Vegan musclebuilding? Is it possible?

As Steve posted, there are some documented risks associated with excessive Soy ingestion, as Soy is a phytoestrogen. Beyond that, Soy is in the top 8 food allergens, so, for many people, it may be a good idea to limit the amount of soy in your diet.

Noted; most of the soy protein I consume comes from Tempeh, a fermented soy product, where the quantities of phytoestrogen are reduced. I spend a lot of time balancing soy protein out with proteins from other sources such as nuts and pulses. I only use isolate powder when I feel like I want a post training boost.
Just my $.02 (or whatever he value is in today's economy) ...

I'm a second hand vegetarian... my dinner eats my veggies for me...
Certainly nothing wrong with this. In many ways, a non-standard diet, regardless of what it is, requires some thought. It's much easier, cheaper and more convenient to eat garbage. My personal opinion is that unhealthy food cooked from identifiable, raw ingredients is going to be healthier for me than any processed food. So, if health is the primary concern, simply cooking at home will likely be a significant improvement, regardless of the diet involved.

From there, it's a matter of balancing health with one's personal beliefs to decide what to eat. Most diets (diet being what one eats, as opposed to a weight loss diet) can be healthy provided there is some thought to incorporating variety and balancing nutritional needs.
Just my $.02 (or whatever he value is in today's economy) ...

I'm a second hand vegetarian... my dinner eats my veggies for me...

View attachment 17772

I adapt Nigella's recipes, she's got a good feel for spices and her ingredients are mostly vegan friendly apart from the meat, stock and dairy.

I'm not sure that that other woman there is qualified to do what she does. And she pokes around in people's poo. That's not normal, is it?

Vegan doesn't have to mean radical extremist militant kale-nazi, or smug, self satisfied prig.

In my experience, those who want to know more will ask sincerely, and people are more open to trying something new if you're not trying to ram it down their throats. That's where the first person in the photographs fails, and it doesn't help anyone, carnivore, omnivore or herbivore.
I just want to publicly thank you all for taking what was turning into a garbage thread, and making it useful and meaningful, no matter what the OP said.
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Just my $.02 (or whatever he value is in today's economy) ...

I'm a second hand vegetarian... my dinner eats my veggies for me...

Oh look a 72 year old vegetarian


and a 59 year old Vegetarian


and a 54 year old vegetarian


And here is a list of a lot more

and another list to go with it

whoopee doopie, big deal, who cares, so what
To be honest, the vegetarian/vegans that I see that have the "nasty" complexions and body compositions, tend to be that way, NOT because they are vegetarians. They tend to be that way because of either A). hygiene issues B). still consume a diet of predominantly processed food, albeit vegetarian/vegan C). females with no "beauty products" D). combination thereof.

Look at many celebrities, with no make up and they look much like the scary vegan poo poo checker above.. .


Annalynne McCord: favorite foods: Breakfast Burritos and In and Out Burgers


Dianne Keaton: Bulemic


Pamela Anderson: Vegetarian, with Hepatitis C, plus other less than healthy life style choices.
One of the joys of going to vegan restaurants is trying to see if you can tell who is vegan, veggie or carny visitor from the way they look and act.

Carol G, carnivore

Climbs more mountains than any of you :p

View attachment 17773

Come now, Carol. Surely you were being hyperbolous, and didn't mean "any" of us? :lfao:....busy as he is, this opportunistic omnivore (more on that later) probably climbs more real mountains in a month than you have al winter....just sayin'...what you'd call a mountain climb, I call my morning run....:lfao:
I think it's only fair to respond to this thread and give a proper good-bye rather than disappearing without comment or explanation; I've gotten some good information and had some nice interactions with others on this board (clearly, in other threads than this one).

You are correct: the silly noob is departing, and since I'm so new here, I don't have any delusions about it making any difference either way. But one doesn't like to see themselves ridiculed in absentia. So to sum up briefly: I had had a very tired day when I posted the original question, and if you'll take the time to go back and look at perhaps the first three posts, you'll see that I was incredibly reasonable (and reasonably articulate), and that others took immediate offense at my "tone" and became a bit persnickity. I put up with a lot of egos in my day job, and the realization that what was getting everyone's goat was my (perceived) unwillingness to recognize people's expertise made me persnickity back.

In the end, it doesn't much matter: there was indeed an excellent discussion here about vegan stuff, and people's continued mockery of my idiocy three pages after I clammed up and went away reminded me that I don't like posting on message boards. There's too large a standard deviation in intelligence, reactivity, macho posturing, etc. I absolutely admit that I started getting inappropriately snarky myself, but I honestly stopped caring about being reasonable after the first few posters mocked me and just sort of gave into a hedonistic sort of a-holiness, knowing that I wasn't really meant to be here.

So, in conclusion: goodbye, and thanks for all the fish. Please don't think I'm unable to take a few nasty comments and am leaving in a sulk; I used to be very active on message boards and left for a good reason. They bring out the worst in some people, myself included at times. I'm much more personable in person. =)

Tang Soo!

Thanks for your post. There certainly is blame to be shared--people are too often too eager to get a pile-on going rather than letting a perceived swipe pass in the name of discussion. Good luck.
The irony is palpable. It looked for a moment as though he would accept some responsibility, but in the end, after congratulating himself for being intelligent, articulate and imminently reasonable, he ends by taking his ball and going home in a huff.

I wish you well. I genuinely believe that if you were less egotistical, less insecure and a little bit friendlier, you could be an excellent contributor to the site. But none of that is possible if you refuse to accept responsibility for your own words, and apologize without any inkling of true contrition.

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and we wonder why self proclaimed vegans get a bad rap.....

however, the more I read, the less I care:
grains are Teh Evil....legumes inflamatory, meat loaded with hormones and antibiotics, you get e coli from spinach, sugar: bad
alcohol: bad, coffee, tea: BAD dairy, bad, of course....potatoes/bananas bad....

yeah, that really does not leave a whole lot to eat.

I am outy, need to find something eat now, I am starving!
and we wonder why self proclaimed vegans get a bad rap.....

however, the more I read, the less I care:
grains are Teh Evil....legumes inflamatory, meat loaded with hormones and antibiotics, you get e coli from spinach, sugar: bad
alcohol: bad, coffee, tea: BAD dairy, bad, of course....potatoes/bananas bad....

yeah, that really does not leave a whole lot to eat.

I am outy, need to find something eat now, I am starving!

Pork is slow roasting in the oven in wine with fresh herbs, aromatics & peppers, which will be used later to make a wine sauce for pasta while consuming (un)healthy quantities of fruit juice infused rum drinks... CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Pork is slow roasting in the oven in wine with fresh herbs, aromatics & peppers, which will be used later to make a wine sauce for pasta while consuming (un)healthy quantities of fruit juice infused rum drinks... CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you got room for one more!
Just want to add, I've been making protein smoothies and green shakes in my VitaMix for about the last 6 months. It's pretty cool to be able to make a vegan friendly shake that has fruit, vegetables, lots of protein and vitamins and tastes pretty awesome, too. I routinely "hide" lots of veggies that I wouldn't normally enjoy eating, like beets and broccoli, along with a rotating group of greens. I have discovered that I really like baby kale, but my favorite are red chard and beet greens.

Lots of energy, makes me feel good, and I can empty out the fridge of fruits and veggies that are close to over-ripe. Those mottled, brown bananas are PERFECT for a shake.

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