The BJJ attitude

Shogun I'm in the same boat you're in of not like the bjj attitude toward the other grappling arts but may be checking out some bjj schools were I live because that's about the only grappling style around were I live
Funny thing. BJJ teachers are NOT dime a dozen. there isnt much out there. but they always seem to be in the right place. I'll tell ya what I think of the class.
tmanifold said:
It isn't alive training.
Hmmm. I trained heavily in BJJ in So Cal under some of the original guys in the US, before the whole thing blew up all over the map...and pretty much all we did was "alive" training. Has it dumbed down that much in that last several years?

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Hmmm. I trained heavily in BJJ in So Cal under some of the original guys in the US, before the whole thing blew up all over the map...and pretty much all we did was "alive" training. Has it dumbed down that much in that last several years?

I meant it isn't the alive training the is the reason for the "attitude". Alive training has been around for decades (centuries really) and like I said Judo players tend to be very humble as a group.

tmanifold said:
I meant it isn't the alive training the is the reason for the "attitude". Alive training has been around for decades (centuries really) and like I said Judo players tend to be very humble as a group.

This is true. The most hospitable environs I've found in my travels have been among fellow judoka, transcending langauage and culture.
I went to the BJJ class:

First, we started the class with stand-up. The instructor is also a 4th Dan in TKD. we hit bags and each other for 1 hour, then pulled the mats out. we started BJJ, doing some technique and then sparring. all the guys theredominated as far as positioning goes by most of the blue belts, but they couldnt quite tap me. I overpowered them with my style of Jujutsu (japanese) and found myself simply standing up, and tossing them around. One guy got me good with a choke from the north-south, causing me to tap. another guy was like 6'2", 240 lbs, and I wiped the floor with him. the instructor, and the assistant instructors were very technical, but they werent used to my style. I stayed after class with one of my friends, who is a Blue belt/3 stripes. we sparred a little bit, and tied each other with 3 submissions each. mine were very unorthodox. I pinned his arms in a crucifix (wrestling) and used my foot to push his thighs in different directions, until he tapped.

I might go back, but I'd have to make time, and I find my style more effective for actual combat.

Enson said:
i think alot of this attitude is from "newbies" in their style. mostly anyone that practices a style for a time will develope respect for all other styles.
I agree with this to every point. Everyone who actually knows about their style will see the similarities and understand certain aspects of other styles from what their own lacks.

no style has everything, but they all have something. It all depends on what you want. any knowlegable Martial artist would know this.
I re-read my post and it kinda sounded like all the guys sucked. this was not the case. there level of expertise in their art was high. higher than most BJJ academies in the state. The Instructor is a student of Marcelo Alonso, Mamazinho, Rodrigo lopez, and Rickson Gracie. all top level instructors. I went to the academy to try my own style against BJJ, to see where I was in the grappling game. My style is so different than theirs, that when they were grappling me, it probably seemed to them that I was highly inexperienced, but then I'd turn something around on them.
I spun out of a heel hook and did a figure 4 toehold. He spun, but I spun with him, and he tapped. he has a bad ankle though, so...... I also front choked someone, almost got am armbar, and a choke from Taijutsu (itami jime?) I did get up from a dominant position. One guy there was about 125-130 lbs. I turned from his mount and gave him my back, he tried to choke me but I guarded my neck and stood up, then tried to shake him off. it was like an ant nest. lol.
Well Kyle, you appear to be lying through your teeth. First of all, no BJJ school does heel hooks on begginers. That would be just plain irresponsible.

Secondly you don't count "almost" submissions. You only count the ones that get a tap.

I wrote to tap or snap, and recieved this response:

Thanks for your question. Kyle did come to class last Tuesday to try it. My impression of Kyle is that he is a bragger. He sent me an e-mail letting me know that he was planning to attend my class. His e-mail was basically a list of all the styles of martial arts that he has done (most of them I have never heard of).

How did he do in class while sparring? I didn’t see him spar anyone but myself. I got a good feel for how good Kyle is (we sparred for 3 minutes). I was going about 10% while sparring and never felt threaten and was always in a superior position. Had I gone up to 20% I could have taped him out at will. I know how good my students are and I find it very hard to believe he could beat any of them. If he did it was only because the other student was going slow and taking it easy on him.

RE: “another guy was like 6'2", 240 lbs, and I wiped the floor with him”

- I think that was just a wild dream


First of all, no BJJ school does heel hooks on begginers.

And you have been to them all I take it? Thats a lot of travel in 6 months. Lay off the grand proclamations, they don't come off well. I know that I could and would heel hook a beginner, because I know I wouldn't hurt them. People with a real level of experience can try all sorts of stuff because they have the time in to know when someone is going to get hurt.
hedgehogey said:
Well Kyle, you appear to be lying through your teeth. First of all, no BJJ school does heel hooks on begginers. That would be just plain irresponsible.

Secondly you don't count "almost" submissions. You only count the ones that get a tap.

I wrote to tap or snap, and recieved this response:

While i was gonna post a reflexive "Who made you the sherriff of FantasyTown?", i can't do it...because you're probably right. I had a brief look at the "LWO" link in Shogun's sig....and the contents are amusing, to say the least. :rolleyes:

Check out the active roster at the LWO website, specifically, "The Shogun".
as for heel hooks, I stayed after class with a guy named Derek (check the site for info) The big guy? Im small(5'9", 160 lbs) so I am not sure how to judge big guys. he is on the site too. He pretty much let me get the dominant position. He is big though....
10% while sparring and never felt threaten and was always in a superior position. Had I gone up to 20% I could have taped him out at will.
WE WERE ALL GOING SLOW! thats the idea! Im sure he could have tapped me. (hes the instructor)

His e-mail was basically a list of all the styles of martial arts that he has done (most of them I have never heard of).
I wanted him to know I wasnt TOO wet behind the ears. and this is exactly the attitude I am talking about. Who the Hell hasnt heard of the Bujinkan? or Cabales Serrada escrima? or Aikido? seriously.....

And bragger? I post all the time how much better everyone else is. as for him? I talked to him for like, 30 seconds.
I had a brief look at the "LWO" link in Shogun's sig....and the contents are amusing, to say the least.

Check out the active roster at the LWO website, specifically, "The Shogun".
Its backyard wrestling. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Its like pro wrestling (all fake and stuff)

And you have been to them all I take it? Thats a lot of travel in 6 months. Lay off the grand proclamations, they don't come off well. I know that I could and would heel hook a beginner, because I know I wouldn't hurt them. People with a real level of experience can try all sorts of stuff because they have the time in to know when someone is going to get hurt.
Good point, tmanifold.
Shogun said:
And bragger? I post all the time how much better everyone else is. as for him? I talked to him for like, 30 seconds.
Oh yeah?

I overpowered them with my style of Jujutsu (japanese) and found myself simply standing up, and tossing them around. One guy got me good with a choke from the north-south, causing me to tap. another guy was like 6'2", 240 lbs, and I wiped the floor with him. the instructor, and the assistant instructors were very technical, but they werent used to my style. I stayed after class with one of my friends, who is a Blue belt/3 stripes. we sparred a little bit, and tied each other with 3 submissions each. mine were very unorthodox. I pinned his arms in a crucifix (wrestling) and used my foot to push his thighs in different directions, until he tapped.
Let me repeat:
another guy was like 6'2", 240 lbs, and I wiped the floor with him.
You are claiming to have "overpowered" the students with your style of jujutsu. You are claiming to have "wiped the floor" with another student, much larger than you. And you claim you tied with a blue belt.

I've emailed two of the guys from tap or snap who disagree. I think you should apologize to them.
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