Texas y Arizona ya se tienen el "Supermercado de Wal-Mart"

Well they are catering to one off the biggest population that has been overlooked for years. They are just one of many that are heading in that direction.
Well they are catering to one off the biggest population that has been overlooked for years. They are just one of many that are heading in that direction.

They have been for years. All the Wal-Marts around here have announcements in Spanish. The ones in Santa Fe and Espanola usually are full of Mexican nationals, and the grocery section in the Super Wal-Mart in Espanola has numerous Mexican food items, like nopales ( yum )and tripas ( :barf: ) My biggest gripe about going to Mexico for vacation is the invasion of the big box store: I understand that I'm not going to get to go someplace without running into other Americans, but I think finding Cabo unblighted by Wal-Mart isn't too much to ask.....
Okay, I tried to find a safe, respectful, non-offensive way to state my feelings on this but ... just couldn't do it.

So ... I'm going to refrain. :)
I'm honestly not sure why anyone would be offended by a company catering to its clientele? There are hundreds of places near my Manhattan office that seem to be designed to cater to overweight white guys, and no one complains about that ;)
Oh no! People in the United States speak Spanish and companies want their business! What can be done about this monumental injustice and outrage?!?
I'll bet the cafeteria is awesome.
It's another step in uniting the people of the world, and molding them into one, big, homogeneous culture, flecked with the echoes of dead cultures through food styles and ad music influences.
Never mind I am just going to stay out of this one and not shop wallmart any more...
If the Spanish name of the store offends, then don't go to: Los Angeles, San Francisco.....hell don't go to California, Nevada, Arizona and especially keep out of New MEXICO. Heaven forbid you enter a place with a spnish name or Hispanic influence.
To me there appears to be a prejudice out there against serving the Latino community in Spanish (which I'm presuming Wal-Mart is doing with the Spanish title of their stores). I've met several people that become very cold if we are talking and I reveal in conversation that I speak Spanish on the job. :idunno:
To me there appears to be a prejudice out there against serving the Latino community in Spanish (which I'm presuming Wal-Mart is doing with the Spanish title of their stores).

No kidding. We aren't even talking governmental proceedings. This is the free market at work people! This is the system you would defend to your dying breath! It is working exactly like it is supposed to.

It's simple prejudice at work, despite what flowery arguments might be used to try to hide that fact.
Folks we got about what? 8 million French Canadians up here, go to Quebec, it's all in French, Northern Ontario, English and French, New Brunswick, English and French. You do what the market dictates you to do.

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