Thanks for all of the comments on fasting guys.

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The real problem with UK childhood (and adult actually) obesity isn't sugar, or ready meals (which are getting hammered too with reduced portion sizes and stuff) but levels of activity and over reliance on said products.

Interesting you disagree with the health professionals as well as the dental profession here.

The kids complained, the parents complained - the parents even went to the lengths of passing McDonald's meals over the school fence to their kids because "they can't be expected to make it through the day eating that green rubbish".

So, said chef visited a few parents - showed them how to cook at home instead of relying on microwave meals and takeaways.

The parents complained about the cost (even when it was within a couple of percent of their existing budget) while stood in front of their 50" TV holding an iPhone whose monthly contract cost could feed a family of 3 for a week...

Not surprising considering what schools they chose, it's like a lot of television, choose the lowest group of people you can and make out like it represents the general population. I don't watch that rubbish.

(what they grew up with, based on the same issues),

Not so true these days, more people than ever are struggling with costs, people who grew up in reasonably affluent homes are now struggling. Families struggle to eat healthily amid rising food bills and shrinking budgets
This thread has been circling the bowl for awhile. None of this has anything to do with MA, and the OP seems to have left the building.

Oh dear how sad never mind.

So nutrition has nothing to do with martial arts? Odd thought.
Interesting you disagree with the health professionals as well as the dental profession here.

If you can find one single report that clearly states the level of activity of "the average" child is sufficient, I'll reconsider my opinion.

The amount of physical activity in schools (especially primary schools) is shockingly low, something like 30 minutes per week is the mandated minimum, and that's what a lot provide.

That, coupled with parents who allow hours upon hours of screen time (TV, tablet, phone, computer) and won't let kids out (dirty clothes, strangers, tiny modern gardens) and is it really a surprise that kids are fatter now than ever?

Or is it sugar?

If they say it's sugar, I ask them to explain why I'm not fat, and nor are the majority of kids from the 80s and before.
No but I met a bear in California, there were loads of them and I sign saying don't feed the bears,

At the moment, you have people who live in cities that can't catch a bus to get food and people who live in the country surrounded by food that for reasons not adequately explained can't find any and this is apparently a wide spread problem that causes them to have to eat processed food
Ah, so you do understand. It is, in fact, widespread, though not ubiquitous. But, no, it doesn't cause them to eat processed food. It just limits their alternatives.
Skilled ? Find some Nettles and pick them shoulDnt d take to big a chunk out of their day
I'm not at all sure what a nettle looks like. I'm also not sure if there's a version that's not edible. I know a few things that are edible in the wild, which are available during some parts of the year. Pretty sure I'd starve trying to make my way in the wild if I didn't have the ability to hunt (tools to hunt with and the physical ability to pursue game), unless I could dedicate a lot of time to it - you know, if I didn't have a job and stuff.
I'm not at all sure what a nettle looks like. I'm also not sure if there's a version that's not edible.


Did you not get stung by nettles when you were a kid?

While most nettle varieties are variably poisonous (hence the sting) I don't know of any that are inedible - the european nettle was introduced to the americas for food stock (because there's apparently nothing else to eat there ;)).

There are a few other plants that bear a passing resemblance that won't do you much good if eaten (but not exactly fatal)..
If you can find one single report that clearly states the level of activity of "the average" child is sufficient, I'll reconsider my opinion.

The amount of physical activity in schools (especially primary schools) is shockingly low, something like 30 minutes per week is the mandated minimum, and that's what a lot provide.

That, coupled with parents who allow hours upon hours of screen time (TV, tablet, phone, computer) and won't let kids out (dirty clothes, strangers, tiny modern gardens) and is it really a surprise that kids are fatter now than ever?

Or is it sugar?

If they say it's sugar, I ask them to explain why I'm not fat, and nor are the majority of kids from the 80s and before.


You've been reading the Daily Mail again to come up with that many clichés in one post.

Did you not get stung by nettles when you were a kid?

While most nettle varieties are variably poisonous (hence the sting) I don't know of any that are inedible - the european nettle was introduced to the americas for food stock (because there's apparently nothing else to eat there ;)).

There are a few other plants that bear a passing resemblance that won't do you much good if eaten (but not exactly fatal)..
The "variably poisonous" (I assume that means indigestion) and "won't do you much good if eaten" means they're not really food - which was my point to Jobo.

I used to know what stinging nettles looked like, but they never really bothered me. I can still identify poison ivy and oak (and maybe sumac), because those things do more than bother me.
The "variably poisonous" (I assume that means indigestion) and "won't do you much good if eaten" means they're not really food - which was my point to Jobo.

I used to know what stinging nettles looked like, but they never really bothered me. I can still identify poison ivy and oak (and maybe sumac), because those things do more than bother me.

There's a possibility of slight indigestion if consumed raw, but the poisonous part I was referring to is stuff like histamine in the 'hairs' which causes the sting - cooking removes and/or neutralises it though.
I know a few things that are edible in the wild, which are available during some parts of the year. Pretty sure I'd starve trying to make my way in the wild if I didn't have the ability to hunt (tools to hunt with and the physical ability to pursue game), unless I could dedicate a lot of time to it - you know, if I didn't have a job and stuff

Having done it to varying degrees in the past I know I could survive quite well in the wild and come the zombie apocalypse I think I'd do quite well (as long as I can keep finding people to befriend and subsequently outrun) - and that's without hunting. Let me make a snare or something and I'd be well away.

Doing similar to help feed a family around working a job though? Just impractical whatever way you look at it.
Pfft, I stopped 'reading' it then because it had got far too inclusive and liberal for my tastes...

I think you need to look up what 'liberal' means,
liberal | Definition of liberal in English by Oxford Dictionaries

For everyone else, the Daily Mail is the paper that supported Hitler and carries on now with blaming immigrants, single mothers, 'foreigners', etc etc for just about everything going on, it also lies like a cheap Hong Kong watch.

There have always been obese children, always.
Most children aren't obese, don't spend hours on electronic gadgets and do actually do a lot of physical activities hence all the sports clubs we have here. yes there are obese children and adults, it's a growing problem but it's not a new problem.
It's very common for certain people to sit tutting at the younger generation as they look back over past years in their rose tinted glasses.
Sugar and children's oral health
On a tangent, but I love the opportunity to share both this image, and this article, so taking the tangent.


The 2,500-Year-Old History of Adults Blaming the Younger Generation
I'm not at all sure what a nettle looks like. I'm also not sure if there's a version that's not edible. I know a few things that are edible in the wild, which are available during some parts of the year. Pretty sure I'd starve trying to make my way in the wild if I didn't have the ability to hunt (tools to hunt with and the physical ability to pursue game), unless I could dedicate a lot of time to it - you know, if I didn't have a job and stuff.
Nettles are your friend, there so nutritious you can more or less live off just them, that why they are stingy, to stop the animal from eating them to extiction.
I think you need to look up what 'liberal' means,
liberal | Definition of liberal in English by Oxford Dictionaries

For everyone else, the Daily Mail is the paper that supported Hitler and carries on now with blaming immigrants, single mothers, 'foreigners', etc etc for just about everything going on, it also lies like a cheap Hong Kong watch.

There have always been obese children, always.
Most children aren't obese, don't spend hours on electronic gadgets and do actually do a lot of physical activities hence all the sports clubs we have here. yes there are obese children and adults, it's a growing problem but it's not a new problem.
It's very common for certain people to sit tutting at the younger generation as they look back over past years in their rose tinted glasses.
Sugar and children's oral health
Well you said one true thing in that diatribe, obesity is definitely a " GrOwing g problem" they keep GroWing wider :)
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