I believe in the Bible and I know that Jesus is alive and helping me every day.

I need the help.
Everybody will find out the truth in the end, which really is just a short while away for all of us. I hope and pray, that you guys that are opposed to Jesus, will just give your troubles to Jesus, ask Him to help you, believe that He died for you guys. If I am wrong, than I am wrong, but I am sticking to it until I croak.
If you believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, then you have to believe in the Devil and Demons. It's like a package deal. You know, the Devil that is always trying to
keep you from thinking that there is an almighty God that really likes us enough to send someone like Jesus to save us.
Lots of people throughout history make fun of Jesus, more than anyone makes fun of other religious figures. Likewise, lots of people throughout history have hurt or kill others "in Jesus's name" and accuse others "In Jesus' name". This is wrong and twisted, and it turns people away from Jesus.
But the bottom line is that the Bible does not condone any of that messed-up stuff. If you want to read the Bible and see what it is really about, you can start in the old testament and read a chapter each night and pray about it a little. Just check it out for yourself. Remember that the original Bible was written in Aramaic, so pick a translation that is reasonable, for me I do not like King James. Living Bible or something like that works a lot better for me.
Remember it's like translating Chinese to English and the better the translation, the more sense it is going to make to you; I do not know anyone that likes to talk in "thees and thous". God Knows you because He made you. Just ask him to show you the way and listen to Him through the Bible and prayer. What do you get, if you ask Jesus into your life, believe that Jesus was killed for your sins and that he rose from the dead and lives today?? Peace, eternal life, that huge crushing weight pulled right off your back, for starters.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
Tang Soo