I can PM you because I'm not sure I understand the semantical difference. It still doesn't seem like we are only differing on vocabulary.
Only if you can sink the balls. Theoretically if you are able to sink the last ball, you should have been able to sink the first one and therefore not get to the last ball to win the game.”
Here is where I think I'm getting lost. If you watch a Billiards Championship on ESPN for example, I don't think (I watched several 9 Ball Championship games once, but have not watched one lately) that you will see everyone of these guys win on the break or run the table from the break. Sometimes you just can't do it no matter how good you are.
Even if they do, 9 Ball may be a good example, because sometimes you have to do some work to get to the 9 Ball. It may not be available off the bat so you have to "do some busy work" until you get to it and sink it.
In a technique situation this may mean that you want to drop the guy to your right, left or straight back or down depending on where you might want him to land. I'm thinking that in a Multiple Attacker situation you may want to drop him between you and your attacker if you can. I'm speculating of course because I've only experienced this a few times in sparring, never "for real."
Well that’s the commercial version where you overwhelm your opponent with rapid fire strikes favoring soft tissue and joints. Kinda like that “crazy” kid in the 6th grade when he went off and the teacher had to drag him off another kid. He wasn’t skilled, just overwhelming in his approach. Body fat and weight should not matter, besides from your commercial perspective why wouldn’t you just stick your finger in his eye if he’s “300 pounds and 2% body fat?”
I meant that when Mr. Speakman hit me, I reacted like he wanted/expected and there was nothing I could do about it. That is all I meant by that. I was talking about "Motion Kenpo" being able to illicit a precise/particular reaction.
And maybe I can't reach the big guys eyes, or I don't want to blind him. I mentioned body fat and weight because I'm suspicious that some of my stuff just flat out will not work on a 300lb guy who is all muscle. I don't think I have 1 technique that will take out a Pro Football running back. I will be bouncing off his muscle tissue and he won't feel any of my strikes. I mention this because this is one scenario where hyperextending the arm may not work. A chopping punch to the kidney or an elbow to the ribs may not work. I don't think for example that I could hit 22yr old Mike Tyson properly to drop him. Even if he were not defending.
No it fails less than those who donÂ’t study properly. Motion Kenpo is effective and devastatingly so as much as any SL-4 interpretation, but it depends on whose teaching and doing. Most teachers arenÂ’t very good, but that is a design flaw. SL-4 does allows a greater modulation of injury however, and gives more options than most and builds internal energy which is philosophically different.
Again at Mr. Planas' seminar I saw a few black belts who I didn't think could move, who didn't scare me, and whom I thought I could wipe out with little effort. I see someone like this at every seminar. I agree that there must be some guys out there teaching who are not teaching very good stuff. One of the guys at the seminar scared me. Something came up about "teaching hours" and he said that he had too many to count and I thought "how much damage has this guy done to the system/how many people has he taught to move like him?"
I see that you are onto something here that I am just not getting. But I like the philosophy of SL-4. It is similar to my Thesis topic/theme.
You know. I'm going to want to see this stuff work like you say it works.

Is LAX the right place to fly into? Are picking me up, or do I need a car? What is the cheapest clean hotel near your studio? I can't move out there yet, but I think I can manage a trip sometime.
Basics seemed to be ignored by many in favor of learning “techniques” they can’t make work...You tell a guy 20 ways to do something and he hasn't learned one yet that will work for him....
I asked Mr. Planas something like this. I told him that just the day before the seminar I could have been in a 2 on 1 fight. So I thought about "OK, guy 1 is backed up to a wall, guy 2 is on my right. Do I KNOW a technique that will drop Guy 1 quickly, for SURE so I can position for Guy 2?"
I know a lot of techniques that will cripple someone, but I don't know if I know of any particular strikes that will drop someone without killing them or blinding them or maiming them. I think this is Bad. I think you agree and I want to see what you have worked out for this. My Thesis will move me in this direction, but I don't have many of these now.
You and Mr. Dillman seem to say "I know for Sure that I can drop a guy with 1-2 moves and he won't be crippled for life." This intrigues me because all I know for sure is that I can unload on someone and Maybe stun him and then Maybe reassess and go back to him and break stuff and maim him, but that is only if I have time and proper awareness. If I do 5 Swords on someone and delete the eye poke and go light on the back of the neck and he still comes at me, then next time I am going to break something(s) and this doesn't make any sense. There seems to be no middle. If he is about my size and strength I might be able to use a joint manipulation to drop and restrain him, but if he is bigger and stronger OR if his buddy is nearby, I may not be able to take that time.
OK. This is just about EVERYTHING I know about Kenpo. If I didn't make it clear, I know a lot of techniques where the guy drops or is crippled, or both at the end, but I do not know many blows or strikes that will produce "X" incapacitating effect and I think this is bad.
I mean I know that an uppercut to the solar plexis will likely bend the guy over, and take his breath and stop him, but other than that I can't think of anything I know which will stop someone without breaking something. Except of course that generically, if I hit a little guy, I may stun him.
Sifu Swan used to say that Martial Arts were developed to give the little guy an advantage over a bigger guy. But again, I don't think there is anything I can do to get Mr. LaBounty off of me if he came at me. I know stuff I'd try, but short of breaking or hyperextending (more likely) his knee, going for a broken rib or a soft/weak spot on the face (which is probably very well guarded) I don't think I have anything that is sure to work and with his skill level I don't think I have anything I could pull off.
My Thesis will also deal somewhat with making your stuff work on a larger opponent. After this project I'm going to look more closely into SL4 and whatnot.
I think I may have babbled too much like a moron so PM me if you have want me to keep going. I will be glad to see Doc Post or PM me either one.
Doc it looks like Southwest can get me out there and back in June for $169. I had not done the math but since your expertise is in line with my Thesis project (or vice-versa) it would be worth it for me to get out there and see what you have. I'll let you know when my form/techniques are done so I will have something to ask you about when I get there.
It looks like a flight may take me through Phoenix so maybe I can bribe Mr. C. meet me at the airport for a lesson while I'm between flights?
This has been a most valuable thread for me. Thanks to all. I was hoping to reply "quickly" while I'm at work and then look at the thread again later tonight, but it turns out that I was more thorough than I expected. I hope I read Doc's post closely enough.