Kane said:
You know it is really simple solution for the husband if he doesn't want to pay for his wife. Terry's family has explained that they will take care of the expenses so why doesn't the husband just get a divorce instead of kill her? He can't afford the treatment, give me a break. He has alternatives.
Some states have laws that allow one to divorce their spouse, but if the spouse is unable to take care of themselves, and would become a ward of the state, that the healthy spouse still is finanicially responsible, and the divorce only allows for the person to remarry, not give up their obligations to the previous spouse/person who is unable to take care of themsleves.
As to comments about taking everyone out, that is really out there. For you see, then the big guy with the biggest weapon would win, and our civilization has moved forward from that some. (* Even though some could argue the guy with the biggest bank account gets what they want *).
I respect that you believe life is sacred. Please respect that others have a different belief or value system then yours. This world is made up individuals, and while I agree that we have some things in common with each to state that we all agree would not be true. In the USA, where the rights and priviledges and responsibilities of a citizen are admired and desired by many, it should be allowed for them to make their own decisions about life and death.
As to Tgace's comment about suicide, I would have to say I agree with the assisted suicide for medical reasons. As to just pulling the trigger yourself, becuase you had a bad day well, that I do not agree with.
Let me ask some questions.
If the parents have the right to keep her alive, do they have the right to ask for he death?
If the parents have the right to keep her alive, do they have the right to determine she is a bad parent and take her children away?
Or force their daughter not to have an abortion? (* Not to make this an abortion issue, but an issue of where do you draw the line of someone else having control over your body *)
If the parents now have the right to take custody of their child, what rights do any of the spouses have or are allowed?
If the parents now have the right to take custody of grandchildren, then what right does a biological father have?
Could a biological father, demand that all grandparents step up and help their daughters take care of children and gradchildren, when the father wants to leave the scene.
Now I know to some this might seem absurd and out there, and it is, but if the spouse has no legal rights, and is unable to do anything but be financially responsible then there is no need for marriage at all other than if you are religous. One might ask what about children, there a re laws in place to get the father to pay child support today. (* Not a discussion about the effectiveness of said laws only that they exist. *) You do not need marriage to file taxes or set someone up as your benefactor for wills or insurance.
Yes, if you take an arguement to the absurd you make a point, but is it a valid point for what will happen?
Not sure.