You know, people have different body types, and you can knock off the insulting tone towards the overweight. You make it seem like the overweight are completely slothful gluttons. And that isn't the case. If it were, obesity rates would not be rising in both of our countries. My body was built to survive in times when people had to do hard, physical work, and maybe survive a famine or two. Others are built to chase, or run after fast moving animals. So congrats on your genetics, but if an actual famine comes, I might survive an extra month or two after you wither away to nothing.
A lot of things go into why obesity rates are on the rise. Part of it is a sedentary lifestyle, which goes beyond individual choices. Like infrastructure that forces people to drive or take mass transit to work rather than encourage walking or cycling or some other active form of transportation. And jobs that are mostly sedentary.
And the second part is, constant access to cheap, processed, high calorie food.
So what do we do? Graft some exercise onto an otherwise sedentary life, and cut back on the processed high calorie junk food.